God of Defiance

Chapter 2740 Chu Tian’s Judgment


In just a blink of an eye, Chu Tian faced the storm and rushed within ten feet of the gray stone. Without saying a word, he raised his palm and transformed into a big spiritual hand. He spread his five fingers and grabbed the gray stone!

In an instant, the open hand of Lingyuan came to the gray stone and was about to grab it. Suddenly, the gray stone shone brightly and instantly turned into a rapidly rotating vortex!

When Chu Tian saw the whirlpool, he instantly felt a strong invisible suction coming toward his face, completely covering his brain. Then he let out a muffled groan, and his entire consciousness was forcefully sucked in.

For a moment, Chu Tian felt that countless storms were raging in front of him, like invisible sharp knives, piercing into his consciousness, and they were still cutting back and forth quickly!


In an instant, endless terrifying pain rushed to his face, almost completely submerging his consciousness, and screams could be heard in an instant.

Submerged in this horrific and severe pain, Chutian's consciousness may have been for self-protection, or perhaps it was really unbearable, and it quickly became blurry and sank, falling into the endless abyss.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At the same time, bursts of triumphant laughter continued to ring in Chu Tian’s ears.

What is very strange is that these triumphant laughter are not the voice of one person, but the voices of many people, including men and women, old and young, alternating with each other and continuing to sound.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the laughter is full of pride, but also full of deep coldness and resentment. It seems that Chutian has naturally become the biggest enemy of many voice owners without doing anything. He wants to get rid of him all the time. !

This kind of hatred and murderous intention makes no sense at all, but it is real and can be felt very clearly.

As time passed, the severe pain Chu Tian felt in his consciousness became more and more terrifying, submerging him little by little, and the remaining clarity and reason also disappeared little by little.

Although Chu Tian resisted with all his strength, it did not have any obvious effect. His own consciousness continued to become blurred little by little, as if he was slowly sinking into the water.

"No, I can't sink like this anymore, otherwise I will definitely die. Get out of here!"

Suddenly, an extremely strong sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of Chu Tian's heart, and then he roared, without hesitation, using all his strength to resist desperately, trying to break free from the overwhelming pain.

As a result, the more he resisted and struggled, the faster his consciousness sank. In a short period of time, only a trace of clarity remained on the spiritual platform, like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time.

After discovering that he not only failed to escape the severe pain, but instead fell deeper and deeper, Chu Tian, ​​with only a trace of clear consciousness left, immediately gave up the struggle without hesitation, and at the same time subconsciously recited the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart silently.

"The pure heart is like water, and pure water is the heart. There is no breeze and no waves. Youhuang sits alone, whistling and playing the piano. Zen is in concentration, and the poisonous dragon escapes..."

After reciting the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart, Chu Tian suddenly felt that his remaining clear consciousness was no longer swaying crazily like a candle in the wind, but was becoming stronger bit by bit.

In the following time, the terrible and severe pain was like a tide, erupting one after another, trying to completely submerge Chu Tian's remaining clear consciousness.


No matter how the severe pain broke out, it could never drown Chu Tian's remaining clear consciousness.

This clear consciousness, as if it could never be beaten to death, endured the violent storms one after another, standing firm, stubbornly surviving, and determined to die unyielding!

Whenever the severe pain erupts to an extremely terrifying level, Chu Tian speeds up and silently recites the Holy Mantra of Clearing the Heart, trying to calm himself down and not be affected by the severe pain that hits his face.

At this time he gradually understood!

To deal with the ever-increasing and severe pain, it is not to face the difficulties and take the initiative to fight, but to calm down and stay calm. No matter how strong the wind is, I will remain unmoved!

I don't know how long this situation lasted. The severe pain that hit me gradually began to return, fade away little by little, and finally became weak and disappeared.

As the severe pain became weak and disappeared, Chutian's own consciousness became stronger and clearer little by little. Before long, most of his entire consciousness was basically restored.

"Hoo ho ho... it was such a close call, it was such a close call just now!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian's face changed. He was gulping and breathing heavily. Sweat rolled down his head and wet his clothes. His eyes were full of strong fear that was difficult to conceal.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurriedly sent out his spiritual thoughts to carefully check his body.

After a detailed examination, he found that there was no major problem with his body, but that the spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness were greatly consumed, which led to more or less headaches and black eyes.

"I understand, I understand..."

Soon, he looked at the gray stone not far away again, murmuring, his eyes sparkled, and a trace of understanding appeared on his face.

Not long ago, his consciousness was forcibly sucked away by the gray stone. Not only did he encounter horrific pain, but he also heard all kinds of triumphant laughter, full of murderous intent and distortion.

The terrifying pain comes directly from the gray stone itself, and the various triumphant laughter are the many remaining consciousnesses from the past thousands of years.

Chu Tian strongly doubted it!

In the past thousands of years, there have been many Holy King masters like myself who used various means to penetrate into the terrifying storm and, like myself, successfully approached the gray stone.

Immediately afterwards, those people, like him, tried to reach out to grab the gray stone, but were caught in the consciousness by the sudden and terrifying suction force of the gray stone.

After persisting for a period of time, the consciousness of those people was destroyed by the storm and almost completely collapsed. The remaining pitiful consciousness was absorbed by the gray stone and entered it, and it has remained until now.

That's why not long ago, he heard all kinds of wild laughter, all of which were full of murderous intent and resentment, giving people an extremely twisted feeling. They were all the remnants of gray stone absorbing the unwilling consciousness of dying people in history. A kind of leakage.

Facing the double blow of the terrifying storm and negative consciousness, the ordinary holy king simply cannot hold on for long. His own consciousness will soon be submerged and destroyed by the storm, just like so many predecessors!

"No matter how evil you are, I will still get you!"

A few breaths later, Chu Tian looked solemnly, staring at the gray stone not far away, snorted coldly, without hesitation, raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and grabbed it again in an instant!

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