God of Green

Chapter 38

After the shooting training, two people took the initiative to express their admiration and congratulations to Jiang Xiaolin. One was the attacking midfielder Lanlotte, and the other was the captain of the youth team, the defensive midfielder Douglas.

As the captain, Douglas had to welcome his powerful teammates no matter what he thought in his heart when Jiang Xiaolin showed such strength.

Otherwise, the coach would doubt his level as a captain.

And Lanlotte saw Jiang Xiaolin as a powerful ally who could help him with assists in the future.

With such a striker with a high goal efficiency in front, many of his passes could be turned into assists, increasing the number of assists and the possibility of entering the Alkmaar first team or being valued by other professional teams.

As for the other players, perhaps they were embarrassed, perhaps reserved, or perhaps they still had some knots in their hearts, and did not take the initiative to greet Jiang Xiaolin, but at least they did not deliberately look at each other coldly.

The world of football is still relatively simple, and strength is the king.

Seeing this, Crofts finally felt relieved.

In the next period of time, he will formulate specific training content and steps for Jiang Xiaolin, and strive to improve Jiang Xiaolin to the point where he can play in the Dutch Eredivisie within half a season.

He knows that the first team is in short supply of strikers who can score goals, and Van Gaal has high hopes for Jiang Xiaolin!

In the afternoon, Crofts organized an intra-team training match.

Although he was not familiar with his teammates, and his teammates' gap insight and passing skills were not as good as those of the first-team players, Jiang Xiaolin still scored a full 6 goals in 60 minutes, an average of one goal every 10 minutes.

Except for the striker who was a direct competitor, everyone else admired Jiang Xiaolin's goal-scoring ability.

After the training match, many players took the initiative to greet Jiang Xiaolin and chat with him to increase friendship.

After all, everyone will spend a lot of time together in the future. They also have the same needs as the front midfielder Lanlot, and need Jiang Xiaolin to turn their passes into assists.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin did not make mistakes.

One of his passes was not in place, which resulted in the opponent easily intercepting the ball and counterattacking, resulting in the loss of the ball.

This is exactly the shortcoming that Van Gaal feared and needed to put Jiang Xiaolin in the youth team for training and improvement.

After all the afternoon training was over, Jiang Xiaolin only gained 50 points of daily training system experience.

Compared with the 200 points of training experience per day of the first team, the experience of the youth team is several times less.

This is understandable.

After returning home, Jiang Xiaolin added one point to his ball-stopping attribute, which became 12, and the attribute point balance was 10.

In the future, Jiang Xiaolin plans to add one point every week, using the seemingly gradual progress law to avoid suspicion.

But in fact, this speed of progress is like riding a rocket, which is unique.

When Jiang Xiaolin participated in the first training of the Alkmaar youth team, "Sports Weekly", one of the largest sports newspapers in China, issued a new issue of the newspaper.

In addition to the heavy news related to the Olympics, this issue of the newspaper used half a page to introduce Jiang Xiaolin, a 16-year-old young Chinese player who had just joined the Dutch Eredivisie club Alkmaar, to domestic readers.

From Jiang Xiaolin's background, to his dependence on his mother in the county town, to being cheated by a swindler for tens of thousands of yuan to go abroad, to being a penniless wandering beggar in a foreign country, to working part-time and playing amateur football, and finally being spotted by a professional scout and signing with Alkmaar.

This is a tortuous, bizarre, and inspirational story. If it was not published in the "Sports Weekly" but in some magazine, it could be read as a novel.

Portal websites such as Xinglang, Wangyi, and Sohu, as well as many online media, forums, forums, and football QQ groups have also reprinted it, causing a lot of heated discussion among fans.

The Dutch only expressed interest in Jiang Xiaolin's bizarre experience at most, but it is impossible to pay long-term attention and discuss it.

But Chinese fans are different.

Because Jiang Xiaolin is their compatriot.

Although he has not experienced any club's formal youth training, has not played any official games, and has no fame or fan base, he is still his compatriot after all.

In the bleak years of Chinese football after the failure of the 2002 World Cup and the defeat at home in the 2004 Asian Cup, only the occasional performance of several overseas players such as Sun Jihai, Zheng Zhi, Shao Jiayi, and Yu Hai can give fans a little comfort.

Fans who have despaired of domestic football and the national team can only cast their hopes on overseas players.

However, even these few overseas players are facing huge difficulties.

Sun Jihai is old and is said to leave Manchester City after the end of this season; Zheng Zhi's Charlton is not in the Premier League, butEnglish Championship; Shao Jiayi has been repeatedly injured in the Bundesliga Energie Cottbus and has not been able to win a starting position.

Yu Hai is in a similar situation to Shao Jiayi and rarely has the opportunity to play in the game.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Xiaolin's appearance will naturally attract heated discussions among fans online.

"This Jiang Xiaolin is really amazing. He has never played in a professional game, but he was spotted by a professional scout and joined the Dutch Eredivisie club in one step from the fourth-level amateur league."

"Yes, it's so inspiring! From a homeless beggar who was cheated by a swindler and became penniless to becoming an Eredivisie player, this experience is so legendary."

"He can't be considered a formal Eredivisie player. He just signed with Alkmaar, but Van Gaal said that he would first send Jiang Xiaolin to the youth team for training!"

"I don't know how long the training will take. The news didn't say."

"This will definitely not be said. Who knows when Jiang Xiaolin will meet Van Gaal's first-team appearance standards?"

"No matter how long it takes, being spotted by Van Gaal and signing with the first team instead of signing a youth player contract proves that Jiang Xiaolin is not bad."

"Not bad! And the key is that he is only 16 18 years old, this age advantage is too big. Even if he can't play in the Eredivisie in the next two years, he will be 18 years old after training in the youth team for two years, which is still very young. "

"Yes! He has never experienced the youth training of a professional team and has never participated in a formal professional game, but he can be spotted by Van Gaal and signed with the first team of the Eredivisie club. I am very optimistic about Jiang Xiaolin's future. Even if he can't play in the Eredivisie now, he will definitely have no problem playing in the Eredivisie after training in the youth team for a few years. You know, the youth training in the Netherlands is world-famous. "

"Yes, Jiang Xiaolin's future is worth looking forward to!"

"I have set up a Jiang Xiaolin forum, everyone follow it. In the future, if you have any news about Jiang Xiaolin, post it in the forum and let others know about it."

"Okay, follow it!"

"Let's go together!"

Soon, Jiang Xiaolin's forum was set up. Although there are not many people and posts, it proves that there are fans who are ready to continue to pay attention to Jiang Xiaolin.

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