God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1200: Eight-armed Titan Shura Wukong Beast

Scorching flames burned in the chest of the ancient demon.

You hold the last spar left by the poisonous Titan in your hand.

The outside of the spar is translucent, and the inside is carved with Titan characters.

For Jiang Chen, who has some memories of the Titans, these few words left over can be said to be touching.

This is the suicide note of the dead Titan.

Jiang Chen discovered for the first time that most of the beast races that had gone through endless reincarnation had the same civilization and feelings as humans.

As a descendant of half a Titan, Jiang Chen deeply mourned for him.

"Daikin! It is really not easy to take this spar that condenses the will of death, it can persist until now!"

The body of the ancient Titan has been transformed since childhood.

If it were not for the misconduct of the second elder of the Huang family, it must be an extremely powerful existence now!

Daikin put the remaining spar in his mouth with a heavy heart.

The solid shell instantly turned into energy and dispersed in Daikin's body.

The words engraved in the spar were distorted and imprinted into Da Jin's mind.

At this moment, Daikin suddenly burst out with an aura of extreme kingly dignity!

boom! !

The burning heart kept shaking.

Seeing the change of Dai Jin's figure, Jiang Chen waved his hands and feet, and made sharp energy fluctuations!

Everyone backed away, but Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Damn! That's not just a suicide note! It turned out to be the ancient boxing practiced by the King of Titans!"

"No! To be precise, it should be a way of self-cultivation!"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, Daikin suddenly broke out.

Thousands of black gold flame waves were shot between the eight-arm swing!

Bang bang bang!

The energy shock bombarded wildly, immediately smashing the chest of the ancient demon into a mess!


Daikin looked up to the sky and roared, his whole body seemed to have endless power.

Jiang Chen saw that Daikin's data had changed.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Eight-armed Titan Shura Wukong Beast

[Monster level]: Level 70 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Demon/Mutated Shura/Mutated Metal/Fighting

[Monster State]: Inspiration of fighting spirit

[Character of Monster Beast]: The bloodline of the ancient Titan with almost complete body, possesses the incorruptible body of King Kong, and is powerful after being invaded by demonic energy. It refines energy and opens mountains and rocks.

Master the method of refining Qi and self-cultivation of the Titans

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

The spar of the same clan sent Daikin directly to the king level!

Really can be said to be a success!

I saw Daijin split his eight arms on his side, making four punches.

The endless black gold energy is fused in the fist.


With an angry roar, Daikin opened his bow from left to right.

On both sides of the body, strong energy burst out.

call out! call out!

The eight arms were launched at the same time, and the front of the box suddenly burst out of the power of the king!


With a loud noise, the rotten meat in front of Jiang Chen was instantly pierced!


A painful roar came from the hollow.

Daikin blasted the chest of the ancient demon with one blow!

There was no more cold air blowing in the masses, and the people's spirits were instantly shocked.

Through the big hole, Jiang Chen looked out.

The towering and dangerous mountains of the Western Regions are in sight.

The heart had been damaged, but the ancient demons did not stop eating.

On the pass of the mountain pass, there are soldiers stationed here to defend and merchants walking in business.

Jiang Chen suddenly became nervous.

"No! The ancient demon has found a place where the crowd lives, we have to stop it quickly!"

It's easy to say, but it's not easy to stop a powerful ancient demon!

Wang Sicong frowned.

"Brother Chen! Let's move separately now to stop all parts of the devil!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"That's all!"

"Shishi! You and I go out from here, destroy its footsteps and try to destroy its ability to move!"

Tang Shishi quietly agreed.

Jiang Chen nodded again.

"Others quickly look for the elders who manipulate the circle and defeat them!"

"Never allow tragedies to happen!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen flew out of the chest of the ancient demon.

Tang poetry followed closely.

The Chang'an people looked at each other, and immediately started separate actions.

The situation was urgent, Jiang Chen jumped to the ground without even deploying his wings.


Black Gold Shura hit the ground hard, smashing the soil out of a dark pit.

At the next moment, Jiang Chen suddenly exerted force, spreading his eight arms together, and hugged the huge soles of feet wearing Huangyan armor.

Tang Shishi came forward to help Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shouted.

"Shishi! You cut its foot!"

The two looked at each other, and Tang Shishi had no time to think about it.

"Divine Phoenix possesses!"

With a sweet drink, Liuli rose from the emblem to the sky!

Blazing flames erupted on the Gobi Plain.

The scorching energy set off a gust of wind, the mighty power is vast!


The ancient demon felt himself kicked on an iron plate.

It hesitated immediately and looked down.

The huge demon at a height of 100 meters looks down at Jiang Chen from top to bottom, as if looking at a little ant!

And Jiang Chen didn't care what the ancient demon thought in his heart.

He used the strength of suckling, only in exchange for the ancient demon's hesitation for a few seconds.

"It won't work like this!" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

He immediately accesses the highest signal channel within his authority.

"Order all soldiers and residents of Loulan Pass to escape from the city!"

A sentence of such a crisis was immediately intercepted by the Blue Star Alliance, including the Yanhuang Alliance.

All Blue Stars knew that something went wrong in the Western Regions of Yanhuang.

Zong Zheng, who was always concerned about Jiang Chen's movements, immediately ordered the evacuation of all civilian troops at Loulan Pass.

Within ten seconds of Jiang Chen's emergency, General Loulan received the emergency order.

The ancient demon is still some distance away from Loulan Pass, and the people in the city still cannot see its huge figure.

The guard's first reaction was to turn on all the detection equipment, and finally found Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi who were trying to intercept the giant beast ten miles away from the city.

"Shoot the alarm! Evacuate! Evacuate!" The guard immediately panicked.

The soldier under his command asked with a dazed expression.

"Sir! What level of alert!"

Loulan guard looked at the secret letter in his hand.

"This time... it's disaster level!"

At this time, the soldiers of the entire city defense headquarters were dumbfounded.

There was silence in the room.

"Fuck off! Raise the alarm!"

The guards yelled anxiously!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

The deafening sirens immediately spread all over the Loulan pipe.

Disaster level, an alert level enough to destroy the city!

Every resident soldier was stunned for a second.

The next moment, the flow of people in the city broke out!

People pushed and squeezed, showing the ugly human nature in the face of a fatal disaster to the fullest!

At the same time, Jiang Chen is here.

Efforts to block hardly had any effect on the huge body of the ancient demon.

Fortunately, Tang Shishi had already completed the possession of the beast, and turned into a divine phoenix war commander, approaching the ancient demons.

She must penetrate its Huangyan armor and force it to stop before the ancient demon can react defensively.

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