God of Green

Chapter 352

The fundamental reason why Gomez couldn't save Jiang Xiaolin's free kick, which was not a big threat, was because his center of gravity was moving to the near corner.

When Gomez realized that something was wrong and wanted to turn around and save, he couldn't do it.

The idea of ​​turning around and saving was contrary to the inertia of his center of gravity, which caused Gomez to freeze on the goal line and watch Jiang Xiaolin's free kick fly into the goal without making a single save.

In fact, except for Gomez and a few players, coaches, and professionals with sharp eyes, most people who knew that Jiang Xiaolin temporarily changed the position of the ball did not realize that Jiang Xiaolin was preparing to kick the near corner at first, and then temporarily changed the position of the ball according to Gomez's displacement and kicked it to the far end.

Including the commentator.

Everyone just thought that Jiang Xiaolin's free kick was originally a far-end kick, and the quality was not high, with neither speed nor power, and even without the arc that Jiang Xiaolin was best at, and the angle was not tricky, so it should be easy to save.

As a result, Gomez rushed to the near end, which was opposite to the direction of Jiang Xiaolin's free kick, so Jiang Xiaolin's extremely ordinary free kick flew into the far end of Tottenham's goal.

Many people think that Jiang Xiaolin's goal was very lucky because Gomez made a mistake in his early movement, which made it easy for Jiang Xiaolin to score.

But no matter what, Jiang Xiaolin scored twice in his League Cup debut, helping Alkmaar to lead 2-1 from 0-1 behind, and completing the score tie and reversal.

Therefore, when the commentator of Alkmaar City TV, who saw Jiang Xiaolin's ball flying into the far end of the goal and the goalkeeper Gomez who moved in advance was frozen on the goal line, did not judge the subtle changes in the ball when the ball flew into the goal, he shouted excitedly:


"The ball went in!"

"Jiang Xiaolin scored again!"

"He used a free kick to open the Tottenham goal and reversed the score for Alkmaar."

"Alkmaar leads Tottenham 2-1!"

"Sure enough, Jiang Xiaolin is the most outstanding young man under 21 in Europe, and the rightful winner of the European Golden Boy Award."

"Gareth Bell After Alkmaar opened the scoring, everyone thought Jiang Xiaolin would be silent in this game. "

"Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin scored two goals in a row, not only reversing the score for Alkmaar, but also letting everyone know that he is indeed better than Gareth Bale and more qualified to win this year's European Golden Boy Award."

"In fact, Jiang Xiaolin's goal was not very threatening, mainly because Gomez moved a little too early."

"If he hadn't moved in advance and waited for Jiang Xiaolin's free kick to be taken before saving, Jiang Xiaolin's goal would not have been scored."

"It seems that luck is also on Alkmaar's side! Alkmaar must win!"

Commentators and guests from other TV stations also expressed similar views, because most people could not see the mystery in this ball.

Everyone was praising Jiang Xiaolin's luck and the low-level mistakes made by Gomez.

Alkmaar fans in the stands naturally didn't care so much. They only knew that Alkmaar had chased two goals in a row and reversed the score after losing a goal first.

The person who reversed the score was Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin's two goals helped Alkmaar complete the score reversal and take the lead.

Therefore, the fans in the stands applauded, cheered, screamed and celebrated enthusiastically.

But on the field, a surprising scene appeared.

Because Jiang Xiaolin, who scored a goal and helped the team reverse the score, did not celebrate, but stood there and quietly looked at Gomez on the goal line.

After watching the ball fly into the goal with a sigh, Gomez turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaolin with some disappointment.

He thought Jiang Xiaolin was celebrating.

As a result, Jiang Xiaolin did not celebrate at all, but stood there and looked at him quietly.

After seeing Gomez turn his head and look over, Jiang Xiaolin gave him a thumbs up.

Because Jiang Xiaolin knew how lucky he was to score this goal.

If he had played the near corner as planned, the ball would have been almost 100% saved by Gomez who had moved in advance.

Even if the ball was touched by force, Jiang Xiaolin's goal was scored by luck much more than by technique.

Jiang Xiaolin was able to score the goal even with the temporary change of the ball. It was really a stroke of luck. It can only be said that Jiang Xiaolin's physical fitness and flexibility are really good.

