God of Defiance

Chapter 3001 Canyon

These big bosses of the Holy Kings who were making all the difference in the cultivation world of Central Continent started to work hard one by one.

Especially the saint kings like Chu Tian and Ba Lao, who came relatively late, seized the time and used various means to speed up their progress towards the deepest part of the core meteorological zone while ensuring their own safety.

In fact, Chu Tian still felt a little guilty in his heart.

If he hadn't wasted a lot of time before and arrived too late, the master and the disciple could have entered the deepest place calmly and leisurely, without having to speed up like they are now.

As it went deeper, Chutian became more and more cautious.

Because there are very few hidden space cracks, even if he activates the Sky Eye to the maximum extent, it is difficult to see it. If he is not careful, he may be tricked.

This caused the master and apprentice to move forward at a speed that was sometimes fast and sometimes slow during the rest of the journey. Especially when they reached the area where Chu Tian had trouble getting it right, the speed of the two of them slowed down to the extreme.

Even so, the master and the disciple still moved forward, gradually entering the deepest part of the core meteorological zone.

The first sign of entering the deepest part is not the large increase in various spatial cracks in the void, but the large number of holes and cracks visible to the naked eye on the ground.

The diameter of any hole is more than a thousand feet, and the length of any crack is tens of miles. At a glance, it is dazzling and awe-inspiring.

From time to time, you can even see some huge mountain peaks that have been cut off in half. The remaining parts are like giant tree stumps, sitting there silently, letting the wind and rain blow and wash away with time.

"It is indeed a battle between emperors. The traces left behind are indeed shocking. You can imagine the real scene back then!"

After flying all the way and admiring it all the way, Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing the emotion, Ba Lao couldn't help but grin: "Haha, battles between emperors, even in a period of ancient times when multiple emperors coexisted, were very rare!"


When Chu Tian heard this, he frowned slightly and asked hurriedly.

According to ancient records, in ancient and ancient times, there were indeed many emperors coexisting in the entire Zhenwu Continent, but that situation was very rare. Most of the time, there was only one emperor left in the entire continent!

It stands to reason that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

Since there were many emperors on the continent at the same time, the competition between these emperors must be very fierce. But why did Balao just say that battles between emperors were very rare?

"Haha, battles between emperors are very rare. What's so hard to understand? The reason is actually very simple..."

Seeing that Chu Tian was a little confused, Balao immediately shook his head, chuckled, and explained.

According to his explanation, let alone an emperor, even a mere saint often has a strong self-esteem and is afraid that his failure in a battle with others will be seen and spread.

This is even more true for the Emperor!

Therefore, unless forced to do so, it is impossible for emperors to fight.

Even if they really need to fight, they often like to leave the Zhenwu Continent and enter the distant starry sky to start a hearty battle.

In this way, no matter who wins the battle in the end, no one will know except themselves, and the dignity and face of both parties will be preserved invisibly!

Therefore, among the ancient classics collected by the major powers in Central Continent, there are very few records about the battles between emperors. It can even be said to be rare!

"That's right. I'm so proud of myself, let alone a top figure like the Emperor!"

After listening to Balao's explanation, Chu Tian couldn't help but show understanding and nodded.

The master and the disciple moved forward like this, and unknowingly came to the entrance of a huge canyon. They stopped moving forward, with a trace of hesitation in their eyes.

The reason why the two of them stopped suddenly at this moment was mainly because there was a continuous violent roar from the huge canyon in front of them. It sounded like the roar of the wind or the roar of some kind of wild beast. It was difficult for a moment. fathom.

The reason why the two came to the entrance of this huge canyon was because other places were covered with a large number of space cracks. Only here, there were relatively few space cracks, so it was naturally still relatively safe.

But the sudden appearance of the huge canyon made the master and apprentice hesitate for a while.

"Master, if I guess correctly, the huge canyon ahead should be a significant trace left by the fierce battle between the two emperors. There may or may not be murderous intent in it. Do we want to go in now?"

Chu Tian stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the mist-shrouded and rumbling canyon, and asked in a deep voice.

Although there are very few spatial cracks at the entrance to the canyon in front of us, no one can guarantee that there won't be any danger inside, so now it's time to make a decision!

He is very happy to enter the canyon, but Balao is relatively stable and may not be willing to enter it.

After all, there are at most a few space cracks in other places, and the dangers can be seen with the naked eye, but it is completely impossible to judge what dangers there are in the canyon.

There is even a possibility that once you enter the canyon, you will never be able to come out and completely die in it!

"Well... for some reason, I feel that the rumbling sound we are hearing from the canyon is not simple, it is not just the sound of wind..."

After Ba Lao pondered for a moment, he did not rush to give an answer. Instead, he spoke calmly and talked about the rumbling sound coming from the canyon.

When Chu Tian heard this, he hurriedly pricked up his ears and listened carefully. After a few breaths, he discovered that the rumbling sound coming from the canyon seemed a bit unusual.

But what was unusual about it, he couldn't tell for a while.

Seeing that Balao was still bowing his head in thought, he did not rush to urge him. Instead, he stood there and waited patiently, waiting for Balao to think clearly before making a decision.

At this time, it is certainly not necessary for the master and the disciple to pass through the canyon in front of them. They can also fly through other places, but it may become much more dangerous and waste more time.

The two of them had already wasted a lot of time. If they took a long detour and wasted a lot of time, the day lilies might even get cold!

So at this moment, it was time for Balao to make a final decision on whether to cross the canyon with unknown safety ahead.

Ba Lao kept his head down and was deep in thought. Naturally, Chu Tian would not interrupt at will. He just stood aside and continued to wait patiently.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths passed.

"Save time and go in together!"

Suddenly, Balao stopped thinking, shouted low, took a step forward, and rushed into the canyon first.

When Chu Tian saw this, he hurriedly dodged and followed him hastily.

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