God of Killing

Chapter 1 Rebirth in another world

Shi Yan suddenly woke up with a splitting headache, as if his head was filled with lead and was extremely heavy.

This is a dark stone cave. The cave is the size of a basketball court. There are piles of bones on the stone floor. A dozen new corpses in strange clothes are scattered next to him. The clothes on the corpse are still bright and they don't look dead. Too long.

This is where? Or the Bahamas Islands in the Caribbean?


Shi Yan is an extreme sports fanatic who is almost obsessive. At the age of twenty-seven, his mother passed away at an early age. His father accumulated wealth throughout his life, but died of cancer in his prime. He inherited wealth early in his life that he could not squander.

What others have been searching for all their lives, he has it at his fingertips and has it from the beginning.

The great youth was there, but he could not find his goal. This feeling of wealth but no direction made him depressed all the time.

It wasn't until he was exposed to extreme sports when he was seventeen years old that he felt that life suddenly became interesting. Because he had a huge amount of wealth in his hands, he was able to do whatever he wanted in this sport that ordinary people could not participate in.

Crazy extreme sports such as free-handed rock climbing, crocodile bungee jumping, skydiving, volcano skateboarding, cliff diving, undercar skating, etc. have become his greatest pleasure.

He enjoys the thrill of the thin line between life and death that makes one's blood boil and suffocate!

In the past ten years, he has tried all the craziest and most dangerous extreme sports one by one, running wherever it was dangerous and demanding.

Ten years of extreme sports have made Shi Yan extremely physically fit. Hundreds of close-to-death experiences have made his nerves extremely tenacious. He laughs at himself as the person closest to death.

The blue hole exploration in the Bahamas Islands in the Caribbean was his last extreme challenge. Some of these blue holes can reach hundreds of meters in depth, and some are as complex as mazes. If the movement is slightly larger, the mud at the bottom of the hole will rise. , no matter how bright the light you wear is, you can't see the direction at all.

Therefore, no matter how powerful a diving master is, he must tie a steel wire before jumping into the blue hole. This is the lifeline for blue hole explorers. The end of the wire means the end of the dive. If you continue to swim forward, it means suicide, because no one can swim out of the "maze" without the help of a tightrope. According to statistics from the Bahamas Maritime Department, an average of 20 extreme divers die in the Blue Hole every year, and most of them die because they get lost.

In the world's most dangerous extreme adventure, Shi Yan voluntarily threw away the wire known as the lifeline, went on a crazy adventure that was tantamount to suicide, and was finally lost in the mysterious blue hole.

In the blue hole, getting lost means death...


Shi Yan lay slumped on the cold rocky ground, looking at the surrounding scene with the help of the weird light flickering on the rock wall, and felt that there seemed to be some fragmented memories in his mind that were not his own.

That's another Shi Yan's memory...

The guy's name was the same as his, and he was only seventeen years old. He was an avid archaeologist, and he was obsessed with investigating various ancient ruins. Because of a worn-out ancient map, he went through six months of hardships with some family guards. Just came here.

Shi Yan frowned and stood up slowly, feeling weak and weak all over.

The next moment, Shi Yan realized that this body was not his own, but another Shi Yan, the one who was only seventeen years old.

His color suddenly changed, and he was suddenly dumbfounded in surprise.

Sure enough, I had died in the blue hole. No, I was obviously still alive, but still alive in an incredible way!

Through another Shi Yan's fragmentary memory, he knew that this place was called Shen'en Continent. There was no technological civilization here, wars were constant, and warriors were rampant!

Here, many people are gifted, and they show mysterious talents not long after they are born. Some people are born with the power of lightning in their bodies, some can control plants, some can travel around the earth at will, and some are born with magical powers. The power of induction can communicate with the minds of monsters and beasts, and there are also people who have the power of frost in their bodies...

All kinds of talents are strange and mysterious. Almost all of these talented people will become warriors, and their talents are called "martial spirits".

Almost all "martial spirits" are innate, and only a very small number of them can be obtained through some kind of adventure. The probability is so small that it can be ignored. This is also true. This continent is called the Divine Grace Continent, because warriors believe that "martial spirits" are gods. grace given to them.

Not all warriors can possess a "martial spirit". On the contrary, the vast majority of warriors do not have a "martial spirit". Ordinary people can become warriors through acquired practice, but they cannot possess a "martial spirit" through practice, and special "martial spirits" cannot possess a "martial spirit" through practice. "Martial spirit" can speed up a warrior's cultivation speed, greatly improve a warrior's combat effectiveness, and allow a warrior to have special abilities...

Therefore, among warriors of the same level, those with "Martial Soul" are often much more powerful, and their future achievements will be much higher than those without "Martial Soul". These people with "Martial Soul" are uniquely endowed on the road of cultivation. Take advantage of everything.

"Martial spirit" can be inherited through blood, and the probability is very high.

