God of Destruction

Chapter 4328: Festival action

Chapter 4334: Action

"War, you want to launch a war, launch a full-scale war, but do you know the consequences of doing so? Once we fail, we will all face death, and there will be no retreat!" Facing Xing Tian’s suggestion, Devour God Insect Mother The emperor’s expression is solemn, the decisive battle is not impossible, but the decisive battle cannot be hesitated, let alone betrayal, the god-eater mother emperor is worried that Xingtian is only impulsive, and when the real decisive battle arrives, she feels regretful and makes the whole situation There is a huge disaster!

Xingtian's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Chonghuang, I know what you are thinking. I can tell you clearly that this is not my impulse, but my final choice. Even if there is no hope, I would rather Self-destruction, unwilling to become pawns and puppets in the hands of others, so that one's soul will never be superb, death is not terrible, the most terrifying thing is to be dominated by others and become a puppet! I don't know what the final outcome is, but I will not surrender!"

Without waiting for the God Devouring Mother Queen to answer, Xing Tian continued: "Go ahead, there is not much time left for us. No matter what calculations you have in your heart, the decisive battle is inevitable, and I have to make the final preparations. It’s life or death, war or peace, and it's up to you to decide. I have said everything that should be said, and I have done what I can do. Now everything depends on the choices of fellow daoists!"

select! Is there a choice between the God-Eater Mother Queen and the Human Giant? No, when the situation comes to this moment, they can only bite the bullet and continue. No matter what the outcome is, they must face it. They have no way out. War is the only way out.

Xing Tian did not stay and wait. After saying this, he nodded slightly to the giants of the human race, and then walked away directly. As he said, the time is limited, and he must grasp every minute and every minute. Second, he must get in touch with the deity and tell the deity everything before the God Devouring Insect Mother Emperor and the human giants make all the connections.

This is a matter of life and death. There is no room for carelessness. The sooner you let the deity know, the better it will be for you. Perhaps there are secrets in the God-Eater Mother and the human giants that they don’t know, and the other party has something to hide. However, the clone of Xing Tian, ​​the King of End, has no time to entangle them endlessly. There is no need to waste his time and energy for that little secret. In this limited time, the clone of King of End hopes to be able to interact with the deity and time and space. The king clone makes the worst decisions and prepares, prepares for the worst, and even faces death and destruction!

In such a terrifying world, Xing Tian, ​​the King of Ending clone, doesn’t know what the outcome will be, and what terrifying situation will be after this battle, but under the persecution of the world, he has no idea. You have to choose. Heaven and Earth will not give you a chance to choose. A decisive battle must be faced. No one can withdraw.

Leaving the human world, Xing Tian was speeding up to the place where he was originally hidden, and when Xing Tian left, the God Devourer Mother Emperor opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally gave up, silently watching Xing Tian leave. A trace of madness kept flashing in his eyes, as if he was telling something, and as if he was calculating something.

When Xingtian’s figure completely disappeared from his line of sight, the God Devouring Mother Queen suddenly sighed and said: "Dear fellow human beings, I don’t know what you think of all this, are you willing to participate in this crazy battle of life and death? In the meantime, are you willing to accept Xing Tian's suggestion and plan this life-and-death showdown with all your strength?"

When he heard the words of the God Devourer Mother Queen, the Virtual Lord smiled calmly and said: "Insect King, do you think we have other choices? We must act, no matter what Xing Tian thinks, what preparations, or What calculations are not important to us. What is important is how we face this upcoming crazy decisive battle. For our human race, except for a few giants who stay behind the human race world to guard the security of the human world, other giants I will do my best to contact more colleagues and make this final decisive battle. I believe the Insect Emperor will not choose to escape at this time, under such circumstances!"

"Escape? No, it is impossible. You are insulting me. How could I escape? And do you think I still have a chance to escape? Under the general situation, even if I have the intention to escape, I cannot escape the final battle. , Instead of dying out in the final battle, it is better to let go at this time and do your best to seize this last vitality!"

The virtual master nodded and said: "Okay, very good, we are relieved with the words of the insect emperor. Since the insect emperor has made a choice, then we will also act separately, hoping that everything is still too late, hoping that the situation is not ours. As terrifying and dangerous as imagined, we can also have the opportunity to reverse the trend, protect our lives, and shelter more creatures!"

I saw, the Mother God Devouring Insect Mother sighed and said: "You are relieved, but I can't feel at ease. If we really follow Xingtian's advice, we must unite all the forces, but in the end how many people will believe us, How many people will participate in this decisive battle. Although the temptation of interests is very powerful, not everyone among the ancient giants will be tempted by interests. There will always be people who see through all this, and there will always be people who have malicious intent. If we want to take advantage of the fisherman’s interests, we must know that once we act, we don’t even have a chance to clear the field, and this Qiaqia gives a lot of opportunities for careerists."

After hearing the words of the God-Eater Mother Queen, the virtual master nodded slightly in agreement, and then sighed softly: "Yes, there are indeed many hidden dangers in this way, which will cause accidents, but the insect emperor clearly Why didn’t you talk to Xingtian before you knew this? If you object, you might be able to change Xingtian's thinking!"

God Devouring Mother Queen shook his head slightly and said: "Impossible, this is impossible. The lunatic Xingtian has an extremely strong will. It is impossible for me to shake his beliefs and change his thoughts because of my words. If I have to oppose and stop, I will only let this madman part ways with us. There is nothing for this madman that he dare not do."


