God of Defiance

Chapter 2961 Wake up

At this moment, in the sight of Chu Tian and the other two, there appeared an open space, about an acre in size, not very large, but the open space was full of various flowers, competing for beauty and fragrance.

Among these flowers, three straight paths were formed, arranged at equal angles, one leading to the outside and the other leading to the center of the open space. Looking from the sky, it was completely a trident shape.

However, the most eye-catching thing at the scene was not the gorgeous flowers, nor the three straight paths, but a figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the open space!

It was a middle-aged man with a slender figure and a handsome face. His black hair was draped over his shoulders and he was wearing a long robe with lines of blue and red embroidered on it.

The handsome middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged at this moment, his eyes were closed, motionless, his face was calm, and he looked as if he was asleep, and he had been sleeping for a long time.

At this moment, Chu Tian and the other two were all motionless, staring at the handsome man sitting cross-legged in the middle of the flowers, and all kinds of thoughts in their brains were running at high speed.

Who is the other party?

Why is the other party here?

Is the other party dead or still alive?

If the other party is still alive, will the other party suddenly wake up and find the three people invading, and kill all three people in one breath in anger!


At this moment, various questions came to the minds of the three people one after another.

For these questions, the three people did not have any accurate answers, because they had almost no understanding of the mysterious handsome man they suddenly saw.


After a few breaths, the three people almost jumped at the same time, each standing at the starting position of the three straight paths, staring at the handsome middle-aged man sitting in the middle, as if they were ready to walk along the path to the latter.

"I am from Zhongzhou outside. I have seen you. If the three of us broke into this place, please forgive us if we disturbed you!"

At this moment, Lan Tianye's eyes turned, bowed, and said in a deep voice.

The reason why he took the initiative to speak at this moment was, on the one hand, to test whether the handsome middle-aged man was still alive, and on the other hand, to show himself, maybe he could get some benefits unexpectedly.

After all, the real world of cultivation actually has a lot in common with the secular world. Being respectful won't go wrong! .

After Lan Tianye finished speaking, Chu Tian and the black-robed sturdy man immediately stared at the handsome middle-aged man, expecting the latter to give some reaction.

Unfortunately, after a few breaths, the handsome middle-aged man still had his eyes closed, motionless, and no reaction was seen.

"I am from Zhongzhou outside. I meet you, senior. The three of us broke in here. If we disturbed you, please forgive us!"

Seeing that the handsome middle-aged man did not react, Lan Tianye immediately raised his voice without hesitation and spoke loudly again, hoping that the other party could hear and then give some reaction.

Unfortunately, he shouted several times in a row, but the handsome middle-aged man still did not react.

Then he boldly used his divine thoughts to test the other party, but as soon as his divine thoughts approached, he was unceremoniously bounced away!


In an instant, Lan Tianye groaned, felt a burst of pain in his brain, and hurriedly subconsciously retracted his divine thoughts.

Chu Tian and the black-robed sturdy man, both Saint Kings, understood what happened instantly after seeing Lan Tianye's reaction, and also instantly put down their tentative mentality.

Although the two still couldn't figure out who the handsome middle-aged man was and whether he was dead, they were both sure that the other party's identity was definitely not simple, otherwise, he wouldn't have secretly arranged such a powerful anti-probing ban!

"Hmph! Relying on the formation, deliberately making a mystery, looking like a real person, but actually dead, losing the threat he should have, what's there to be afraid of!"

At this moment, Lan Tianye snorted coldly, took a step forward, and instantly walked into the straight path lying in front of him.

Taking the first step into the straight path, Lan Tianye seemed to be a little worried and walked slowly, but after walking a few steps away and finding that nothing happened, he immediately plucked up his courage and walked towards the handsome middle-aged man sitting in the middle at a normal speed.

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian and the black-robed sturdy man were slightly startled, feeling a little surprised, and hurriedly took a step forward, each along the straight path, and walked towards the handsome middle-aged man sitting in the middle.

At this moment, if you stand in the sky and look down, you will find that three people are walking towards the middle from three completely different directions.

"Well... After waiting for so many years, someone is finally here!"

Just when the three walked to the middle of the path, a low and calm voice suddenly came from the middle.

Hearing the voice, the three people's faces suddenly changed, and they hurriedly looked up and looked at the middle. As a result, they happened to see the handsome middle-aged man, who slowly opened his eyes that had been closed for who knows how many years, turned his head slightly, and swept over the three people.

At the same time, an undisguised terrifying aura, like running water, quickly emanated from the other party, and completely enveloped the entire space.

After feeling this terrifying aura, the three people instantly confirmed the cultivation of the handsome middle-aged man. He was a peak Saint King, and seemed to be more powerful than those peak Saint Kings outside.

In an instant, the three people stopped, stood in place, and stared at the handsome middle-aged man who woke up!

"Hello, senior. Due to special reasons, I cannot introduce myself. If you would be so kind as to ask me your name, may I know your name?"

Lan Tianye, the most capable of dealing with things among the three, bowed with his fists and spoke respectfully first, wanting to inquire about his identity.

Although Lan Tianye is also a Saint King, he is only a minor Saint King after all, while the handsome middle-aged man is a peak Saint King, and his strength seems to be stronger than that of an average peak Saint King!

Also a Saint King, with a difference of one level in cultivation, will have a lot of differences in strength and status.

And the high status of the peak Saint King in the cultivation world far exceeds that of the great Saint King. The latter can only be regarded as a Saint King boss at most, while the former is a giant in Central China!

After Lan Tianye finished speaking, Chu Tian and the black-robed sturdy man did not rush to speak, but stared at the handsome middle-aged man, as if they wanted to see the latter's reaction.

The reason why the two did not rush to speak was mainly because they had no idea of ​​the handsome middle-aged man's temper and personality.

If the other party does not like flatterers, then taking the initiative to approach him at this time is simply courting death!

"You want to know my name? No problem. My name is Yao Tingyue, and I am..." Unexpectedly, the handsome middle-aged man spoke out his name very readily.

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