God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1278: Smart Demon Dragon

As Jiang Chen said, the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine burst out suddenly.


Thousands of immortal vines instantly entangled the dragon jaws of the Yalong mad devil.


The dragon man roared wildly, and vigorously broke free from Jiang Chen's restraint.

And Jiang Chen was ready early.

"Burning blood!!"

"Chaos Xuanming erupts!"

"Titan Curse Seal!"


Behind Jiang Chen, the strong chaotic energy suddenly aroused.

With a loud roar, the ghost of the Hades appeared behind Jiang Chen.

The four arms are like a King Kong, and the curse of Titan flashes among the muscle lines.

Terrifying energy burst out from Pluto's arm instantly.

The tyrannical Hades phantom squeezed the dragonman's arm tightly.

The power of chaos formed a vortex, flowing rapidly on the outside of the skin of the Yalong mad demon.

On the surface of Yalong Kuangmo's skin, traces of golden blood were scattered.

That is the blood of the ancient dragon!

With the loss of the dragon blood, the body of the Yalong Kuangmo quickly dried up.

The tall and mighty body actually slowly collapsed.

The hard carapace on the surface of the skin was slowly absorbed and transformed into human skin.

The dragon's horns also gradually retracted, sinking into the new silver hair.

The terrifying dragon head slowly deformed, and the bones made a harsh rubbing sound.

When all this was over, a middle-aged man with a slight vicissitudes of life stood in front of Jiang Chen with horror, helpless.

Elizabeth also looked silly.

The Purple Emperor Immortal Vine in Jiang Chen's hands immediately released its vitality.

The damage caused by dragon blood in the middle-aged man healed instantly.

The man raised his hands in disbelief and carefully observed his body.

"Changed back?"

"I still have a chance to become human!"

The expression on his face is complicated, I don't know whether it is surprise or joy.

Elizabeth covered her chest, swung her tail, resisted her weakness and stood up.


The expression on her face was surprised and happy, like a little girl full of excitement.

"Father, I can finally see you again, father!"

At this time, Jiang Chen's eyebrows dripped with sweat.

That is the heat caused by the crazy burning of blood in his body.

Although Zidi Immortal Vine continued to heal Jiang Chen's body, the pain of burning blood still made Jiang Chen unbearable.

"You two will get close again for a while and get rid of the dragon blood poison in Elizabeth's body. You quickly return the Eye of Chaos to me!"

Elizabeth flirted with her tail, and immediately fell to her knees with anxiety.

The huge scar on his chest was exposed, looking hideous and pitiful.

"Thank you! Jiang Chen!"

"If it weren't for you, our father and daughter would never have a chance to reunite again in this life!"

At this time, the cardinal archbishop who fainted aside woke up leisurely.

Suddenly, he discovered that the dignified mythical leader actually kneeled to Jiang Chen on the spot.

The royal father and daughter did not care about the life and death of the archbishop.

Prince Charles looked very complicated.

"Oh! If it weren't for my ambitions to swell too fast, how could it have stirred up the entire Nordic League like this!"

"This is my fault. Later I will find a way to broadcast live and apologize to the people of northern Europe!"

"It's just the kindness to Mr. Jiang Chen, we two have nothing to pay for!"

Seeing that the father and daughter had regrets, Jiang Chen no longer said anything.

"Forget it, although you guys want to be against me, but haven't you done anything to me!"

"What happened to your Nordic affairs? I don't want to care about it, Jiang Chen."

"I'm not a hero. I wanted to understand when I left Yanhuang."

"In this world, some people deserve to be helped, and some people really deserve to die. I can't say more, but Princess Elizabeth, please return my father's relics soon!"

The voice just fell.


There was a sudden violent shock under everyone's feet!

The extremely strong vibration caused the ground to collapse.

A huge sharp dragon horn unexpectedly pierced out of the houses on both sides of the corridor!

Jiang Chen grabbed the three people, and his legs and feet suddenly became dragons.

The power of the Titans burst out all over.

Step on your feet and fly back.


The place where Jiang Chen was originally collapsed suddenly.

The crack chased him quickly, and Jiang Chen backed away again and again.

Before Jiang Chen could see the situation clearly, a figure flew out of the huge hole collapsed by the shock.

Jiang Chen glanced intently, and he turned out to be the Scorpion King who had repeatedly entangled everyone.

But this time, King Scorpion didn't come because of chasing Jiang Chen.

It was wounded! !

What shocked Jiang Chen even more was that the one who flew up to the top of the building with the Scorpion King was actually the Chang'an Royal Beast, silly!

The giant bear's body like a hill crashed into the wall.

Jiang Chen looked down along the hole.

I saw a huge bone snake swimming slowly.

The golden light in the snake's eyes is like a sharp blade, piercing into the heart immediately makes the heart beat.

Jiang Chen immediately recognized the big snake and snorted suddenly.

"Heh! The Emperor of Darkness."

"Prince Charles, the curse you left behind has come to seek revenge!"

Prince Charles, who was caught between Jiang Chen's waist, was shocked.

"This! Unexpectedly, he actually reached a state of complete cold-blooded fusion!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen felt very speechless.

"I said, you are quite envious, are you?"

"You use dragon blood to temper your body without authorization, and the end result will definitely become nondescript, eventually demonized, and become the enemy of mankind!!"

Elizabeth asked immediately.

"But Mr. Jiang Chen, why are you both Longhua, but you can control it freely?"

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"The dragon blood I use is the essence of the Yanhuang Shenlong. It is gentle and does not hurt the body!"

As they spoke, the serpentine snakes under everyone's feet once again gathered their strength, and they were about to attack Chang'an and the other people in the Twelve Star Palace.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear it and jumped down.


"Do you still think things are not messy enough! The Emperor of Darkness!!"

Jiang Chen had seen Charles cloned into a dragon for a long time.

Only Charles's dragonization is the appearance of the whole person becoming a giant snake, which is very easy to recognize.

Jiang Chen kindly rescued this guy last time.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

When he saw the huge bone snake in front of him, a set of data appeared before him!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Lingtong Monster Dragon

【Monster Level】: Level 81 (Emperor Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Mutant Dragon/Fighting

[Monster State]: Bloodthirsty

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: Body with mixed dragon blood, containing a small amount of candle Yin blood.

It is a powerful mutant life created by a mixture of human cells and dragon cells. It is intelligent and can control low-level dragons.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Dragon

[Evolution route]: There are 2 evolution routes...

If there is data, it means that the bone snake in front of you is a beast!

When Charles became mad, Jiang Chen didn't see the data at all.

In other words, the Emperor of Darkness is not here at all!

"No, it's a blind trick!"

"Charles! Where are you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure slowly walked out of the hole carrying the wounded body of King Scorpion.

It is the crown prince clone, the dark emperor of Northern Europe!

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