God of Destruction

Chapter 4250: Festival World Fusion (final)

Chapter 4256: World Fusion (Final)

As if because of the crazy calculations between the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos, the continuation of the eighth world collision and the ninth world collision, the entire supreme chaotic world has become extremely terrifying and terrifying, and all the forces that originally suppressed the heart of the world are exploding, Whether it’s vitality or destruction, it can be said that the endless avenues and endless origins are erupting. This is no longer the shock wave caused by the collision of the world, nor the terrible rule force, but the power of the world is the eruption of a whole world. The terrible power below, this power madly rages everything and destroys everything, whether Xing Tian or many giants are shrouded in this power, even the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos are also shrouded in this power. under!

"What do Dadao and Chaos Sea want to do? Why do they inspire such terrible upheavals? Could it be that they want to destroy the Supreme Chaos World, and want the Supreme Chaos World to have a new life? The creatures of the entire Supreme Chaos World come to recast the origin of the Supreme Chaos World at the expense of them. But what good is it for them? Once the world is shattered, is there really a possibility of rebirth? Under such terrifying rules, the world still has Is it alive?"

Xing Tian was wondering, and many giants and strong men were wondering. At this time, everyone gave up everything tacitly and tried their best to protect themselves. What kind of racial civilization and what descendants’ blood concubines are all false, only Their own lives are real. For them, as long as they can save themselves, everything else can be given up or given up.

Is this world fusion? Xing Tian didn’t know, many giants and powerhouses didn’t know. They couldn’t sense the existence of the Chaos Sea, or the origin of the supreme Chaos World. All they could see was destruction, only the eruption of the terrifying regular force. Only the world is heading for destruction step by step, and is constantly falling apart.

For practitioners, it is possible to break and then stand. For the Supreme Chaos World, no one knows whether it can do it, even the Great Chaos Sea does not dare to guarantee it. After all, this is a complete world, and This is still a world that is about to enter the final state of destruction, accelerate the destruction of the world, accelerate the fusion of the two worlds, exhaust this extreme stimulation, can really complete the rebirth of the world? Perhaps Dadao could not give a definite answer.

To be able to see the eruption of rules, but not to feel the fluctuations of the world, or the fluctuations of the great avenue, is a big joke to Xing Tian. The eruption of rules can be seen with the naked eye, but the changes in the world cannot be sensed by himself. , Unable to sense the evolution of the World Avenue, which casts a huge shadow on Xing Tian’s heart. This result means that he is constantly wasting time, wasting his energy, and even wasting his life, making himself more terrible. In the disaster!

"No, there must be other ways. This is definitely not the end result. No matter how the world evolves, no matter how dangerous this catastrophe is, the evolution of the World Avenue cannot be suppressed. It must be that I have not found a way to break the situation, no matter how How powerful the Chaos Sea and the Great Dao are, it is impossible to completely seal the evolution of the world, and cannot block the general trend of the world!" Xing Tian frowned, thinking frantically. He didn't believe that all this was the end, and he didn't believe that he could feel it. Less than the evolution of the world!

The naked eye can see the drastic changes in the world, but the mind cannot sense the evolution of the World Avenue, and cannot sense the existence of the World Avenue. This is obviously a huge incompleteness. The appearance of this incompleteness means that the power of the Avenue and the Chaos Sea is extremely high. The seal of the Primordial Avenue of the Chaos World can only be explained by this one explanation. Why can't I sense the evolution of the World Avenue, even if I can see it with the naked eye, I still can't feel the fluctuation of the Avenue.

Xing Tian was right in thinking, but time was limited. There was no time for Xing Tian to find the flaws in the seal. Perhaps when Xing Tian found the flaws in the seal, the drastic changes in the entire Supreme Chaos World had ended, and nothing could be changed!

Not only Xing Tian can think of this, but the giants and strong men in the supreme chaotic world can also think of it. They also have this kind of worry. Under such a situation, each and every one of them has a lightness. There is still a touch of sorrow in that loss, because they can’t find a way to break the situation, which means that they will face death. No one wants to face death. Their mood before death is naturally imaginable. know.

"My fellow daoists, we have no retreat now. The avenue is determined to contain us to death. You have seen everything. The power of the seal is locking our retreat. Now we have to give up our lives. I know that everyone still has a back hand, and even if there is no back hand, we can still give up this "life", even if we have given up our flesh, we can also break a blood path, let the soul break free from the shackles of the world, let us Escape from this death catastrophe!"

When these words fell, the eyes of the trapped giants and the strong all "showed" a trace of madness. This is indeed the case. They are indeed in a real desperate situation. At this time, they have no more. The choice is a fight to the death!

"Well, time waits for no one. If we could unite forever and gather the strength of all people, there would never be a crisis like the present one. We would have smashed a blood path, penetrated the barriers of the world, and rushed out of the blockade of the highest chaotic world. , Now if there are still people who don’t know how to advance or retreat, then I have nothing to say, after all, no one can stop your death-seeking heart!"

Seriously, these words are heavy enough. For those giants and strong men who have made the withdrawal choice before, this is a face-slap, but they dare not refute, because they all understand that this result is because of theirs. They have to take responsibility for the stupidity, so at this time they only have to be silent, so as not to be hostile by everyone!

auzw.com "A fight to the death, I don’t care what you think, everyone in this fight must come up with the ultimate strength. If the first wave of impact, we can’t tear the seal, we can’t penetrate World barriers, then we have to abandon the body. After all, there is only one chance. If we fail again this time, we will really die and never have a chance to stand up again. I don’t need you to express your opinions. What I need to see is the result, so I planned everything for the worst. Does anyone have any other ideas?"

