God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1024: Pocang Mountain (2)

The Houcheng District of Cangshan City at this time.

Three thousand soldiers lined up to fight in order to protect the grain and grass in the armored vehicles from being destroyed by sudden attacks.

And in charge of Cangshan Pass, it is the great general Shangguan Miyou, a powerful warrior at the peak of the overlord level.

Twenty thousand elite soldiers, 10,000 recruits in the mix, lied to the outside world about 30,000 elite soldiers!

It can be said that the defender of the city, Shangguan Miyou, has made absolutely perfect preparations, waiting to show his fists, and smashed Jiang Chen!

He might not have thought of it in his entire life, but Jiang Chen's spy was hidden in the elite he brought out.

He didn't even think that his life would end here.


A huge transparent barrier suddenly appeared in the sky!

In this second, Shangguan Huyou had already reacted instantly that things were not good.

He immediately reined his horse and turned around.

At this moment, a dark, violent wave of evil spirit descended in the air!


Like a thunderstorm appeared out of thin air between heaven and earth!

General Shangguan Miyou was penetrated instantly from his head to the lumbar spine!

Sun Luo is dead!

Shangguan Miyou didn't even have time to shed a drop of blood, it turned into a pool of minced meat and fell to the ground!


Until he and the BMW under him fell to the ground, the steaming internal organs and the blood-stained stubble splashed instantly.

The soldiers turned around with a dazed expression.

In an instant, various expressions appeared on their faces.

Fear, surprise, dullness, amazement.

Several younger soldiers fell to their knees on the spot!


They looked at the internal organs and threw up.

The experienced sergeant immediately released his monsters on the spot.

At this moment, in the huge mirror of the sky, a dark mysterious unicorn stood proudly in the sky!


The unicorn roars.

Suddenly, the monster beasts of thousands of sergeants seemed to have lost their minds and fell to the ground tremblingly!

Just a mirror image is so tyrannical, how many silly people shouldn't be scared when the real body appears?

Say the real body is here!

Sitting on Xiao Hei's back, Jiang Chen came into the enemy's formation like a celestial immortal.


The overlord's coercion suddenly dispersed!

In the camp, there is not even one person who can resist for half a minute!

As soon as Shangguan’s misfortune died, no one in Cangshan Pass was an opponent of Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen also brought the mirror rabbit, which directly brought a double surprise!

The soldiers on the head of the city did not expect that their backyard was on fire!

Suddenly, all the formations, ambushes, sentries, and arm allocations in Cangshan Pass were all invalidated!

It's just because the guard, Shangguan's misfortune, especially did not consider Jiang Chen's personal hobbies.

Professional gangster!

The two unicorns immediately stunned most of the Cangshan gate guards!

Countless people kneeled and surrendered.

Jiang Chen waved a big hand and pulled out the seal of the guard that Shangguan's misfortune especially hid on his waist.

"The generals listen to the order! The military order is here, open the city gate!"

Jiang Chen is showing his bottom line.

After all, it was an international sensational redress, how many pairs of eyes in the world are staring at Jiang Chen!

Being able to frighten is the best ending, and it is not easy to lose the reputation of mass murdering compatriots.

But this means that Jiang Chen has no casualties.

If his subordinates were injured today, Jiang Chen would not be so polite.

He went directly into the city and killed people, opened the door and everything was fine.

Jiang Chen shouted, and the sergeant guarding the city was also blinded.

The defender of the city, Shangguan, is dead, and no one is in charge.

And Jiang Chen held the military order, theoretically the defender should recognize the order but not the person.

Several Shangguan guards in charge of guarding the gate panicked.

Whether this door opens or not is really a tangled question.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he was not impatient or impatient, holding the general's order high, and walking slowly towards the city gate.

Two unicorns mirror the body, one left and the other right behind Jiang Chen.

Thirty thousand horses stood still, and no one dared to step forward.

When Jiang Chen walked to the door, the general guarding the door was immediately blinded.

All the coercion of Jiang Chen and the two unicorns hit several guards.

Suddenly, several guards clicked on the screen buttons like crazy, sweating on their bodies.


The huge air pressure roared, and the alloy gate of Cangshan Pass opened slowly!

At this moment, there was a look of loss on the faces of 30,000 people.

They lost.

Tens of thousands of wolves surged out.

The two-meter-high huge figure stood proudly, and the dragon-like coercion exuded from it made all the eastern guards panic.

Then, sixty thousand nightmares lined up into the city

For a time, banners cover the sun!

This sharp and violent energy rushed into the defenders' bodies, as if it could cut their blood vessels.

Thirty thousand sergeants all felt the pain of bone-cutting like Ling Chi!

Under Jiang Chen's order, the seventy thousand army surrounded the defensive regiment.

On the city wall, all guards on guard were replaced and replaced with flags!

Jiang Chen was on the top of the city, watching the whole city.

"All the soldiers of the Eastern Region, from now on, you will be my prisoners of Jiang Chen."

"I am always particular about things."

"I hope you can be the prisoners and wait for the trial by the military court. If the crime is serious, you will definitely deal with it severely. If you actively cooperate and surrender actively, the punishment will be reduced!"

After Jiang Chen finished reciting these words routinely, he immediately showed a sly smile.

"Of course! You can also escape, as long as you think you can escape!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the ten thousand dragon wolves suddenly opened their blood basins.



The wolf howls like the wind, instantly sweeping Cangshan City!

The night dire on both sides also roared to the sky.



The coercion of terror broke out suddenly.

Among the 30,000 prisoners, half of them were not determined, kneeling on the spot!

In less than a day, Jiang Chen directly regained Cangshan Pass!

For a while, the Blue Star Federation was silent.

I've seen a war, never seen such a war!

This tactic of siege is widely used. Everyone has seen it before, and has always eaten pork without seeing a pig run.

But which siege is not allowed for thirty or fifty days, and it will not stop until the city has no food and starts to eat people hungry?

Jiang Chen is different.

It took a total of half an hour from his shot to ending the battle and regaining the lost city.

There were twenty-nine minutes in which he was busy raising General Dayin on the road, showing off his might.

During the entire process, the total number of people killed on both sides was only one.

After hearing the news, all the major alliances who were waiting to see Yanhuang go to war and waiting for Yanhuang to hurt their vitality were all stupid.

Winning a city not only did not cost a single soldier, but even the enemy's troops were all captured.

Those who understand a little bit of politics will understand that Jiang Chen is to show his kindness to fellow Yan and Huang!

Even if it is a rebel, you can kill if you don't kill, and a family can kill if you don't fight.

There are also some people who forced Lailai on the Internet, thinking that Jiang Chen was too strong in his personal strength and attacked, so he could win the Cangshan Pass.

But everyone who understands knows that Jiang Chen sent troops on the third route, and how could he attack him?

Mo Yan, the super rabbit who has been by Jiang Chen's side, admitted personally that Jiang Chen's battle was enough to be written into a textbook!

This remark immediately caused a strong sensation in Blue Star!

This was personally said by the world-renowned female coach Mo Yan, and it is more meaningful than any authoritative evaluation!

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