God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1292: shocking

Aries blood poisoning recurred, and he was born and died!

The wind in the space gradually weakened.

Ye Lanyi's body was liberated.

She finally stood still, her body trembling a little.

I don't know if he was shocked by the sight in front of him, or was exhausted by the wind pressure.

She walked to the Aries corpse strenuously, looking at the dead person with a complex expression.

"Although you are a victim of war, it is a heinous sin to plot a conspiracy to harm humanity."

"I hope there is really **** in the world, and I can give you a chance to reflect."

Ye Lan took up the folding fan left by Aries with great effort.

This fan is half a person tall, and the pure white hollowed out animal tooth skeleton can vaguely feel the dragon atmosphere contained in the fan bone.

There is an inscription on the fan.


Ye Lan said softly.

Turned over, a scene of flourishing age is portrayed on the fan.

There are pavilions, pavilions, and piers.

The hawker, the boatman, the wandering lady, the gifted poet.

Both the characters and the background are vividly portrayed.

It's just that the sky is densely covered with dark clouds, and there is a blue scale swimming dragon hidden in the lightning.

It seems that the whole picture suddenly loses the prosperous and calm scene, and it means that there is a crisis.

Ye Lanyi packed the folding fan and rubbed his small arms and legs that were almost destroyed by the wind.

"Little fairy fox! Let's go!"

Knowing all the truth, Ye Lanyi was going to find Jiang Chen quickly.

Maybe, the war between humans and clones will turn around!

Time does not wait, Ye Lan is about to leave the palace of Aries, relying on the power of the blue wind.

Suddenly, the entire palace violently shakes.

Various instruments in the hatchery collapsed one after another.

Before he could exert any force, Ye Lanyi only felt that his feet were empty, and his whole body was held tightly by gravity and fell instantly.

at the same time.

The reporters on the ground were all stunned.

They reluctantly took the picture with the camera while backing away.

In the midair, the only remaining twelve star palaces have fallen down!

The horrible scene was like a natural disaster.

The location of the Twelve Star Palace happened to be facing the light of Jiang Chen and Charles' paintings.

The ruins smashed down, and people in the distance could vaguely see huge rubble and magnificent palaces.

Just when the ruins were about to fall to the battle ring between Jiang Chen and Charles.

In the sky, a domineering strange bird with flames all over flew diagonally down!


The glazed divine phoenix let out a sharp phoenix cry.

Tang Shishi stood on the back of Divine Phoenix, swooping down in the air.

That speed is extremely fast, far surpassing the most advanced fighter jets in the world.

I saw Tang Shishi holding a spear in her hand, and her body was dressed in bright red neon clothes.

The high temperature swept across instantly.

Where the flame spear pointed directly, the ruins suddenly burst into flames.

The huge and magnificent palace instantly turned into a piece of rubble!

Such tyrannical destructive power was immediately recorded by Nordic reporters.

Wow! !

Tang Shishi's heroic appearance, the glazed divine phoenix dexterously shuttled through the palace, and easily blasted several palace ruins that were almost on Jiang Chen's head.

Li Xiaofu followed Tang Shishi and escaped at the moment the Twelve Star Palace collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the two sisters of Cat Fanxing and Wang Sicong fell together.

Rumble! !

A huge brick building collapsed and shattered around the people in Chang'an.

For a time, billowing dust enveloped everyone's battlefield.

The reporters were all isolated by the smoke, unable to know what happened.

Among the thousands of reporters, there are also one or two who are not afraid of death.

I saw a reporter suppressing the fear in his heart, taking a deep breath, and rushing into the smoke.

With luck and fluke, this reporter finally broke through the encirclement of billowing dust.

In an instant, the willows were bright.

However, the first picture captured by the camera completely fainted the reporter!

I saw the white light slowly weakened and dispersed.

But the endless dragon will continue to come.

The camera seemed to pick up the sound of chewing.

As time progresses, the journalist's progress seems to have become a behavioral response driven by instinct.

His eyes were loose and his brain was blank.

Creak! Creak!

This horrible sound was like someone chewing on a burlap pocket, and it sounded chills behind the back.

When the reporter went further, he saw Chang'an people waiting around.

In the sound of chewing, everyone looked solemn.

Suddenly, there was a splash of water at the reporter's feet.

A warm and humid touch clings to the foot.

The reporter lowered his head slowly while holding the camera.

I saw a splash of blood pouring away, like a vermilion scroll with ink splashing.

This bloodstain was emitted from the white light and splashed on the reporter's feet several tens of meters apart.

"Ah! Write! What happened in there!!"

The reporter couldn't hold it anymore.

No matter how bold he is, there is only fear left in front of the dripping blood!

Facing the unknown, people are afraid. Yes

Everyone in Chang'an is no exception.

Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong tried their best to protect the two girls.

The four pairs of eyes stared at the white light closely, eager to see through.

As the white light dimmed and weakened, everyone in Changan finally learned what had happened to Jiang Chen and Charles.

The first thing that caught your eye was a tall black figure under the white light.

call! !

As the mysterious figure breathed, he let out a hot nose.

A billowing white mist gushed from the mouth and nose.

The white light source is coming from the top of this mysterious figure.

A huge plane circle extends, spreading from the silhouette of the person.

The white light is like ripples, black and white alternately, the distance is getting wider and wider.

The endless elemental power is released from the center of the circle, like the holy light bathing in the mysterious figure.

Within the scope of the circle, the powers of different types of elements are chaotically mixed.

But this kind of chaos did not produce a trace of turbulence, but it was uniform and very regular.

The way in which this elemental power is arranged in a law is the embryonic form of the power of chaos.

The identity of the mysterious shadow has been revealed!

The golden dragon eyes exude endless power.

The dragon's claws crazily grab the muscles and bones and discard them.

The blood spattered, like pouring.

The pieces of tendon meat were discarded at will, and they were spilled everywhere.

This is the origin of the blood spatter the reporter saw.

Everyone in Chang'an also looked dull.

Jiang Chen's whole body turned into a dragon, and the two black gold horns were extremely sharp, pointing straight to the sky.

The body was covered with mecha-like strange scales, and there was a hint of handsome in the hideousness.

The muscles under the scutes squirmed, Jiang Chen tore the flesh and blood of the huge corpse like a beast.

When he was tired of the horrible wounds under his feet, he soared out of thin air. He didn't need wings and was not driven by wind elements. His actions completely transcended the laws of physics on the Blue Star.

Jiang Chen in midair seemed to have found a proud target.


He landed from the sky and hit the broken skull of the monster dragon.

A savage smog, the pink brain slowly wriggled.

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