God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1218: Crazy!

The man wearing the hat was also very dexterous, and he kept cooperating with the seaweed monster, and even smashed his way through the complicated battle.

Jiang Chen used all his strength, and even his face was twisted.

The corners of his mouth cocked, obviously because of excessive force.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen is full of anger at this time.

But the armored warrior beside Jiang Chen didn't think that Jiang Chen should make way.

They surrounded the people in Chang'an tightly, waiting for the right time to sneak attack and capture Tang Yiyi.

Jiang Chen chased the man in the hat, and everyone in Chang'an could only hold on to the attack of the armored guards.

Look at Jiang Chen again.

The man in the hat in front of him was about to escape the encirclement.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately awakened the Zidi Immortal Vine.

"catch him!"

With a loud shout, Jiang Chen attracted the attention of everyone around him.

The armored soldiers rushed towards him and tried to catch him in a sneak attack.

But Jiang Chen had already turned into a dragon.

Endless power poured out from his body, and under the dragon scales, the muscles bulged like a balloon.

The armored soldiers who came into contact were shot off instantly.

The purple emperor fairy vines were dispatched at the same time, and dense vines broke out, instantly entangled the man's body.


The tall man in the hat fell heavily on the ground.

Jiang Chen sprinted up and was about to grab him, only to find that this guy was sliding towards Kuai Soap all over his body.

The tall man twisted his body unexpectedly, and was about to escape the entanglement of the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine.


The pheasant sword drew a beautiful half arc and cut it down with a single knife!

This is also Jiang Chen's helpless next move.

In order to maintain his public image, he never made a killer move when it was unnecessary.

But at this time the hat man was about to run away.

Jiang Chen could only get a killer move to prevent the intelligence from running away.

Maybe some people haven't reacted yet, how did Jiang Chen know that the man in the hat has intelligence in his hands.

Jiang Chen had just been thinking about it for a long time, and that was not a daydream.

The appearance of the assassin must have a very strong position.

Otherwise, why kill?

In other words, there must be a reason for this person to kill Tang Yiyi, even if he was hired by someone, Jiang Chen had a hundred ways to get the killer to speak.

Therefore, in the eyes of this assassin, he is simply a courier sending information.

But now the courier does not seem to be very willing to deliver.

Jiang Chen had to cut off his legs and forced him to work.

When Jiang Chen slashed down to solve the battle, unexpectedly, the courier went out with a weapon to defend himself.

clang! !

A translucent shock wave bounced off the metal in a funnel shape.

Dozens of armored soldiers were shot off immediately.

Jiang Chen's two dragon claws were holding the handle of the knife, horizontally across his chest.

Looking in front of him, although the man in the hat was stunned by Jiang Chen, he slowly stabilized with a few steps.

He held a weird twisted golden sword in his hand.

It looked like he had taken a golden kelp.

It was this weird blade that actually caught Jiang Chen with all his strength.

This person is definitely a professional practitioner!

Thinking that the beast of the man in the hat is Tuan kelp, Jiang Chen's inspiration flashed instantly, and he figured everything out.

"You fellow, are you a killer who kills pornography, gambling, and drugs!"

"It's really a good way to plant and blame!"

The kelp that can be transformed into a body shape, the gambling poison who was beheaded by the swordsman.

These two appeared in front of Jiang Chen one after another, it shouldn't be a coincidence!

It seemed that Park Inyong didn't know anything at all, and he was also used as a gun by the man in the hat.

As long as Jiang Chen can catch this person, all the truth will be revealed to the world.

The man in the hat slowly raised his head.

In midair, the eyes of the two exchanged for a few seconds.

Jiang Chen instantly read out his intention to escape.

In the same way, the man in the hat has already known his own value, showing the appearance of running away!

Jumping up, the man in the hat rushed into the air like an ancient knight.

His weird blade was raised high and stood in the air.

This posture, this action, the direction of this sword.

Jiang Chen suddenly cried out badly.

The man in the hat is pretending to want to escape, but the actual goal is actually Tang Yiyi, whom everyone has no time to consider!

Tang Yiyi was almost killed by an oversight.

If this little girl died at this time, Jiang Chen would have lost all her efforts!

"What a joke!"

With a roar, Jiang Chen flipped his hand and raised the pheasant sword.

The raging flames burst out.

Jiang Cen went down with a sword and slashed out a semicircular light blade.



In broad daylight, the sword light formed by the flames of **** swiftly cut through the body of Du Dou Li Nan.


Blood rain all over the sky!

The internal organs were pouring down from mid-air.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

The armored army was stunned.

Pu Renyong was scared and silly.

The crowds who watched the excitement around eating melons were also blinded.

The warm and viscous blood was sprinkled and splashed on every face.

Bright red makes everyone look hideous.

Such a terrifying scene gradually made Jiang Chen sober up.

"Impossible! Why not defend!"

It turned out that the moment Jiang Chen broke out his ultimate move, the man in the hat was unprepared, and he used his body to take over the attack of King Jiang Chen!

Now, Jiang Chen's hands are covered with blood donation!

Killing among them!



"Jiang Chen is crazy! Crazy!"

Ordinary people didn't know that when Jiang Chen was fighting with the Iron Armor, an assassin ran out halfway.

Only the Iron Armored Army and Pu Renyong knew that Jiang Chen killed a mysterious enemy.

However, don't expect Pu Renyong to excuse Jiang Chen.

He should have stepped on Jiang Chen now.


"Jiang Chen! Rebel! This is Kyoto, you think it's a land without a master?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

He instantly understood his current plight.

Assassinate prisoners, shelter criminals, and kill in public.

He Jiang Chen is now a "sinner".

Even in such adversity, Jiang Chen still knew in his heart.

The enemy is not a force.

In addition to the four emperors recruited by Piao Renyong, there is also the Chuanmu Group represented by the seaweed assassin.

There is also the most important force.

Ordinary people at a loss around the battlefield.

They are now afraid and hate Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Pu Renyong again launched a siege on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was furious.

"Give me all! Get out!"

With a loud shout, the dragon scales on Jiang Chen suddenly opened.


Steam erupts.

The tyrannical energy burned blazingly behind Jiang Chen, forming a four-armed Pluto phantom.

"Chaos Huanyu!"

Jiang Chen's voice was low, and the power of chaos within a hundred meters around him was absorbed and mobilized in his words.



Thousands of planets are spinning frantically with Jiang Chen as the center.



In an instant, the field was cleared within 100 meters!

All the four emperors have been brought down!

The people around were suddenly stupid.

"Jiang Chen! Crazy! He even beats himself!"

"Run! The next one is us!"

"Unexpectedly, the national hero is a murderer!"

All people's hearts are occupied by fear.

They selectively ignored all Jiang Chen's contributions to Yanhuang.

At this time, Jiang Chen looked at all this coldly, his hot heart seemed to be splashed with cold water.

Ignorant passers-by, sinister villains.

Conspirator, assassin.

These elements appeared at the same time, and Jiang Chen's heart gradually fell into the abyss of endless darkness.

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