God of Defiance

Chapter 2880 Bargaining

What a joke, only 60% chance of successful activation! ?

As a warrior, when it comes to life and death, you must ensure a 100% successful activation rate. 60% is just a little higher than half, which is too low!

All the saint kings present are smart, and no one dares to joke with their lives casually!

The remaining 10% of the saint kings did not sit down because they wanted to see what the actual price of the next life-replacement king talisman with only a 60% chance of activation is.

If the price is fair enough, then they don't mind bidding and try to bid.

But if the price is too high, then they will not hesitate and give up decisively, like everyone else, quickly sit down and watch coldly.

"Haha, although this life-replacing king talisman is slightly damaged, according to the research of my Black Profound Realm Association, it is still possible to repair it. So you can buy it first, and then go to Zhongzhou to find a talisman master to repair it!".

After noticing that most of the people in each box sat down suddenly, the auctioneer Xuan Wu suddenly laughed dryly and opened his mouth loudly at any time to explain, hoping to mobilize everyone's interest.


It would have been better if he didn't say it. After he said it, he attracted a lot of ridicule.

The general standard of the many holy kings present today to auction treasures is to try to choose those treasures that are useful for entering the place where the emperor fell next.

A damaged life-replacing king talisman, in order to play a 100% role at a critical moment, actually needs to find a talisman master to repair it. It's too troublesome for them!

What they urgently need is a treasure that can be put into use immediately after purchasing it!

The damaged talisman being auctioned at this moment is obviously not such a treasure, so it naturally does not have much attraction to them.

In a box, Chu Tian stared at the damaged talisman on the disc, nodded, and smiled slightly.

Although it would be very troublesome for others to repair this damaged life-replacing king talisman, it was not difficult for him, and it should not take long.

"Okay, I now announce that the reserve price of this life-replacing king talisman is 500,000 top-grade spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 10,000 top-grade spirit stones. The auction begins!"

Although he noticed the cold reaction on the scene, Xuan Wu still bit the bullet and loudly announced the relevant information of the auction and reminded everyone to start the auction.

Strangely, after the announcement of the auction, the huge auction hall was dead silent, and no one bid!

For a moment, Xuan Wu, who was standing on the circular platform, looked embarrassed and looked around, hoping that someone would be the first to bid on the scene.

In fact, in some other auctions in Zhongzhou that are well-known for price comparisons, in order to avoid such embarrassing cold scenes, the organizers of the auctions often secretly arrange a few shills to lurk in the crowd and take the initiative to bid at critical moments.

But Xuanwu thought that the Black Profound Domain Association was the top auction in Zhongzhou, and all the attendees were Saint King masters, so there was no need to use these low-level methods, so he did not arrange for a shill, which resulted in a rare cold scene in the history of the Black Profound Domain Association.

At this time, Xuanwu was very regretful.

If he had known that such a cold scene would occur, he would definitely arrange a few shills in advance to hide in the box to help him solve the embarrassment at the critical moment.

In fact, the reason for the awkward cold scene at this moment was not mainly because the substitute life king talisman was damaged, but because the Black Profound Domain Association set the price too high!

The people present were all very smart. Who would be stupid enough to spend 500,000 top-grade spirit stones to buy a spirit talisman that they didn't know if it could be used at the critical moment!

"Although this substitute life king talisman is damaged, it is definitely repairable. Which friend is willing to bid 500,000 top-grade spirit stones to buy it? 500,000 is enough!"

Seeing that no one bid, Xuanwu had no intention of giving up. He still shouted loudly, hoping that someone could bid.

Unfortunately, no matter how he shouted, the scene was always dead silent, and no one bid.

After seeing this embarrassing situation of obvious failure to sell, Xuan Wu sighed in his heart, shook his head, and was ready to give up and continue the auction of the next treasure.

"Master Xuan Wu, I have a suggestion, I wonder if you are interested?"

But at this moment, suddenly a faint voice came from a VIP box.

Hearing the voice, not only Xuan Wu, but everyone present almost instantly turned their heads and looked at the box where the voice came from, with interest in their eyes.

The person who spoke at this moment was none other than Chu Tian!

When Xuan Wu found that the person who spoke at this moment was the person who publicly inquired about the damage to the talisman not long ago, his eyes flashed and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face.

But he was a famous auctioneer after all. The displeasure on his face flashed away for a moment, and then he smiled and asked: "What suggestions does this friend have? Why not tell me!" "Master Xuanwu, I believe you also know that it is difficult to auction the talisman because it is damaged, but I am still willing to bid 300,000 top-grade spiritual stones to purchase this damaged life-replacing king talisman. This is my proposal!" After a breath, Chu Tian spoke calmly and stated his proposal. At this time, he could indeed spend 500,000 top-grade spiritual stones to purchase the talisman, but he still wanted a lower price and was unwilling to give the original price. After all, no one's money comes from the wind. If you can get it at a low price, you should naturally get it at a low price!

"No! Three hundred thousand top-grade spiritual stones is too low. The minimum is 400,000. If you offer four hundred thousand top-grade spiritual stones, then I can directly make the decision and sell you this life-replacing king talisman!"

As a result, as soon as Chu Tian finished speaking, Xuan Wu immediately shook his head, rejected Chu Tian's proposal, and made his own request at the same time.

When Chu Tian heard this, he insisted without even thinking about it: "Four hundred thousand is too expensive for me. Three hundred thousand is just right. If you are willing to sell it to me for three hundred thousand, I will take it. If not, If you like, forget it!”

Chu Tian's attitude when he spoke at this moment was very firm, and he didn't sound like he had any intention of compromise.

"Well...just wait a moment. I need to discuss it with the other elders and will give you an answer soon!"

Seeing that Chu Tian's attitude was very firm, Xuan Wu did not refuse on the spot, but pondered for a moment and said solemnly.

Immediately afterwards, he closed his eyes, released his spiritual thoughts, and moved his mouth. It seemed that he was beginning to have urgent discussions with the other elders of the Black Mysterious Territory Association.

When Chu Tian saw this, he was not in a hurry. He leaned back with a calm expression and waited patiently.

While Chu Tian was waiting, some warriors in other boxes at the scene immediately touched their chins with their hands in deep contemplation, wondering whether they should get involved later!

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