God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1268: Weird jar

Phoenix actually called the person on the other end of the phone as the lord.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his mentality exploded slightly.

Chuanmu and the new leader are broken for four times.

That Northern Europe is almost completely controlled by Chuanmu!

Jiang Chen's known Northern European forces, now only the royal family is independent of Chuanmu!

The Nordic Union and the Zodiac are now known to have been attributed to or cooperated with Chuanmu.

Needless to say, the Nordic Union and the Zodiac are the only people who are kept in the dark in Northern Europe.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of Vinci.

Vinci is a typical grassroots representative of the people, and has not joined any party power.

But Vinci has lost the beast and soul.

Jiang Chen left him at the unknown mechanical medical station, leaving some money as medical expenses.

The more Jiang Chen thought about it, the more angry he was, gritted his teeth.

"I want to see what ideas these scumbags of Chuanmu have made!"

Everyone patiently followed Phoenix all the way from the corridor to the elevator, and then from the elevator to the tram.

Amid the roar of the orbit, Phoenix led Changan people to a dark and empty air-raid shelter.

In the huge dome, there are countless computers and accessories.

This is a huge group of computers.

Cables are scattered on the ground, interconnected, forming a huge spider-like network.

Phoenix walked back and forth in the computer cable, seemingly looking for something.

In a short while, he found the leader of the Nordic League.

"Oh! Eoria, you are here too!"

Phoenix stepped forward and greeted Eoria enthusiastically.

Beside Eoria, there is a petite girl standing.

She wore a white dress and piled up folds, and the small high heels were half off and half worn, exposing the translucent skin on her feet.

The girl's dress looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old high school student, approaching graduation, full of innocence and vigor.

But on the woman's face, she was wearing a scary ghost mask! !

The mask was painted with a bright red tongue, instantly destroying the face of the lovely woman into a stern female ghost, looking very hideous.

Aiolia hugged her shoulders.

"You are so fast, have you made things in a while?"

Phoenix chuckled.

"Lord Leo, it seems that you don't know much about this technology!"

"With the current technology, it is very easy to spend a huge amount of money to make a prosthetic body, but the difficulty is to connect the gene conversion medium with the prosthetic body."

"Simply speaking, it's easy to create people, and it's very difficult to create a supernatural person like me!"

Everyone in Jiang Chen heard this in Xiao Kun Kun's small world, and their backs suddenly became cold.

"Damn it! So Chuanmu has been developing royal technology!!"

The Northern European Crown Prince Charles and the Queen Elizabeth next to him are all transformed people who have undergone kinship transformation.

And here and now, Jiang Chen unexpectedly found Chuanmu's laboratory in the Zodiac Palace.

The administrator of the laboratory currently knows of the Legacy of the Zodiac Sign Leo, the leader of the Nordic League, and the king-level master, Phoenix.

I am afraid that the entire Northern Europe is studying how to evolve the human body through scientific and technological engineering methods!

The so-called new forces, the fortress of heroes, are just samples of the success of these experiments, providing an opportunity for work and unified management.

These so-called heroes are mixed with fish and dragons in order to conceal democracy under the guise of democracy!

The Lord of the North European Union finally spoke.


The voice is totally indifferent and emotionless.

"I came to you to talk about Jiang Chen. You must always remember that Jiang Chen is our enemy."

"What to do next, you must already know."

Phoenix lowered his eyes and hesitated for a second.

"Yes, I understand, Lord Lord!"

Afterwards, Phoenix turned and left the computer group.

The little Kun Kun had already jumped off Phoenix.

When Phoenix left completely, Aiolia said.

"My lord, he hesitated just now."

The girl responded indifferently.

"One second, it's okay."

"Just let him go this time."

"Aiolia, the new batch of prostheses should hurry up and help me transport them to the laboratory."

Aiolia nodded with interest, her eyes fixed on the data displayed on the computer screen.

"That... Your lord, one of your body seems to be missing..."

Aiolia stumbled and said.

The girl lord's eyes widened.

"Don't care about what you shouldn't, it's just a waste product that hasn't been activated."

"Okay! You follow me to the reactor, I want to check that thing, save it and continue to run wild!"

The two spoke and turned and left.

Everyone in Chang'an stayed in the computer cluster.

Li Xiaofu asked suspiciously.

"Brother Chen, why don't we leave?"

Jiang Chen tilted his head and gestured a look.

"Look, what is that."

Looking in the direction of Jiang Chen's eyes, you can see a green folder on an old computer screen.

The name of the folder is Human Evolution Engineering Experiment Report.

When the voices of Eoriya and the girl leader disappeared, Jiang Chen immediately walked out of the small world.

He pressed the mouse and opened the folder on the computer.

Inside the folder is a large number of paging bars.

Each page bar is a human experiment.

Jiang Chen immediately counted to the first one and couldn't wait to open it.

The first file was the video, and Jiang Chen opened it immediately.

The video opens with an old man with silver hair and a white coat.

The old man's movements are extremely slow, and his speaking speed is also very slow.

"It has been brewing for a long time, and this experiment can finally begin."

"I will select outstanding elite members from the royal family to realize their ideals!"

Jiang Chen knew that this was the scientist's opening remarks, and briefly introduced the experiment.

"Next is the record of experimental transformation."

In the picture, the old man stands up while holding up the camera.

Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked wherever the camera passed.

On the edge of the wall stood six huge tanks.

The human body is gently suspended in the tank.

Every human body has undergone terrifying mutations.

Either the hair grows from the seven orifices, or the spine pierces the skin, forming a dragon-like back.

The old man's face was very calm, and he said.

"Obviously, this time the experiment failed again."

"I have probably summarized the following reasons and hope that the future will be smooth."

"These brave royal soldiers, I will give them a thick burial after they are destroyed."

Having said that, the video is over.

Jiang Chen's complexion was complicated.

Let alone this evolutionary experiment, six people died in the first time.

Just talk about the content of the video.

"Each jar is filled with royal volunteers?"

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