God of Killing

Chapter 750 Gathering the brilliance of the moon!

The amethyst chariot shot out of the sky, like a purple lightning bolt, tearing apart the sea of ​​clouds and reaching the cold and dark outside.

He only stayed in Zi Yao Star for less than a month. Because of Zi Yao's departure, he had to go out again and sail outside the territory again.

Sitting on the chariot indifferently, Shi Yan looked at the vast starry sky, his consciousness was vague and uncertain, his thoughts were scattered, his consciousness was wandering, and he was thinking about something.

The Amethyst Chariot didn't need him to worry about it, and flew at an electric speed according to the predetermined trajectory.

The distance between Purgatory Star and Purgatory Star is not too far. Judging from the speed of this chariot, it takes at most half a month to reach Purgatory Star and participate in the so-called Ultimate Purgatory Field.

In the boundless sea of ​​stars, he felt a sense of loneliness and desolation, and his tough nerves couldn't help but soften a little.

The Blazing Star Territory is huge and endless. However, here, he is just an outsider, with no relatives and friends, no familiar things, and no lover who is thinking about him.

Everything here seemed to be very far away from him. He was wandering alone in this star field, subconsciously thinking of Bao Ao, Jie Ji and others.

I wonder if you are okay?

The only ones who came with him were the two strong men of the demon race. For the continuation and prosperity of the race, they did not hesitate to drop everything and come to find a solution outside the territory.

From now on, the solution to the energy depletion of Shen'en Continent has been found.

However, I don’t know if the lives of Bao Ao and Jie Ji were destroyed. In that battle, he and Fei Ji escaped quietly. Bao Ao, Jie Ji and others will definitely stay and join the war, and they will most likely become cannon fodder... Shi Yan was helpless, looked at the stars in the sky and smiled bitterly, "Don't blame me, even if you stay, I can't help you. Regardless of whether you are still alive or not, I promise you that when you return to the Divine Grace Continent in the future, you will definitely give those A place for the demons to stay and get them out of the Divine Grace Continent.”

He did not dare to forget the purpose of leaving. For the sake of his relatives and friends in Shenfa Continent and those he cared about, he wanted to find a safe star of life in the Flame Star Territory as soon as possible and accept those he cared about.

Purple Star is a good place, provided that he solves the invisible problem of Auglas.

A cold smile appeared from the corner of his mouth. Shi Yan pondered for a long time and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

A thought from the soul went straight to the Heavenly Fire Altar and locked onto the Suzaku True Fire. "How long does it take to get to our homeland from the Raging Flame Star Territory? Well, I mean, riding on an amethyst chariot, give me an accurate number."

"Ah." Zhuque Zhenhuo was obviously taken aback. He was worried for a while before he responded slowly: "It will take a long time, at least decades. When I left my hometown, I followed a wisp of Suzaku's breath and rushed all the way. It has taken at least more than a hundred years to get here. With the speed of this chariot, it will take about twenty years to reach the homeland at full power. This is still a situation where everything goes smoothly. "

Shi Yan's eyes narrowed and he felt awe-inspiring, "It's going to take so long?"

"At least twenty years." Zhuque Zhenhuo was sure, "If you are unlucky, it is normal for it to take a hundred years."

"How to say?"

"To come to the Blazing Star Field from your homeland, you need to travel through many cold and dead star fields. There is no life in those star fields, and there are no stars of life. They have long been barren and depleted of energy. In those areas, there are great dangers. If you are not careful, , the soul will be shattered. I am in the form of a pure soul, and there are many dangers along the way. If you take advantage of the amethyst chariot, as long as you encounter any bad danger, the chariot will explode. You will also be easily destroyed by those big terrors from outside the territory."

Shi Yan was silent and frowned deeply.

He knows that the Suzaku True Fire is not nonsense. Since arriving in the Raging Flame Star Territory, he has a clear understanding of the dangers that can often be seen outside the territory. He knows that in many areas, there are violent places outside the territory similar to the Sun Star Explosion Field.

What’s even more frustrating is that those along the way still have to pass through those areas.

It is not impossible for the soul altar to be shattered if one is accidentally stirred into it by the great horror.

He suddenly fell silent, feeling at a loss of whether to laugh or cry. He felt that he was infinitely far away from his homeland, and the goals he had set long ago became out of reach.

"If you want to go back, there is a simple way. You don't have to travel such a long distance." Suddenly, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames faintly transmitted soul fluctuations.

Among the heavenly fires, Jiuyou Soul-Eating Flame is not the highest-ranked one, but he has always been ranked third. Naturally, he has his strength. His understanding of various situations is also deeper than other heavenly fires.

Shi Yan's eyes lit up slightly, "Is there any simple way?"

"If your understanding of the mysteries of space power reaches an extremely deep state and height, you can condense the bridge of space to connect you with your homeland and form a space passage." Jiuyou Soul-Eating Flame responded casually, "As long as You can sense there, know the approximate direction, and have a stronger understanding of the mysteries of space. You can cross layers of space, just like building a space teleportation array, to directly communicate with the Divine Grace Continent and the Raging Flame Star Field!"

