God of Defiance

Chapter 3046 Chu Tian’s Thoughts

"Xianxian Sword, continue!"

After receiving Chu Tian's reminder, Ba Lao was startled. Then he shouted coldly, turned his right hand, took out the Immortal Killing Sword, and swung it toward Chu Tian.


In an instant, the Immortal Killing Sword with a piece missing was spinning and shooting out, and then it was firmly grasped by Chu Tian's outstretched palm, and stood upright in front of him, showing a single character.


After just one glance, Chu Tian looked solemn, snorted coldly, and without hesitation, quickly poured the spiritual energy in his body into the blade, trying to activate the Immortal Killing Sword.

Since he is a Dacheng Saint King, his strength far exceeds that of the same level, and the spiritual energy poured into him is very fierce, so it only took a few breaths to successfully activate the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand.

sulfuric acid! sulfuric acid! sulfuric acid!

The moment the Immortal Killing Sword was activated, it immediately trembled slightly and made a loud sound, which sounded obviously filled with excitement and confusion.

Obviously, although the Immortal Killing Sword is incomplete, it still has a strong spirituality!

Being personally activated by such a young top master like Chu Tian, ​​the Immortal Sword was naturally extremely excited, but at the same time it felt very confused, because it had no idea why Chu Tian suddenly activated it!

"Haha, don't worry, you will know what you need to do soon!"

Hearing the constant hum of excitement and confusion coming from the blade, Chu Tian couldn't help but grin, whispered, gripped the handle of the knife, and threw it upwards!

call out!

In an instant, the Immortal Killing Sword turned into a streak of rainbow light, soared into the sky, and suddenly got into the fiercely burning purple-black flames, and stopped in it, motionless.

"Chu Tian, ​​what are you..."

After seeing this scene, Ba Lao was suddenly startled, his eyes slightly opened, his face full of shock, and he shouted coldly, with doubts and confusion in his voice.

Although he has a good level of cultivation and is well-informed, he really has no idea at this moment why Chu Tian did this and threw the Immortal Sword into the fire of the King of Heaven and Earth. Could it be that this way he could induce a reaction?

If it was that simple, he would have tried to do it long ago!

"Haha, you said that Master Jin Yang cultivates the holy principles of the fire attribute. Although I also practice the holy principles of the fire attribute, it is not the same as the fire attribute sacred principles cultivated by Master Jin Yang!"

"So I need an intermediate object to find out what kind of fire-attribute holy principles Master Jin Yang practices in his hometown, and this intermediate object is the Immortal-Slaying Sword!"

When Chu Tian heard this, he smiled slightly and gave his own explanation.

After hearing this, Ba Lao pondered for a moment, and suddenly showed a look of surprise: "Yes, why didn't I think of it! As the master's personal weapon, the Immortal-Zhanbing Sword must contain some of the fire-attribute holy principles cultivated by the master!"

"But under normal circumstances, it is difficult to activate these hidden fire-attribute holy principles. Only by immersing in the unfamiliar King of Heaven and Earth Fire and then tempering it with all your strength can it be possible to activate it, thereby causing the induction ability to skyrocket wildly!"

At this moment, Mr. Ba finally understood Chu Tian’s thoughts, and his heart was full of admiration!

It has to be said that Chutian is not only extremely smart, but also has a very open mind. He quickly came up with a truly effective and practical method and put it into practice.


It's hard to say whether the method Chu Tian came up with is useful. It still needs to be tested in practice to know, but at least it is better than doing nothing.

In addition, Ba Lao is not worried about any damage that may be caused to the Immortal Sword through this method.

The complete Immortal Killing Sword is a quasi-emperor weapon. If it is so easily damaged, it would not be called a quasi-emperor weapon!

"let's start!"

After throwing the Immortal Slayer into the purple-black flames, Chu Tian looked up, whispered, raised his hands, and performed the Lightning Knife again, striking out a series of bright swords and entering the flames.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

As Pi Lian poured in, the purple-black flames began to tremble again, constantly buzzing, and the temperature of the surrounding void continued to rise.

In the following time, wave after wave of heat waves erupted from the purple-black flames, sweeping in all directions. Wherever they passed, the void was burned and trembled slightly.

Some flowers and plants that originally grew on the top of the mountain only lasted a few breaths before they all burned and turned into ashes, scattering all over the ground.

As for some large and small stones spread on the top of the mountain, they are also affected by the heat wave. The temperature continues to rise, and even signs of softening can be seen on the surface.

Chu Tian and Ba Lao, as powerful Saint Kings, can naturally easily cope with the scalding heat waves that are constantly hitting them.

Although the heat wave released by the purple-black flame at this moment is extremely hot, it is nothing compared to the temperature inside the flame!

At this time, the temperature inside the purple-black flame has risen to an astonishing level beyond imagination, and as external energy pours in, the temperature inside is still rising.

The Immortal Killing Sword was inside the flames and was hit by the astonishing high temperature from all directions, but it still remained motionless and could not see the slightest impact!

"As expected of a quasi-emperor weapon, it has been hit by such high temperatures in all directions and still has no reaction. It seems I have to work harder!"

After Chu Tian raised his head and observed for a few breaths, his eyes flashed and he whispered in a deep voice, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

After finishing speaking, he did not hesitate, took a deep breath, raised his spiritual energy fiercely, and pumped more energy into the purple-black flame through his rapidly flashing fingers, accelerating the temperature increase of the latter.

Under this crazy impulse, in just a few breaths, the temperature inside and outside the purple-black flame rose again, reaching a terrifying level.

At this time, even a strong Saint King like Balao began to feel a little hot, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, rolling down and wetting his robes.

"Good boy, after being activated, this ball of heaven and earth king fire of yours is really powerful. It actually makes a strong Saint King like me feel a little uncomfortable!"

After noticing that beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead, Balao couldn't help but sigh in admiration with a wry smile, then stood up, left the top of the mountain in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in the void a hundred feet away.

Obviously, he was worried that he would become even more embarrassed as the temperature rose, so he simply got up and left the top of the mountain to hide further away.

In this way, the impact will naturally become smaller.

When Balao left the top of the mountain, Chutian just glanced at him and ignored him. Instead, he concentrated on his own affairs.

In the blink of an eye, another few breaths passed.

As the temperature inside and outside the purple-black flame increased, the Immortal Killing Sword inside the flame finally showed signs of trembling, and soon it made a bright and loud sound!

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