God of Green

Chapter 311

In the commentary booth, when Jiang Xiaolin's lob shot passed over Romero's head and fell into the Argentine goal in a parabola, the TV commentator immediately screamed with all his strength:

"The ball is in!"

"The ball is in!"

"The ball is in... "

"The Chinese team scored a goal!"

"Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal!"

"Jiang Xiaolin scored the second goal, helping the Chinese Olympic team to regain the lead over the Argentine Olympic team with a score of 2-1!"

"After being bombarded by the powerful Argentine Olympic team for more than 80 minutes, the Chinese team still did not lose heart and continued to fight. In the 81st minute, Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal. Lin scored the second goal of the Chinese team with a quick counterattack and regained the lead. "This is a great goal, a historic goal!" "Including the extra time, there are only a little more than 10 minutes left before the end of the 90-minute regular game time." "As long as they can hold on for these 10 minutes, the Chinese team will really create a miracle and beat Argentina to win the Olympic championship." "If a miracle really happens, this will be the first world championship in the history of Chinese football." The commentator's desperate roar did not seem so special, because there were more fans screaming and screaming wildly in the stands around the scene. The cheers and screams of more than 90,000 Chinese fans in the entire stadium were even transmitted to the audience in front of the TV through the commentator's microphone, and they were clearly audible. A boy in his teens held a small * in one hand and a cup of Coke in the other. But when Jiang Xiaolin's overhead kick flew into the Argentine goal, the little boy immediately threw away his Coke, waved his gun and jumped up from his seat, even standing on his seat, clenched his fists and shouted and cheered wildly, venting his excitement.

An old fan in his 50s, with his face covered with oil paint and a headscarf with the words "China Must Win" on his head, waved a flagpole with a big gun hanging on it.

When he saw the ball go into the net, the excited old fan burst into tears, rushed to the corridor with his gun in his hands, and ran back and forth in the corridor waving his gun, causing countless fans to applaud and cheer, and finally stopped by the security guards and returned to his seat.

There were also countless fans at the scene, who also fell into crazy celebrations when Jiang Xiaolin scored a goal to help the Chinese team regain the lead.

Not only was it a venting of the fans' emotions after being bombarded by Argentina for most of the game, but also because everyone really saw the possibility of the Chinese Olympic team winning the championship unexpectedly.

As the commentator said, there were only 10 minutes left in the game.

As long as the Chinese team can hold on for these 10 minutes, they can really create a miracle.

No wonder everyone is so excited.

Of course, not only the scene, but also the square outside the stadium, the whole of Beijing, the whole of China, and even places with Chinese people all over the world, are all in a frenzy.

On the court, Jiang Xiaolin, who scored a goal, was no exception.

He also knew the significance of this goal.

In the front and midfield, watching his teammates in the backfield being bombarded by Argentina, he was also anxious! He was afraid that Argentina would score a goal and lead the Chinese team if he was not careful.

Fortunately, the Argentines did not bring their shooting boots and had bad luck. His teammates also maintained a very good state and defensive cooperation, struggling to support them, and they were not overtaken by Argentina, and waited for this counterattack goal opportunity.

Now, as long as the Chinese team, which has already scored a goal and led the opponent, can keep the score until the end of the game, the Chinese team will really create a miracle and win the Olympic championship.

This will be a new history of Chinese football. Jiang Xiaolin and the entire Olympic team will become national heroes!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaolin, who scored the goal, naturally couldn't suppress his excitement. He rushed to the sidelines like crazy, celebrated with a passionate slide, and then stood up, clenched his fists and raised his arms to vent his excitement.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaolin was pulled down by his teammates who rushed up and pressed under them to celebrate.

Whether it was the players on the field or the coaches, substitutes, staff on the sidelines, as well as fans, spectators, and reporters, all Chinese people were in an excited celebration.

On the other hand, the Argentine players on the other side were lost, speechless, looking up at the sky, or looking down at the ground, and their spirits were depressed.

In particular, the midfielder Gago, who lost the ball due to a pass error, had his legs softened, knelt on the ground, and cried with his hands covering his face.

He should take full responsibility for this loss.