Shi Yan's body shook wildly, and his eyes burst into astonishing light.


The Nine Nether Soul-Eating Flames indeed gave a simple solution, and it has a high possibility of success. The power of space is one of the most wonderful mysteries of power in this time. For practitioners of space mysteries, interoperability between spaces is not difficult at all. .

The premise is that the understanding of the mysteries of space must reach a profound level, and one must also possess powerful power.

After seriously considering the possible surnames, Shi Yan pondered for a while, then suddenly grinned. The biggest problem that troubled him seemed to be suddenly solved.

He settled down again.

The amethyst chariot continued to charge like lightning.

On this day, he closed his eyes and meditated, trying to understand the secrets of space secretly. He suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and his face was filled with surprise.

In front of him, the huge moon star was like a disc, and the bright moonlight was like water flowing out from a short distance away, like countless creeks, rushing into the outside of the territory and spreading to the surrounding stars of life.

This is one of the moons he has seen on Ziyao Star. Together with the other two moons, it is in the Kingdom of Heavenly Nirvana. It brings light to a dozen stars of life, brings the brightness and holiness of the moon, and makes those stars of life The star will never be dark, and will always be bathed in the cool moonlight.

In his eyes, the moon was so huge that it seemed to occupy everything in his eyes. He was so close to the bright moon.

The light of the bright moon was so close that it was like cold river water pouring down on his head, making his whole body cool and comfortable, and he couldn't help but want to shout.

Stretching out his hands, Shi Yan closed his eyes slightly, secretly gathering his thoughts, echoing the soul altar, trying to gather the moonlight.

Both the sun star and the moon star are part of the vast universe. For the mysteries of the stars, understanding and mastering the mysteries of the sun star and moon star is a progress and breakthrough in the realm.

In the Sun Star Explosion Field, he had his own unique understanding of the Sun's formation and existence with the help of the Sun Source Essence, so he could absorb the sun's flaming energy and control the solar meteorites in the Sun Star Explosion Field. , and thus made those predators with a higher level than him embarrassed.

The sun is a part of the stars, and his understanding is also the driving force for his purification and breakthrough of the mysteries of the stars.

Similarly, the moon is also a part of the stars. Understanding the evolution and formation of the moon and the changing energy of the moon is a new understanding of the mysteries of the stars.

He was so quiet and motionless on the amethyst chariot, while the soul altar was trembling slightly, and the secret brand of star power in the soul seemed to be activated.

Close your eyes, relax your pores, bathe in the flowing moonlight, experience it calmly, feel the coolness under the moonlight, and gain insight into the energy changes inside the moon.

In the bottom of his heart, in his sea of ​​consciousness, and in his soul altar, there seemed to be an extra moon like a reflection in the water, suspended, releasing a faint lunar energy.

His breath became long and continuous, and there seemed to be a faint trace of moonlight in his breath.

Gradually, the moonlight shining on his body seemed to have turned into liquid, miraculously sinking into his body along his dilated pores, and quietly covering his body with a white halo, mysterious and unpredictable.

Outside the desolate territory, under the bright moon, an amethyst chariot stood motionless, like a piece of purple spar.

On the chariot, a man stretched out his arms as if to embrace the bright moon, with a look of intoxication on his face, as if he was possessed by a demon. He remained motionless, with only the extremely indifferent breath of moonlight flowing out of him bit by bit.

This scene seems to be frozen, and it looks quite strange under the moonlight.

A dozen battleships nearly a kilometer long, made of strange white bones, were arranged in the shape of a bunch of spears, slowly speeding beside the moon.

Above each battleship, there are powerful warriors sitting and guarding. On the deck, many warriors flash from time to time, either joking or gambling. Some of them throw away the food scraps they eat and turn them into The scum from outside the territory is floating everywhere.

Many warriors on the battleship saw Shi Yan stretching his arms in a strange posture under the moon. Those people laughed with sarcastic disdain in their eyes and did not pay too much attention.

The battleships were thousands of meters away from the Amethyst chariot, sailing slowly and getting closer.

Suddenly, the amethyst chariot under Shi Yan suddenly flashed out circles of purple waves for some unknown reason. Within those waves, there was a little bit of blue light, which slowly grew larger, with a faint energy breath. Instantly increased by billions of times!

In front of the battleship group, an extremely cold and violent female voice suddenly came: "Avoid that amethyst chariot! It's a hidden magnetic explosion! Damn it!"

Her violent shouts spread to every battleship. All the powerful warriors on the battleship looked as if they had seen ghosts, their faces were ashen, and they desperately urged the battleship to quickly avoid the amethyst chariot where Shi Yan was.

What she called the "secret magnetic explosion" seemed to come from the amethyst chariot under Shi Yan.

(To be continued)

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