Otherwise,Even if the players found that Gomez's early displacement changed the position of the ball and the direction of the ball, it would probably be too late.

Even if they forced the change, the greater possibility was that the ball would miss, or be blocked by the wall, fly out of the goal frame, etc., and the final goal would not be scored.

It can be said that this free kick was the most uncertain one that Jiang Xiaolin had ever taken since he took the free kick. Even those balls that were kicked away or saved were more certain than this one.

Jiang Xiaolin was completely unreliable when he kicked this time, and he was completely forcibly changing the position of the ball to try his luck.

Therefore, for Gomez who forced him to this point, Jiang Xiaolin admired him and gave him the greatest respect and gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolin's actions, Gomez, who was originally in a depressed mood, smiled and gave Jiang Xiaolin a thumbs up.

Because he admired Jiang Xiaolin more.

Jiang Xiaolin's temporary change of the ball-touching position and his goal-scoring made Gomez realize that it would be very difficult for any goalkeeper to save Jiang Xiaolin's free kicks and penalties in the future.

Without moving in advance, Jiang Xiaolin has a very superb shooting skill that can hit the dead corner, making it impossible for you to save it.

If you move in advance, Jiang Xiaolin will change the ball-touching position and kicking direction according to your movement, making you regret it.

Such a Jiang Xiaolin is simply too terrifying.

Before, everyone thought that Jiang Xiaolin achieved these achievements and reputations today because of the lack of competitiveness in the Eredivisie. Maybe he is not as good as his teammate Gareth Bale. Now it's ridiculous to think about it.

Such a Jiang Xiaolin, let alone other things, can gain a foothold in the top giants of the five major leagues with just this free kick.

Gomez has already foreseen that Jiang Xiaolin will rise like the sun, shining brightly and shocking the future of world football.

Perhaps, not only this year's Golden Boy Award, but also this season's European Golden Boot will be Jiang Xiaolin's.

The European Golden Boot is a very valuable and well-known award.

This is different from the Golden Boy Award, which is compared with peers and young people under the age of 21.

Many young people under the age of 21 have not yet made their mark, so Jiang Xiaolin naturally stands out.

But the European Golden Boot is a competition with all the shooters in Europe, including many top shooters in the five major leagues, and even various Champions League Golden Boots, World Cup Golden Boots, European Golden Ball Awards, World Footballer of the Year and other superstars.

When competing with these superstars in their prime years for the total number of league goals in the entire season, and still winning the final European Golden Boot, it would really be world-famous.

Therefore, Gomez also gave Jiang Xiaolin considerable respect and admiration, although they are now opponents, and Jiang Xiaolin's goal also caused his team to be reversed and fall behind.

Many people saw Jiang Xiaolin and Gomez giving each other thumbs up, and everyone felt puzzled.

Jiang Xiaolin didn't celebrate after scoring a goal? Instead, he gave each other thumbs up with Gomez?

Did Jiang Xiaolin think Gomez's early displacement was smart, or did Gomez think Jiang Xiaolin's mediocre free kick was wonderful?

Many people felt confused.

However, there were still many people who reacted belatedly and noticed the difference.

After figuring out the changes contained in this ball and the fierce confrontation between Jiang Xiaolin and Gomez, everyone was even more shocked.

Jiang Xiaolin was able to forcibly change the part that touched the ball and the direction of the shot when he had already kicked the ball, which simply subverted everyone's imagination.

Just as Gomez thought, after thinking of this, everyone looked at Jiang Xiaolin as if he were a monster.

If Jiang Xiaolin continues to develop like this, he will really become unstoppable!

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin and Gomez's thumbs-up to each other was just a small episode on the court.

When his teammates excitedly rushed up to celebrate with Jiang Xiaolin, Jiang Xiaolin went to celebrate the goal with his teammates.

After losing the ball first, Jiang Xiaolin's goal was indeed worth celebrating.

After celebrating for more than 20 seconds, Tottenham kicked the ball in the middle circle and the game continued.

After the game resumed, the situation was different.

Alkmaar, who was ahead in the score, did not need to rush to attack at the risk of being counterattacked by the opponent.

They could shrink their defense, make their defense more stable, sit back and wait for Tottenham to attack, and then counterattack the opponent.

As long as Tottenham dares to attack, with Jiang Xiaolin's speed and the offensive power shown after adapting to the game, Alkmaar has a good chance of scoring again.

