Chapter 84 The twelfth place on the list of famous generals, Wang Yi!!

In everyone’s hearts, their thoughts are similar.

Because of Li Wei’s merits, because of the successful overthrow of Goguryeo, they inevitably had a little more confidence and faint impulsiveness.

Even Li Jing and the others were pondering in their hearts when they were discussing with Li Shimin about Li Chenggan’s deeds.

Since Li Wei is so powerful, then his performance must not be worse than him.

Li Wei stepped on Goguryeo, did he have to destroy the Turks? This record does not have to be, there is no one who has never come before.

However, the meaning he represents is different for many generals and emperors.

Chu Feng’s voice continued to sound: “Twelfth place on the list of famous generals, Wang Yi!” ”

In the light curtain, a figure slowly appeared.

Burly, firm eyes, wearing real and fake, looking ahead, not angry and self-threatening, he instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Wang Yi’s eyes also lit up at this time, staring at the light curtain above.

“Sure enough, I made the list!”

As he spoke, he also had a faint smile on his face.

As early as when Zhang Wei was on the list before, Wang Yi had considered that he must be on this list.

I’m just not sure how many people I rank.

Now hearing that he was ranked twelfth, Wang Yi also nodded with satisfaction.

However, then the expression on Wang Chui’s face changed again.

In his expression, he looked a little more entangled.

Because now his fame is showing.

In addition, on this list, it is estimated that the next thing cannot be thought by him.

At the very least, it is impossible for Win Zheng to get him away.

Wang Yi slowly shook his head.

But now, there is the appearance of this mysterious light curtain.

The end of the Qin State is already known.

Wang also has the intention to continue to assist in winning the government.

That’s a good thing.

Chu Feng’s voice then sounded.

“Wang Yi, a famous general of the State of Qin during the Warring States period, followed the King of Qin to win the government at a young age. In the eleventh year of Qin Shi Huang, Wang led troops to attack the state of Zhao. ”

In eighteen days, the military camp began to be reorganized, and all those left behind were the elite of the army, leading the army to capture the nine cities of the Zhao state.

“In the eighteenth year of the First Emperor, Wang Chong set out from Shangjun and led troops to attack the State of Zhao, and met Li Mu, a famous general of the State of Zhao.”

The screen turns.

At this time, Wang Yi had already led the army to face the army of the Zhao State.

He was facing Li Mu, who had appeared on the list before.

When all this appeared in front of everyone, the expressions on the faces of all the generals outside the light curtain also became serious.

After all, they had already seen this matter once before.

Now, think about the battle between their two armies.

Thinking about Li Mu’s final ending, everyone’s expressions changed again in an instant.

However, no matter what they think, the content inside the light curtain continues to continue.

“Now that Zhao Guo has Li Mu leading the team, we want to capture it, it’s definitely not that simple!”

Wang said.

“Yes, we have to think of another way not to go head-to-head with it!”

The adjutant general next to him nodded.

“King Zhao is suspicious by nature, we can break through from this point!”

As they continued to discuss, everyone quickly came up with a workable plan.

Soon, Wang Chong sent people to Zhao Guo to publicize Li Mu’s desire to surrender to the truth.

Moreover, it completely captured King Zhao’s heart.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for King Zhao to order someone else to take Li Mu’s position.

The news of Li Mu’s death soon reached Daqin.

When Wang Yi heard this, he immediately laughed.

“Now that Li Mu is dead, no one in Zhao Kingdom can stop our attack!”

After Wang Yi finished speaking, without any hesitation, he immediately led the brigade to launch an attack on Zhao Guo.

And exactly as he said.

The pace of attack of the Qin State army, which could be stopped before, completely relied on Li Mu.

Until Li Mu’s death, the current Zhao Kingdom was under Wang Jian, and there was no power to fight again.

He led the army to break through like a bamboo, and all the Zhao troops encountered along the way, all the obstacles encountered, were easily broken by the army led by Wang Chui.

Even if those people in the Zhao Kingdom set up a lot of schemes, they could be completely seen through by Wang Yi at a glance.

In the end, he killed the general of the Zhao state, and then continued to attack Handan.

The State of Zhao was directly attacked, and the original land of the State of Zhao was also incorporated into the State of Qin.

Although all this has already happened.

But in the sight of the light curtain, Wang Yi’s demeanor.

Seeing that now, Wang Chong defeated several other countries step by step and completely returned them to the Qin State.

Ying Zheng’s face couldn’t help but show a faint smile.

At this time, Wang Yi also showed a faint smile on his face.