If Argentina lost the championship in the end, he could already imagine the domestic media and fans criticizing him.

The Chinese team’s celebration lasted for more than half a minute before it was stopped by the Argentines’ protests.The referee stopped the game.

Although many people seemed a little lost, captain Riquelme could not.

Argentina was behind in the score, but it was not the end of the world. They were only one goal behind.

There was still ten minutes left, so Argentina still had a chance!

Therefore, after seeing that the Chinese team was celebrating for a long time and suspected of delaying the game, Riquelme stood up to protest to the referee, and then the referee fulfilled his duty, stopped the Chinese team's celebration, and asked everyone to return to their own half to prepare for the game.

Jiang Xiaolin had just walked across the center line when Argentina kicked off.

If Argentina's offensive rhythm was a little slow after playing for 70 minutes and consuming too much physical energy, then now after the game was restarted, Argentina's offensive rhythm suddenly increased to the fastest.

They no longer have the patience to slowly pass the ball and slowly open up the gaps of the Chinese team.

They need a more direct attack. Whether it is passing or breaking through, they just need to move forward, forward, forward!

In the 83rd minute, Riquelme got rid of the ball in the middle and passed it to the penalty area. Di Maria cut inside the penalty area and volleyed the ball, which flew over the crossbar.

In the 85th minute, Messi passed two people on the side and cut inside to attract the attention of the Chinese team's defense. Then Messi made a triangle pass to the top of the penalty area. The back midfielder Gago tried to make up for his mistake with a long shot, but he used too much force and the ball flew high over the crossbar.

In the 86th minute, the full-back Zavaleta suddenly inserted an assist, and after a continuous two-on-one with Messi on the side, he made a cross from the bottom. Aguero headed the ball from the front point and missed the post.

In the 87th minute, Di Maria broke through the front of the penalty area and caused Zheng Zhi to foul. Although he was not shown a yellow card, he gave Argentina a very threatening free kick.

This free kick was in a good position and distance, and it was very threatening.

Riquelme's free kick did hit the goal frame. If goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong hadn't predicted that Riquelme would hit the near corner and moved in advance, the ball might have really gone in.

The subsequent corner kick was grabbed by the Chinese team. Li Weifeng headed the ball out of the penalty area, but the Chinese team failed to control the second landing point, which was grabbed by the Argentine midfielder Mascherano who inserted from the back row.

Mascherano did not stop the ball to adjust, and tried to make a long shot with a volley, but unfortunately he did not control the angle well, and the ball slightly missed the post.

As a world-class giant born in South America and only defeated Brazil 3-0 in the semi-finals, the technical strength of the Argentines is really terrifying. Even if the overall state of the Chinese team was cheated to 100% by Jiang Xiaolin, it was still a bit unbearable and looked embarrassed.

In just a few minutes, Argentina completed five shots. Although only Riquelme's free kick hit the goal frame, it was already terrifying enough.

Whether it was the players on the field, the coaches off the field, the fans in the stands, or the audience in front of the TV, the Chinese team was extremely nervous, fearing that Argentina would score a goal and equalize the score in the next second.

The Chinese players on the field were also exhausted physically and mentally, and had to use some tricks to delay time.

It was a routine operation for the goalkeeper to delay time by serving the goal kick. Although there had been protests from the Argentine players before, the referee had always ignored it.

Perhaps this was the advantage given to the host team by the whistle.

However, this time, after Mascherano's long-range volley outside the penalty area missed the post, Qiu Shengjiong delayed the time when serving the goal kick too much.

He slowly walked behind the goal, took the ball from the ball boy, slowly walked to the corner of the small penalty area, put the ball down, stepped back two steps, and pretended to kick the ball.

As a result, he seemed to feel uneasy again, so he walked up slowly and picked up the ball again, changed to another position a few centimeters away, slowly put it down, and slowly stepped back, preparing to kick the ball seriously.

This action of repositioning the goal kick brought him trouble.

Not to mention the Argentines, even the referee was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This blatant way of delaying time is obviously not encouraged or even allowed on the football field.

So, when Qiu Shengjiong placed the ball for the second time and slowly retreated, the referee ran over and raised the yellow card to Qiu Shengjiong, indicating that he was delaying the game time and was warned by the yellow card.