Generally speaking, if one of the parents has a "Martial Spirit", then there is a high chance that the child born will also have the same "Martial Spirit". If both parents have a "Martial Spirit", the child will be born with a "Martial Spirit". There is a greater chance of inheriting a "martial spirit", either from the father or the mother, but almost always only one can be inherited.

In this case, there is also an extremely small probability of happening. One is that the child is not able to inherit even a "martial spirit" from both parents and becomes an ordinary person. This probability is very small. A hundred people would This probability can only happen once among this kind of couple.

A hundred times less likely than this is another situation - the child born can inherit all the "martial spirits" of both parents! This kind of martial soul is called "twin martial souls", and such a unique person is also called "the beloved of God"!

The chance of this is even smaller. Only among 10,000 couples with different "martial spirits", such a special case is possible.


Shi Yan was stunned there, continuing to sort out the fragmentary memories in his mind...

The original owner of his body came from the Shi family of the Merchant Alliance. The Shi family possesses the "Petrified" martial soul, which can petrify the body during battle, making the body as hard as a rock and able to resist the invasion of some essence. As the realm increases, the "petrified" martial soul will become more powerful and almost invulnerable.

It's a pity that this guy didn't inherit the "Petrified" martial spirit, and was deemed by the Shi family as not a material for practicing martial arts. This guy himself has no interest in martial arts at all. He hasn't studied in this area since he was a child, and he just spent his energy exploring the ruins. On.

This trip was only possible because of a dilapidated ancient map. If this guy hadn't had the map in his hand to guide him, he wouldn't have been able to find this tightly covered place among the layers of shrubs and leaves. of ancient caves.


A sound like an evil spirit crying suddenly came from inside the cave. Shi Yan was startled and looked towards the blood pool where the sound came from.

The blood pool is in the center of the cave, only ten square meters in size. The pool is filled with a scary liquid that is as red as blood. There are bubbling bubbles in the blood pool. When the blisters burst, they make a terrifying howling sound like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which is extremely weird.

He knew that the newly deceased guards around him suddenly went crazy because of the howls in the blood pool, and then killed each other and died in the cave. The other Shi Yan was also affected by those terrifying howls. Affected by the sound, he suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

All because of the blood pool!

Shi Yan stared at the blood pool with a heavy expression. The whistling sounds stimulated his nerves, making him feel a desire to kill from the bottom of his heart, giving him the urge to kill everyone around him!

Shi Yan still had a splitting headache, and the whistling sound from the blood pool tortured him, making it difficult for him to concentrate on thinking.

There must be something weird in the blood pool!

Shi Yan had a sullen face and held on to his heart. The tough nerves he had cultivated over the years in life and death came into play. Although he still had a severe headache, he was still calm and walked towards the blood pool step by step.

"Crack! Click!"

Sections of gray-white withered bones were broken under his feet. Shi Yan looked solemn. Judging from the white bones in the cave, many people should have died in the cave before they entered. The blood pool was The source of evil, if he wants to explore the secrets of the blood pool, isn't he looking for death?

The closer he got to the blood pool, the louder the sharp whistling sound became, like sharp knives piercing his mind. The murderous madness contained in the whistling sound was about to destroy all his reason and calmness. If it hadn't been for his years of Every time I challenge the limit, my nerves are extremely tenacious, and I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it for a long time.

Next to the blood pool, there are corpses on the ground. In the center of the blood pool, there are also milky white bones floating faintly. The small blood pool is like a sea of ​​Shura blood, swallowing up countless creatures.

Shi Yan vaguely felt that the reason why his soul came here had a lot to do with this weird blood pool. He felt that he might be able to go back through the blood pool, return to the familiar world, and return to the blue sky in the Bahamas. Hole.

Getting closer and closer to the blood pool, Shi Yan suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. The blood in the blood pool was scarlet and thick, but he could not smell any blood.

On the contrary, the air here was actually very fresh, and even had an unreasonable smell. Feeling carefully, he found that the smell actually came from the blood pool!

Shi Yan was full of curiosity and became even more convinced that there must be something strange in the blood pool.

After walking a few more steps, suddenly, the illusion of a boundless sea of ​​​​blood emerged in his mind. Endless bones piled up into islands in the sea of ​​​​blood. Some of the bones were well preserved, such as dinosaur bones from the Cretaceous period. They were as big as a small mountain. A voice kept repeating: "Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shi Yan stuck to his heart, but his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, and a suffocating and terrifying pressure rushed over his face. He felt the familiar smell of death. He felt that he had never been so close to death.

He knew that the next step might be death!

However, years of death adventures not only did not scare him, but also made him enjoy this moment very much! Facing death head-on and surviving in death is the true meaning of extreme sports!

One step, one step, another step!

Under the overwhelming pressure of the blood pool, Shi Yan finally walked to the edge of the blood pool. Looking at the small blood pool, the crazy side of Shi Yan's character was aroused and he roared: "I want to see this little one like you." What’s weird about the blood pool!”

After saying this, Shi Yan sneered and jumped into the blood pool.

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