God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1274: Send to death!

The two Aleng and Jiang Chen looked at each other, waiting for Jiang Chen's order.

In the melody of Ode to Joy, Jiang Chen waved his left hand.

A six-pointed star array representing the devil condenses.


A ray of light slowly shot out from the six-pointed star array, but it made people unable to avoid it.

The light pointed directly at the Virgo Saint Warrior hiding behind the painting.

The fat body suddenly couldn't move.

Only a panic shout came from over there.

"Me! What's wrong with me!"

Everyone in Northern Europe was panicked.

No one noticed, A Leng was holding a rag doll in his arms.

From the back, this doll is delicate and cute.

When Aleng turned it over, the hideous expression on the doll's face was instantly exposed!

This is exactly the skill of the devil A Leng, the devil doll!

I saw the demon Aleng play the doll's forehead mischievously.


Behind the Holy Light barrier, a group of terrifying evil spirits burst out!

No one knows how this attack occurred out of thin air.

But the body of the Virgo Saint Warrior was turned into a blood gourd by this explosion!


A scream came from the wretched fat man.

Hug Tao Nu suddenly bent over to hug her head and squatted in pain.

Happy together, but Jiang Chen can't watch it.

I saw the demon Aleng drew out the bone sword and shook it slightly.


The bone sword instantly turned into a long whip!


"Ahahaha!" A Leng let out a hideous and mischievous laugh.

The black bone whip in his hand swung wildly.

The sky whip shadow caused a strong wave of evil spirits.

swing! !

The power of the devil blasted the light barrier heavily!

The Holy Light barrier shook violently.


The sound of energy collapse is deafening.

The waves of air were rolling, and the Holy Light barrier finally couldn't support it.


With a loud noise, the holy light barrier instantly shattered into countless diamond-shaped pieces like glass.

Everyone in Chang'an showed a smirk on their faces.

"Hehe! Chuanmu, who has done a lot of evil, can't escape today!"

Seeing everyone in Chang'an came forward, the archbishop was so frightened that he kept pushing his two fat legs back all the time, babbling incoherently!

Jiang Chen slashed.

"Heh! It's because of you Chuanmu Group doing evil behind your back that the Yanhuang motherland has a prejudice against me!"

"Killing you today is a revenge!"

The archbishop trembled again and again, and even his own beast had forgotten to use it.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to know the information about your father's relics!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his heart suddenly stagnated, and he asked.

"Just now the mythical leader said that she was going to conduct a fusion experiment, and you said that she used Monopoly to swallow the Eye of Chaos, but is it true?"

The archbishop bowed down on the ground again and again.

"It's a fact! An absolute fact!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!!"

"I have a fifteen-bedroom mother left by my father, and more than 30 children running around on the floor!!"

"There are 25 insiders who can't take care of them every night!"

"Master Jiang Chen, don't kill me, otherwise, who will take care of this hundred people!"

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, grabbed the fat bishop's collar, and lifted him up.

"Don't kill you now! Follow me!"

"We went to the scheming leader who took my father's belongings!"

The archbishop was dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen dare to call the leader of the North European Union the scheming leader, and he is still in the 12th house of stars in Northern Europe!

Regardless of what the archbishop's mood was, Jiang Chen grabbed him and chased him towards the place where the mythical leader had fled.

The archbishop struggled frantically, and once caught on the thigh of the fainted Virgo Saint warrior, he couldn't die.

"No! Don't take me away! Help me, he will definitely kill me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a momentum really rose to the sky.

"Archbishop! We're here to save you!!"

Jiang Chen turned around and saw that he was the other Saint Warrior in the inheritance of the twelve constellations.

Everyone in Jiang Chen was not surprised when the enemy's reinforcements appeared.

Li Xiaofu laughed.

"Haha! Great!"

"Since you are all here! It saves us looking everywhere!!"

The corner of Wang Sicong's mouth twitched.

The heart said fat man, did you forget how you were scared back by the bug?

In fact, when it comes to the character of bravery in a fight, Li Xiaofu from Changan should be the leader.

But if he left the fight, Li Xiaofu might have to jump up to see the bug.

At this time, King Scorpion also pulled out the leg thorn on his shoulder.

In order for the Virgo to scoop out a jar of holy water in the painting, the wound on the king of the world healed immediately.

The fat Virgo Holy Warrior also recovered quickly.

And what surprised Jiang Chen most was that even the Pisces and Aquarius inheritances that were killed by Wang Sicong had already re-summoned an imperial beast to make up for it.

Jiang Chen couldn't help thinking.

"The strongest place in the Twelve Star Palace is probably this kind of ability that can quickly inherit the Royal Beast again!"

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart the speed of recovery of the Zodiac, and his expression towards me was on his face.

Coupled with the inferior appearance of the Changan people at this time, Jiang Chen's expression became particularly abrupt.

Judging from the scene, the Saint Warriors of the Twelve Star Palace have indeed surrounded the people of Chang'an!

Seeing that Jiang Chen's complexion was wrong, the Twelve Star Palace thought Jiang Chen was scared, and his heart began to relax and feel complacent.

The Scorpion King spoke.

"Huh! Jiang Chen! I doubt if you have an IQ problem!"

"Obviously you had escaped by chance when you were in the arena, but now you have gone to the Zodiac Palace to die!"

The other holy fighters answered.

"Yeah! Haha! Don't care if he is stupid, let's get rid of him as soon as possible!"

The archbishop was still caught by Jiang Chen's neck at this time, and he was frightened.

"You save me first, come and save me! Come and save me!"

The arrogant head of Scorpion King slowly lowered.

"Save you first? No way!"

"Our Zodiac has rules. As long as we are captured, we are dead!"

The archbishop was dumbfounded.

The meaning of Scorpio is to kill Jiang Chen as the first goal regardless of his life or death.

Everything is dead, the archbishop immediately said to Jiang Chen.

"Go! Jiang Chen, go, you can't beat the Saint Warriors of the Twelve Star Palace!"

It was the first time Jiang Chen heard such nonsensical words.

"Hehe, you guys who don't even know the name of your monster beast, don't point to the battlefield!"

Tang Shishi gently inserted her waist and walked to Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Chenchen, or pay attention to that scheming leader first."

The archbishop was sticking to the wall next to him. Hearing the conversation between the couple, he immediately agreed with Tang poetry.

"Yes! This young lady is too right!"

"Jiang Chen, you have to hurry up to chase the mythical lord, otherwise the Chaos Eye you are thinking of will be consumed by her!"

Jiang Chen looked around for a week and said to Tang Shishi.

"Alright, I'll go after that guy with this rubbish!"

The archbishop knew that the trash must be referring to himself.

However, he also immediately reflected other meanings in Jiang Chen's words.

"What! Master Xiao Jiang! All of you may not be able to escape if you add it together. Do you want to rush out with me?"

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