The Virtual Lord sighed: "The Insect King thinks that we have some chance of victory in this battle, and how much hope do we have to survive? To be honest, I always have a trace of worry about this battle, and I always feel that everything It’s not that simple, but now we have no choice. We are not afraid of threats to the insect king, but it is different to us. We giants can die, but we don’t want to see the flames of human civilization extinguish, and we don’t want to watch. Human race will be completely destroyed in this battle!"

The Mother God Devouring Insect Mother's expression condensed, and said in a deep voice: "Friends of Taoism can't have such thoughts, let alone such thoughts. You can't control all of this. When the trend is approaching, you and I have no choice. , Just like me at the beginning, if I know that the god-eaters will be destroyed because of me, I don’t want to accept it, but everything is beyond our control. Regardless of victory or defeat, we can only pay with all we can, even the lunatic Xingtian Understand, I believe you should also understand that in this life and death battle, if you still have concerns in your heart, you will only make yourself die faster!"

The virtual master does not know all of this, why does not know that under the general situation of the world, he has no ability to resist at all. If he has to resist, he will only be directly crushed by the general situation, but knowing that, the virtual master is still in his heart Not reconciled, still unwilling to let go like this, after all, this is a real life and death duel for the human race.

Seeing the worried look of the human giant, the God Devourer Mother Queen sighed and said: "Go, no matter what direction this situation will develop, there is not much time left for us, if you really have to worry about Humans If civilization is shattered, we can plan for the worst and prepare for the worst. Perhaps we can continue the civilization of the people. If I could also plan for the worst, I would not be alone or fall into such a passive state. In the situation!"

Preparation, what kind of preparation the Human Race takes? Under the general trend, no matter how hard the Human Race makes, no matter how much preparation is made, there will be no results. If the human race is doomed to perish, no amount of preparation will be useless. , It’s just that for Humans, this is something they have to do. Even if there is a one in ten thousand hope, they will do their best. It is better to be prepared than not, and to do it is better than not to be stronger. Hope will give you more chances, even if the price is great, you must do it!

The heart is not as good as the action. No matter how good the words are, no matter how beautiful the ideal is, it needs to be implemented in the end. Time is very urgent for everyone. If the human race wants to let go, it must make the greatest effort in this short time. , Otherwise everything will be empty, time is urgent for them, no one knows what will happen next moment!

I saw, the virtual lord nodded lightly, and then said: "Thank you, the insect emperor, time waits for no one, let's act now, the ancient giants will leave it to you to deal with, and other civilizations in this era, The alliance of other forces is left to our human race. After everything succeeds, fellow daoists come here to join us and make the final decision!"

God Eater Mother Queen nodded and agreed. Time is limited, and he doesn’t have much energy wasted here. After all, he doesn’t know what’s going on in the island of Gods. If he can’t speed up, maybe when he has united everything. At the time of the ancient giant, the battle on the island of the gods had ended, and the **** **** of the time **** and demon had won the final victory.

Yes, for the God Devourer Mother Queen, he believes that without the help of external forces, those ancient giants participating in the alliance are not opponents of the Time God and Demon, and the power of the Time God and Demon is not something they can resist. Over time , These ancient giants will all die under the terrifying time **** road of the time **** and demon, and fall under that terrifying time origin treasure.

After lightly scanning the bodies of the many giants of the human race, the god-eater mother emperor, like Xing Tian, ​​did not stay any longer, and with a wave of her hand tore open the barriers of the human world, disappeared into the vast void, and the human world returned. Calm, while the tycoons of the human race fell into silence, they were all thinking about everything before, savoring this dramatic change!

After a while, the virtual lord sighed and said to everyone: "Dear fellow Taoists, do you think I, our human race, can really trust them? Do you believe these two lunatics? Will they bring us that last ray of life?"

I saw many Terran giants shook their heads and said: "I don’t know, no one knows what it will look like in the future. For these two lunatics, we cannot influence their decisions. As for believe, this is even more difficult and different. Without conspiracy, these two lunatics are not the same as our human race. If it were not for the persecution of the situation, we would not have an intersection with them!"

The situation is compelling. In fact, this is the general trend. Under the pressure of the general trend of the world, they have no choice. They have to confront the general trend of the world. They can only say that they are destroying themselves, and all the other giants present are all It's clear, and they all understand, it's just that they are unwilling to speak, nor dared to speak, for fear that they might cause undesirable trouble for themselves.

Soon, the Terran giants took action. The Virtual Lord and the Terran giants silently made a choice and prepared for the worst. The Terran quickly took action, each with a stable and declining division of labor, and frantically began to change. Everything in the human world is working hard for the final struggle, making the final effort. This battle will be the final decisive battle they face. Either the enemy will die or they will die. There is no other possibility, and the entire human world is in Changes are happening quickly, and there will be gains if you pay. When the ultimate threat comes, all the races and spirits frantically take out their most valuable assets to survive, and start to support this life and death duel. Countless resources are madly integrated into the human world, in order to allow oneself to live and live a little easier in the new round of changes that may come, but all this is to take responsibility.

The power of the human race is in action, and the entire Chaos Sea has also undergone earth-shattering changes. There is an inexplicable aura on them, but this aura is far from the human race giant, but they do not know that their actions are together , The luck of the entire human race was fluctuating crazily, and it was crazily affecting the whole world, making oneself go to destruction step by step, and the more death, the situation was really out of control, everything was developing in the unknown direction. The unknown is the most terrifying, the most terrifying, the unknown will make the entire Chaos Sea even more crazy, make everything more terrifying, and even make the whole world usher in a **** storm!


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