God of Defiance

Chapter 2930 Experiment

In order to avoid encountering other holy kings, Chu Tian took Wang Yi and the others and did not return from the original route. Instead, they chose another slightly farther road, spent more time, and completely left Cangming Lei Valley.

After leaving Thunder Valley, the four of them immediately found a remote place, opened a simple cave, hid in it, and took a rest.

"We have almost entered the depths of the inner area now. Going further inside is the true deepest part of the inner area and the core meteorological zone. It is extremely dangerous. Do you want to continue to follow me?"

After entering the cave, Chu Tian sat cross-legged, turned to look at Wang Yi and the others, his face was solemn, and he asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yi and the other two people immediately responded without hesitation: "Of course!"

Of course the three of them know that the next step will be even more dangerous, but after all, they are still in the inner area and have not yet entered the most dangerous core area!

The three of them all felt that although they had gained a lot of benefits this time, they had not earned enough yet, and they still wanted to follow Chu Tian and gain some more benefits.

As for whether to enter the core meteorological zone later, the three of them basically held a negative attitude.

As we all know, the danger of the core meteorite zone is much greater than that of the inner periphery. Generally, only the elite-level Little Saint Kings, Dacheng Saint Kings and Peak Saint Kings choose to enter the core meteorite zone.

Once a small Saint King with average strength like the three of them enters the core fall zone, not only will they not be able to help Chutian, they may even fall into it themselves.

After all, the last time we came in, a dozen peak holy kings died in the core fall zone.

Compared with the strength of the three of them, compared with those of the dead peak saint kings, there is simply a difference between clouds and mud. Those peak saint kings couldn't handle it, let alone them!

"Okay, since you have decided to continue to follow me, that's it, but I don't recommend you to enter the core fall area. Now I have important things that need to be dealt with alone. You go to the door first and guard the cave for me! "

Seeing that the three of them decided to continue following him, Chu Tian immediately nodded and said in a deep voice.


When the three heard the words, they nodded without thinking too much, stood up quickly, and walked to the door of the cave, looking out with alert eyes.

After Chu Tian saw the three people leaving, he immediately raised his right hand and waved violently. The whole person disappeared from the place without a trace in an instant. At the same time, a three-story small tower, only the size of a grain of rice, fell to the ground silently and slowly. .

After a breath, light flashed on the third floor of the Xiaozang Gong Building, and a figure appeared out of thin air. It was none other than Chu Tian!

The reason why Chu Tian was in a hurry to enter the third floor of the Xiaozang Gong Building at this moment was for a simple reason, just to study the Qiankun Emperor's Cang Ming Thunder Palm that he had obtained not long ago, as well as his right hand that had undergone drastic changes.

Especially the latter, he must seize the time and focus on research!

After a breath, he raised his right hand, lowered his head to check, and found that the palm was still in normal condition. Then his heart moved, and he carefully poured the spirit essence into his right hand according to the method he learned from Cang Ming Thunder Palm.


In an instant, the right hand that was originally in a normal state began to slowly become dazzling and colorful, and at the same time, it became transparent bit by bit from the outside to the inside.

At the same time, Chu Tian gradually felt that his right hand, in addition to belonging to him, seemed to have some invisible connection with a certain mysterious world.

Of course Chu Tian knew what kind of world that mysterious world was. It was probably the so-called Cang Ming Thunder World that he heard when he was trapped in the gray thunder ball before!

In an instant, he also completely understood the true function of his modified right hand. It not only provided the hardware required to perform the Cang Ming Thunder Palm, but more importantly, it had an invisible connection with the mysterious Cang Ming Thunder Palm.

Without this invisible connection, the warrior can only use the thunder and lightning contained in his body at most, and the number of holy kings with thunder attributes is very scarce, which basically makes the so-called Cang Ming Thunder Palm a useless move.

But if there is this invisible connection, then Cang Ming Thunder Palm is no longer useless, and it is no longer only suitable for the cultivation of thunder-attribute holy kings, but can be practiced by any holy king with enough strength!

the reason is simple!

With this invisible connection, the warrior does not need to mobilize the thunder and lightning in his own body, but to mobilize the thunder and lightning in the so-called Cangming Thunder World! M..

No matter who it is, the number of thunder and lightning in the physical body is limited, but the number of thunder and lightning in the Cang Ming Thunder Realm is infinite, inexhaustible and inexhaustible!

After a breath, Chu Tian wanted to stop pouring the spiritual energy, but then he thought, he had never tried to use Cang Ming Thunder Palm, should he try it now?

Just do it!

He put away his thoughts and continued to pour in the spirit essence carefully. At the same time, he mobilized his spiritual thoughts and tried his best to lock on the Cang Ming Lei Realm that was connected with his right hand to avoid disconnection.

In the blink of an eye, a few breaths passed.

Above his right hand, a small black hole gradually appeared, expanding little by little, and colorful thunder and lightning could be faintly seen inside.

"Cangming Thunder Realm!"

Seeing the ever-expanding small black hole and the increasing number of colorful thunder and lightning in the black hole, Chu Tian's eyes suddenly flashed and he whispered.

"not good!"

But in the next breath, his expression suddenly changed, he exclaimed, and hurriedly tried to forcefully stop injecting spiritual energy.

The main reason why he forcibly stopped pouring in the spirit essence was because at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the spirit essence in his body was pouring into his right hand uncontrollably. The speed was like a big river, rushing with waves!

For Chu Tian, ​​the influx of spiritual energy into his right hand is not a problem, but the uncontrolled and crazy influx like now is a problem, and it is a big problem!

Chu Tian was strongly worried that if he continued to pour in like this, the spiritual essence in his body would probably be sucked dry!

It's a pity that he couldn't stop the infusion of spiritual energy despite trying several times in a row. Every time he tried, he suffered a stronger backlash!

"Okay, okay, suck it, suck it hard, let's see how much you can absorb!"

After several consecutive failed attempts, Chu Tian stopped trying. He simply snorted and let go completely, allowing his right hand to absorb the spiritual energy in his body crazily.

After there was no resistance, Chu Tian's right hand finally began to absorb it completely and crazily, and it sucked harder and faster, almost to the point of no scruples!

With the crazy influx of spiritual energy, the black hole that appeared above the right hand expanded rapidly, and more and more colored thunder and lightning filled it. After reaching a certain level, it poured directly down and poured into the right hand.

In an instant, Chutian's entire right hand was completely surrounded by colorful thunder and lightning, with countless electric arcs jumping crazily!


Not long after, Chu Tian finally couldn't hold on any longer. With a ferocious look on his face, he shouted, raised his right hand, aimed forward, and struck out with a palm!

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