God of Defiance

Chapter 154 Xuanzhong Ball

Chu Tian's flattery was really brilliant.

Not only did he use words, but also expressions, and he even temporarily pulled out another nine people to cooperate with him!

It couldn't be more perfect!

"Well, well, Tianji Academy has a younger disciple like you, so why worry about not being prosperous!"

The old man in green was very pleased to hear this and laughed.


He immediately landed, staring at Chu Tian, ​​motionless.

Chu Tian felt uncomfortable when he was stared at by the other party.

This old man in green was obviously a guy with an erratic mood and a weird temper.

Chu Tian didn't dare to guarantee that the other party wouldn't suddenly turn against him again!

"Boy, if you have any problems in the future, you can come to Xuanjing Pavilion to find me at any time!"

After staring for a few breaths, the old man in green suddenly left a word and flew back into the dragon head.


Chu Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that the old man in green would ask to accept him as a disciple on the spot like the dean of Tianji Academy.

In that case, he could only refuse.

If he refused, it would probably anger the other party again!

"Let's go!"

After a while, Huang Wantong looked at Chu Tian with admiration.

Then, he waved his hand, and a strong wind blew up, sweeping up the ten people and flying up.

Soon, the ten people returned to the martial arts field.

After saying goodbye to each other, the ten people left in a hurry.

All ten people had just obtained a new martial art, and everyone was eager to go back and study it carefully.

A moment later.

In the training room on the second floor of the attic.

Chu Tian sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and recalled the divine martial art he had just obtained, the shocking spirit piercing!

This move of shocking spirit piercing is specifically aimed at the enemy's spiritual consciousness.

At the critical moment, once it is performed, the divine thought in the brain will instantly condense into a needle, fiercely piercing into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, causing terrible pain to the opponent, thus creating a good opportunity to kill the enemy!

After studying for a long time, Chu Tian decided to give it a try.

He closed his eyes and tried to condense the divine thought in his mind into a thin needle.

However, after just a few breaths, Chu Tian felt dizzy and almost fell down.

He smiled bitterly and stopped trying immediately.

It seems that with his current level of spiritual cultivation, he is temporarily unable to perform the Heaven-level low-grade martial arts of the Shocking Soul Stab.

"Boy, you are at most the lowest level of the first-grade mind master now, and you haven't even touched the threshold of the second-grade mind master. To perform this Shocking Soul Stab, you must be at least a second-grade peak mind master!"

Ba Lao said in a deep voice.

Chu Tian nodded helplessly after hearing this.

Immediately, Chu Tian began to think about his next cultivation plan.

His cultivation has been promoted to the peak of the Lingyun Realm, and an astonishing 96 spiritual caves have been opened up in his body. It is just around the corner to open up a hundred spiritual caves, so he only needs to practice step by step.

As for refining equipment, it needs to be done quickly!

During this period, Chu Tian has been busy with cultivation, and the matter of refining equipment has indeed been neglected.

There is no rush to cultivate spiritual consciousness.

It only takes one hour a day to practice the secret art of grinding and chiseling.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian stood up and left the attic.

He first went to the exchange office in the inner courtyard and exchanged all the extra beast cores on his body for points, and the result was more than 30,000 points.

Immediately, he spent a high amount of points and bought a batch of earth-grade refining materials!

The price of earth-grade refining materials is far higher than that of ordinary human-grade refining materials, and Chu Tian felt very distressed when he spent points.

However, this money must be spent.

Because he can already skillfully refine human-grade top-grade weapons, if he wants to go further and refine earth-grade weapons, he can only buy earth-grade refining materials at any cost and practice continuously.

Soon, Chu Tian returned to the attic, closed the door and refused to see visitors, and began to devote himself to refining weapons.

The inner courtyard, which had been noisy and tense for a long time, finally restored its former calm and tranquility.

People either practiced behind closed doors, or went out on missions, or traveled in groups of three or two to visit Kyoto, lingering in the place of fireworks every day.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.


Late at night on this day, a long laugh suddenly came from Chu Tian's attic.

In the practice room on the second floor of the attic.

Chu Tian held a black ball that was pitch black and the size of a fist in his hand.

The surface of the black ball was uneven, with convex and concave areas, and it looked like it had been chewed by a dog!

Although his face was full of fatigue, he was obviously very happy.

This black ball looked ordinary, even a little ugly, but it was the first low-grade earth-level weapon that Chu Tian successfully refined!

Compared with human-level weapons, earth-level weapons can not only accommodate more spiritual energy, but also have more terrifying power when used. The most important thing is that the surface of the earth-level weapon is engraved with earth-level patterns, thus having a trace of spirituality.

The so-called spirituality means that the weapon itself seems to have life or consciousness.

For example, some weapons have the ability to actively attack, some weapons can actively dodge, and some weapons can even help their owners escape successfully in critical moments.

Of course, a very small number of weapons with strong spirituality will give birth to weapon spirits!

Although the spirituality of the black ball refined by Chu Tian is very weak, it does exist, not completely absent.

In addition to these inherent differences, the most obvious difference between earth-level weapons and human-level weapons is the price.

In Tianji Academy, the price of human-level weapons is generally a few thousand points, and rarely exceeds tens of thousands of points.

And the price of any earth-level weapon is tens of thousands of points, and there are many even hundreds of thousands!

Therefore, in the world of cultivation, earth-level weapon refiners and human-level weapon refiners are not on the same level at all.

Once a human-level weapon refiner is lucky enough to advance to become an earth-level weapon refiner, his status will immediately skyrocket, and even a strong person in the spiritual vein realm will be a bit disrespectful when he sees it!

After a breath, Chu Tian took a deep breath and kept pouring spiritual energy into the black ball!

With the infusion of a large amount of spiritual energy, a large amount of black light immediately appeared on the surface of the black ball, and its weight continued to increase.

After just a few breaths, the weight of the black ball had increased to an extremely astonishing level!

"Okay, okay!"

Feeling the astonishing weight of the black ball, Chu Tian smiled and nodded repeatedly.

According to the information given by Ba Lao, this ball is called the Xuanzhong Ball, and it is indeed heavy enough!

Soon, Chu Tian took back the spirit element, and the black ball suddenly returned to its normal state.

After closing his eyes and resting for a moment, he took a deep breath and continued his busy refining.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed by.

In the early morning of this morning, Chu Tian, ​​who had been closing the door to greet guests for a full month, finally walked out of the attic and came to the outside world.

He looked up at the rising sun, touched the storage ring on his hand, smiled slightly, and jumped out.

Not long after, Chutian stood at the entrance of a valley.

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