God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1296: This person is a bit familiar

Elizabeth reminded, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a wave of energy behind him!

The strange black and white ripples swayed, coming from the deep and dark underground corridor.

In the light, a calm figure walked slowly.

There was a light of horror in Jiang Chen's eyes, and he tried hard to see the person's face clearly.

He is so familiar with this energy!

"Such a strong chaotic power!"

"Who are you!"

Elizabeth stood behind Jiang Chen, with a playful expression on her face.

The man slowly walked out of the corridor, and the power of chaos could not restrain his rushing out of the tunnel.

Amidst the light, the gold wire glasses crossed the sharp light.

Under the glasses, the singular left eye exudes vast chaotic power.

Jiang Chen actually felt his muscles tremble.

"how is this possible!"

The visitor said.

"Jiang Chen, it's been a long time."

At that moment, the voice full of majesty caused Jiang Chen's spirit to collapse instantly! !

Puff! !

Jiang Chen's knees hit the ground uncontrollably.

In the red eyes, tears were scattered.

The person standing opposite him is the leader of the pioneers, Jiang Yuan who has disappeared for nearly ten years!


"You finally, ten years!"

"Do you know what I have done? From hero to wanted criminal, from pioneer young master to national enemy!"

Jiang Chen's language system seemed to be uncontrollable.

These words almost blurted out.

Jiang Yuan's figure walked slowly.

Jiang Chen stretched out his arms, this posture seemed to give a hug.

It's like a child lying in a swaddle, slowly lifting up his soft waist, waiting for his father to pick him up after get off work, looking forward to his father's snacks and toys.

Jiang Yuan slowly stagnated, a light flashed in his eyes!


The black and white spiral suddenly burst out of his eyes!

The light intertwined, and a trace of panic flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Crystal tears fluttered from the eyelids instantly.

In the next moment, whether you are looking directly at the left eye or the right eye, then you consider more drill-like sharpness and point to Jiang Chen's left eye! !


The explosion skyrocketed!


In the ruins of the Twelve Star Palace, a light burst into the sky!

The dust flew, and instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

Everyone lowered their bodies in anticipation of reducing the shock wave caused by the big explosion.

However, the expected shock wave did not appear, not even a trace of heat from the explosion.

The dust dispersed.

The ground seemed to evaporate out of thin air, and a huge void seemed to go straight to hell!

Elizabeth and Jiang Yuan stood side by side on the edge of the void.

The two of them looked very cold and looked deep into the hole.

Everyone on the battlefield was stunned.

"Mythical leader, who is the person next to her!"

"That person... Why is he a little familiar?"

Everyone in Chang'an was also stunned.

Isn't this person familiar!

This is Jiang Chen's father Jiang Yuan!

Everyone was at a loss as to their faces.

Li Xiaofu spoke slowly.

"My uncle is still alive?"

"It's not right, why is he standing with the mythical leader!"

Tang Shishi immediately shook his head.

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Wang Sicong lowered his chin.

"Brothers, this is not Brother Chen's father at all."

"Based on the Wang Family's knowledge of Master Jiang Yuan, he is definitely not the kind of person who can be sent by others!"

Wang Sicong awakened everyone with a single sentence.

Everyone in Chang'an suddenly realized!

Even Li Xiaofu reacted and cursed directly.

"My CAO is his **** scheming watch!"

"How dare she!"

The veins on Li Xiaofu's forehead violently.

The power of the yellow sand in the body also surged with emotions.

"Copy Chen's father Jiang Yuan!"

Shangguan kitten said worriedly.

"Whether he is a clone or not, the key is Brother Chen! Why don't you see Brother Chen!"

Everyone immediately exploded, with cold sweat.

If the copy of Jiang Yuan also has a series of properties of the ontology, then Jiang Chen would be more ill-fortuned!

Jiang Yuan, ten years ago, was not against the powerful existence of the world.

The pioneer organization under his command was covered in thorns and thorns, walking among the world's major relics, looking for clues to the revival of spiritual energy and the extinction of the beasts.

Chuanmu Group painstakingly planned for years of encirclement and suppression, and finally had to use the trick of deception and brainwashing tactics, and the pioneer organization disappeared from the scolding of the world.

If Jiang Yuan’s copy is revived with Jiang Yuan’s ability, it is not only a disaster for Jiang Chen, but also a catastrophe for the entire Blue Star!

The phoenix wings behind Tang Shishi suddenly shocked.

"Brothers! Clash with me!"

The phrase "follow me" contains endless meaning.

Clash with me to avenge Jiang Chen.

Clash with me and kill the clone.

Clash with me and save the world.

Tang Shishi's eyes are firm, and it can even bring spiritual firmness to others.

With the glacier breaking through the water, everyone in Chang'an fiercely tore a huge hole in the array of Nordic soldiers.

The blood screamed, no need to say more.

Surrounded by beasts, everyone in Changan just needs to stride forward!

At this moment, Elizabeth and the two standing by the cave suddenly became nervous.

There was a hysterical roar from the deep hole!


The tyrannical Dragon Power broke out and raged, and the wind swept!

Let the light form a whirlpool and burst out of the hole!

A magnificent beam of light formed between heaven and earth.

Elizabeth was stunned.

"This! What power is this!"

Jiang Yuan was very calm.

"Master, the power of chaos!"

At this moment, the scope of the beam of light suddenly increased, and the two flew back.

The sand and dust in the ruins split up, the molecules mixed and disappeared into the invisible.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

This energy burst is almost equivalent to a nuclear weapon explosion!

The beam of light attracted everyone's attention, but when everyone was suspicious, the beam of light suddenly shrank and disappeared!

The huge beams suddenly gathered in mid-air, disconnected from the ground, and went straight into the air.


An energy wave swept the sky instantly.

The huge halo slowly unfolded, black and white.

The power of chaos formed a sacred halo like an angel descending.

Just under the halo, Jiang Chen's figure slowly emerged.

The whole body is pitch black, covered with a thick mist of devilish air.

The leg armor and shoulder armor are hideous and cool, like a dragon warrior reappearing in the world!

Jiang Chen's dragon claw covered his left eye, blood gurgling out.

Jiang Yuan's sudden attack actually injured Jiang Chen's left eye!

But Jiang Chen's right eye was shining with a shocking colorful light.

An erratic light is forming, connecting with Jiang Yuan's left eye.

Like a colorful thunder from the sky, it wriggled and twisted.

Jiang Yuan quickly covered his left eye.


He yelled.

"Head hurts!"

Elizabeth approached the water platform and instantly understood the meaning of Colorful Thunder.

Jiang Chen is using mental power to awaken the memory of Jiang Yuan's copy!

She can't let Jiang Yuan's memory activate!

Taking out a button in her hand, Elizabeth pressed it solemnly as if she had made up her mind.

Can only hear.


It seems that someone is doing a craniotomy.

A blood hole was suddenly opened on top of Jiang Yuan's head, who was extremely painful.

A weird metal horn slowly drilled out!

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