On the other side, Tottenham seemed very helpless.

They could only line up

There is no way.

In the case of leading and draw, they can still sit back and wait for Alkmaar to attack, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

But now it is not possible.

They are already behind in the score.

If they do not attack, both sides will use up the remaining time and they will still be behind.

Therefore, Tottenham can only attack, even if they are counterattacked, it doesn't matter, because there is no big difference between losing one goal or two goals.

It's a loss anyway.

Moreover, as a strong team in the Premier League, Tottenham lost to an unknown small team in the Eredivisie, and everyone is still a little unwilling.

Especially Gareth Bale, who was very jealous of Jiang Xiaolin's double goal.

When he scored the first goal before, he also thought Jiang Xiaolin was just so-so and he was stronger than Jiang Xiaolin.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin then equalized the score and slapped him in the face, and now he scored twice to help Alkmaar reverse the score, making his goal useless.

How can Bale not be jealous of this?

After all, he is still a young man.

Therefore, in the next game, Gareth Bale became quite active, constantly dribbling from the wing, crossing, or cutting in to shoot, hoping to score a goal to equalize the score for Tottenham, or even stage a big reversal.

However, his shooting and passing skills are far worse than Jiang Xiaolin.

In the 72nd minute, he actually used his speed and skills to successfully break through on the wing and create an inside shot opportunity.

And there was no one to interfere with him before the shot, and he was not far from the goal, just on the penalty area line.

As a result, his shot went over the crossbar, wasting a good inside shot opportunity.

Similarly, Aaron Lennon on the other side also created some opportunities, but he never turned them into goals.

The most threatening attacking opportunity created by Lennon was a pass from the bottom to Pavlyuchenko in the penalty area. Pavlyuchenko overpowered Alkmaar's two central defenders Moreno and Klavan between the penalty spot and the small penalty area line in the Alkmaar penalty area and grabbed the first header.

However, this time Alkmaar's goalkeeper Sergio Romero made another world-class save.

He blocked Pavlyuchenko's deliberate head-down ball with a Banks-like save, and then immediately turned over and pressed the ball under him, leaving Pavlyuchenko no chance to make a supplementary shot.

Pavlyuchenko's header in the penalty area was the most threatening shot created by Tottenham in the second half, but it was still blocked by the goalkeeper, which made Tottenham's players and fans feel a little frustrated.

Next, although Tottenham continued to attack tirelessly, they never made the same threatening attack as Pavlyuchenko this time.

On the contrary, Alkmaar kept using Jiang Xiaolin's speed to counterattack.

Although Tottenham Hotspur had paid great attention to preventing Jiang Xiaolin's counterattack, Jiang Xiaolin, who realized that the League Cup needed to handle the ball more decisively and quickly, was no longer completely frozen by Tottenham Hotspur.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaolin was not only good at dribbling and shooting to score goals.

His epiphany of this game could not only be used for his own breakthrough and shooting, but also for passing and cutting with teammates.

In the 75th minute, Jiang Xiaolin almost broke Tottenham Hotspur's goal again through a pass in a counterattack.

This counterattack was caused by Gareth Bale trying to break through and pass the ball from the bottom on the wing, but the ball was intercepted.

Although Bale successfully broke through Alkmaar's right-back and captain Jariens who was against him several times, Jariens was an experienced defender after all, and would not let the young Bale continue to insult him.

This time, it was Yarriens who saw the opportunity when Bale dribbled the ball too far, and he made a precise move to steal the ball, then passed it to his teammates to counterattack.

This counterattack was finally caused by Jiang Xiaolin's sudden pass while dribbling in the middle, allowing Hamdaoyi to receive the ball from the side and rush up to form a single shot and almost score.

However, this time Tottenham's goalkeeper Gomez performed well and saved Hamdaoyi's single shot.

Otherwise, Alkmaar could almost lock the victory.

Even so, the Alkmaar fans in the stands still applauded Jiang Xiaolin and Hamdaoyi.

Although the score is still 2-1, although Alkmaar seems to be passively defending and being suppressed by Tottenham.

But in fact, Alkmaar's counterattack created more threats than Tottenham, but it has not yet been converted into a goal.

Everyone believes that the final winnerThe winner of this game must be Alkmaar.

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