At this time, in this situation, how can the giants and the strong have other ideas? Even the stupid people understand that they have no choice but only one chance. If you don’t work hard, you will have a dead end in the end. What kind of scheming is just a joke. If you dare to save your strength, you will inevitably be hit by other people when you break through the barriers of the highest chaotic world. If you have the means to reach the sky, there is only a dead end.

"Kill! Time waits for no one, give me a full fight and make a **** road!" With this roar, all the giants, all the strong are screaming frantically, and the terrifying killing intent is up to the sky. At this moment, everyone was desperately trying their best to explode their ultimate killer. In an instant, a series of terrifying magical powers blasted away from the void frantically, gathering the strength of everyone, and converging into a terrible huge wave. , Blasted directly to the seal placed by the Dadao and Chaos Sea.

‘Crack! With a crisp sound, the seal is breaking, and the cracks are madly spreading in all directions, but even so, the seal has not collapsed and still exists, and everyone has no time or energy to gather the second blow. Time is their biggest weakness, they don't have time to regroup.

"The power of the bloodline burn me!" The roars resounded frantically again. A giant and a powerful person were burning their blood power frantically and rushing towards the seal. Only in this way could they be able to. Rush to the seal at the fastest speed, and only in this way can they get in touch with the power of the seal and be able to make the final counterattack!

When a giant and a strong person hit the seal, a loud noise erupted. It was their explosion. In order to break free from the shackles of the world and seize the last vitality, these giants sacrificed their bodies and exploded themselves. For the price to tear the power of the seal, to tear the barriers of the world, to open a blood path to the outside!

Yes, this is the blood path, the real blood path, the blood path condensed at the expense of itself! At this moment, there is no giant, who is the strong dare to have reservations, because there is only one chance. If they can't work together and tear the void channel in the first time, there will only be death and death, so no one dares to save strength.

The self-detonation of everyone was gathered, and the terrible impact directly tore the seal and directly penetrated the barriers of the world. A **** path really paved with blood leads to the Chaos Sea. The primordial spirits of the giants and the strong are opened in this channel. In an instant, he rushed into the Chaos Sea, without a trace of hesitation, for fear that the world barrier would close in the next moment!

For these giants and powerful men, they don’t care what kind of damage their counterattack will cause to the Supreme Chaos World, let alone what other creatures in the Supreme Chaos World will end up with. They only have themselves in their eyes, as long as they themselves To be able to escape, everything else is not important, even if the Supreme Chaos World is destroyed because of it!

"Crazy, these **** are crazy, they use the method of "suicide" to break free from the shackles of the world, a decisive belief, and a powerful method!" When this happened, Xing Tian's eyes revealed Endless shock and horror, such a result was something Xing Tian hadn't expected, so many giants and powerful men gave up their lives and the damage caused was terrible.

Those giants and strong men didn’t care about the trauma of the world, but Xing Tian saw it clearly. This terrible blow not only destroyed the power of the seal, but also tore through the barriers of the supreme chaotic world. In the meantime, the entire Supreme Chaos World was "exposed" under the impact of the Chaos Sea, without a trace of defense. The terrifying storm formed by the collision of the previous worlds was raging across the world madly. In just a moment, countless creatures died out. In just an instant, the Supreme Chaos World collapsed by one-third, which shows how terrifying the damage caused by the crazy counterattack of these giants and strong men!

And at this moment, the power of the Chaos Sea broke out, and the terrifying source of Chaos directly anchored the Supreme Chaos World. The earth and dragon veins of the entire Supreme Chaos World were eroded by the power of the Chaos Sea. This is not that the Chaos Sea is forcibly controlling the Supreme Chaos World. , But the source of the Supreme Chaos World took the initiative to give up the defense and let the power of the Chaos Sea master everything!

World fusion! Yes, for self-protection at this moment, the origin of the Supreme Chaos World is to let go of everything, let the Sea of ​​Chaos take control of everything, and master the Supreme Chaos World. Only in this way can the Supreme Chaos World survive this disaster. No Destroyed by the impact of the Chaos Sea, but for the creatures of the entire Supreme Chaos World, it was a disaster. In just a moment, countless creatures died out and were destroyed by the power of the Chaos Sea.

At the moment of this drastic change, Xing Tian also felt the breath of death. Under such a terrible drastic change, Xing Tian himself suffered a terrible impact, and his mind was instantly hit hard. Whether he was the deity or the clone, he could not help but snorted. The mind is damaged, and at the same time, the supreme chaotic world is changing, and it is changing under the influence of the sea of ​​chaos!

Yes, when Xing Tian suffered this final blow, the Supreme Chaos World was swallowed by the Chaos Sea, and truly merged into the Chaos Sea. The origin of the Chaos Sea began to transform it, and a huge vitality poured into the Supreme Chaos World. , And Xing Tian originally thought that he was in great trouble this time and would have to pay a heavy price, but with this influx of vitality, the situation reversed. Under the guidance of this huge vitality, the origin of the supreme chaotic world was recovering. The Heart of the World is recovering, the origin of the Dao of the whole world is emerging, Xing Tian once again feels the changes in the world and the evolution of the Dao of the World.

After breaking and standing, the Supreme Chaos World really did it. Under the extreme destruction, under the guidance of this huge vitality, the entire Supreme Chaos World was reborn. The new world was given to Xing Tian, ​​and those remaining in this Supreme Chaos World The creatures have brought huge benefits, allowing them to intuitively feel the evolution of the World Avenue, and feel the evolution of the World Avenue. Such changes made Xing Tian’s face involuntarily "showing" a smile. This is a chance. There is a great opportunity, and all this is just the beginning. When the world recovers, when the huge vitality floods in, Xingtian’s deity and clone are madly absorbing all the sources that are beneficial to themselves, and their injuries are recovering quickly, no matter what Is the soul or the physical body recovering quickly!

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