Tens of thousands of Chinese fans in the stands suddenly burst into dissatisfied boos and curses, and curses of "black whistle" and "idiot" were heard everywhere, but it had no effect on the referee.

Qiu Shengjiong, who received the yellow card, was also very dissatisfied and even wanted to argue with the referee. As a result, the referee blocked him with one sentence: "If you keep talking nonsense and delaying time, I will directly send you off with a red card!"

This deterrent was too strong, Qiu Shengjiong could only shut up immediately and go back to the goal.The ball was kicked out. Although Zheng Zhi grabbed the first point, he was unable to head the ball to Jiang Xiaolin due to the interference of the opponent's players. The second point of the ball was grabbed by the Argentine. So, it became the Argentine attack again. But as the game time became less and less, although the Chinese players were physically and mentally exhausted, Qiu Shengjiong even received a yellow card for delaying the time, but everyone was more and more motivated psychologically. Because as time became less and less, the chances of the Chinese team winning the championship became greater and greater. As long as they persisted for a few more minutes, the Chinese team would win the first world championship in history. Therefore, although it was very embarrassing, the players of the Chinese team worked together and tried to block the Argentine attack with overall defense. On the other side, the Argentines' offensive has been very fierce, but they have been unable to score, from the beginning of the game to now. As the game time became less and less, everyone became more and more anxious, and it was almost difficult to see everyone playing pass and cut cooperation again. Whether it is Messi, Di Maria or Aguero, as long as they get the ball, they almost fight alone, wanting to score by their own strength and become the hero who saves the team.

Even the captain Riquelme was irritated and fell into the trap of fighting alone, and did not have much patience to cooperate with his teammates to complete the attack.

In just three minutes after Qiu Shengjiong was shown a yellow card, Argentina completed three terrifying shots.

This shooting frequency even caught up with the number of shots of the Chinese team in the first half of the game.

However, these three shots did not pose any threat. They were all wasteful shots outside the penalty area. There was not even a threatening shot within the goal frame, which was a complete waste of time.

It was under such circumstances that the game time came to the 90th minute, and the fourth official raised the sign for 4 minutes of extra time.

Suddenly, there was a violent clamor and booing in the stands, most of which were booing that the extra time was too long.

Obviously, these people are Chinese fans.

For Chinese fans, they would rather not have a second of extra time, and the game would end immediately.

Therefore, whether it is 4 minutes or 3 minutes, there will definitely be people booing. However, 4 minutes of extra time is indeed 1 minute longer than the 3 minutes of extra time in ordinary games, so it is no wonder that everyone is dissatisfied and booing.

In contrast, another part of the thousands of Argentine fans will feel that this time is too short.

However, they did not boo the referee, but took the time to cheer for the team, hoping that Riquelme, Messi, Aguero and others would seize the last time to score a goal to equalize the score and drag the game into extra time, then Argentina would still have hope.

The Argentine players on the field naturally knew this truth.

The game time has entered extra time, but they are still behind in the score.

If they cannot score a goal to equalize the score as soon as possible, then they will become the laughing stock of the entire world football in 4 minutes: defeated by an Asian team and lose the Olympic gold medal.

Therefore, the Argentine players became more and more anxious, and wanted to break through and score a goal to equalize the score.

As a result, Di Maria, who was dribbling the ball on the wing, seemed to have forgotten that he had teammates, and Aguero and Riquelme were supporting him in the middle. He dribbled the ball alone on the wing, trying to break through the joint defense of Zhao Xuri and Yuan Weiwei.

However, after repeated attempts, Di Maria took the ball out of bounds in a hurry, giving the Chinese team an out-of-bounds ball, and the ball possession also changed hands.

The out-of-bounds ball is the dead ball time when substitutions can be made.

Obviously, the Chinese team was well prepared and had already played the substitution sign when entering the overtime period.

The referee could not turn a blind eye.

Therefore, the consequence of Di Maria's ball being taken out of the sideline was not only the change of possession of the ball, but also gave the Chinese team a legitimate excuse to make substitutions to delay time.

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