I couldn’t help but think of the previous battle with Li Mu.

Although he set up a scheme, he did indeed take Li Mu’s life in the end.

But when he saw that he completed the order to win the government and successfully attacked the Zhao Kingdom, he was still very gratified.

Saw all the attacks he had since along the way.

When he saw his fighting style, Wang Chong had a faint impulse in his heart.

I want to continue to make a difference.

Chu Feng’s voice continued to sound: “After Jing Ke’s assassination of Qin, the Huan Zheng sent Gan Yi to lead an army to attack the Yan Kingdom. ”

The Yan state was defended by an army led by Crown Prince Dan, but in the end, Wang Yi defeated the Yan army on the Yishui River and took advantage of the situation to capture the capital of the Yan state, and the Yan state perished.

“In the twenty-first year of Qin Shi Huang, King Yingzheng of Qin summoned his ministers to discuss with them the plan to destroy Chu, and because of what Li Xin said, Qin Shi Huang thought that Wang Jian was unfit and sent Li Xin and Meng Tian to lead the army to the south.”

When this voice sounded, the expression on Yingzheng’s face couldn’t help but change again.

Even, with the other people next to him, the expressions on their faces became serious at this time.

He simply did not dare to continue to speak at this time.

I simply did not dare to influence the mood of winning the government at this time.

At this time, the winning government did think about what happened at that time because of this incident

If he hadn’t listened to Li Xin at that time, he wouldn’t have wasted time and troops on the matter of destroying the Chu Kingdom.

Think about it, the various performances that Wang Chong has done now, whether the fact that he now surrendered his military power and did not want to lead troops is related to this incident at that time.

Ying Zheng’s mind turned a thousand times.

I kept pondering this matter.

However, the look on his face did not change as always.

Instead, he still raised his eyes and stared at the light curtain in front of him.

Observe everything inside.

In the picture, Ying Zheng raised his eyes to look at the group of ministers in front of him.

“What do you think about the next attack on the Chu Kingdom? As soon as Yingzheng finished speaking, these ministers in front of him quickly turned their heads and looked at each other. ”

Then, Wang Yi spoke: “If you want to win the Chu Kingdom in one game, you must have 600,000 people!” ”

Just after Wang Yi finished saying these words again, Li Xin next to him slowly spoke.

“You don’t need 600,000 people, you just need 200,000!”

After Li Xin said this again, sure enough, the next victory soon handed over the matter of destroying the Chu State to Li Xin.

Instead, Wang Yi was somewhat ignored.

Wang returned to his hometown due to illness.

Everyone outside the light curtain saw Wang Yi behaving like this.

When he saw that Yingzheng chose Li Xin instead of Wang Chui, his expression couldn’t help but change for a while.

He raised his eyes to look at the light curtain in front of him.

There was a bit of pity in his expression.

“Although he is the first emperor, he still makes mistakes in some things and in certain decisions!”

Liu Bang said.

“If he hadn’t made a mistake, he wouldn’t have had me!”

Someone next to him quickly nodded his head in agreement.

Hearing this, Liu Bang quickly showed a faint smile again.

Indeed it is.

If it weren’t for the winning government, many decisions went wrong.

If you want to overthrow Daqin, it is not so simple.

Liu Bang raised his eyes again and focused his attention on the light curtain in front of him.

After Li Xin led his troops to confront the Chu army, he did despise the army of the Chu state, perhaps because it had destroyed other countries one after another before, which gave him great self-confidence.

In addition, the State of Chu deliberately showed weakness and retreated step by step.

Li Xin quickly relaxed his vigilance.

Subsequently, the elite troops of the State of Chu attacked from behind.

The army led by Li Xin was quickly defeated.

Seeing the defeat of the army of the Qin State, I saw many people being killed.

Everyone outside the light curtain also slowly shook their heads.

At this time, Huan Zheng personally went to apologize to Wang Yi.

Ask him to lead troops on the march.

Before Wang set out on the expedition, he repeatedly asked for a reward for winning the government.

Seeing this, Yingzheng’s eyes also became serious.

At this time, he frowned slightly, looking at Wang Yi with a bit of doubt, as well as a faint curiosity.

Indeed, Wang Chong has been constantly asking him to reward the grain field, and Yingzheng is also a little puzzled.

Wang Yi slowly spoke after hearing the doubts of his subordinates.

“Your Majesty is suspicious by nature, and now basically all the soldiers of the Qin Kingdom are in my hands, and only by constantly asking him can I show that I have nothing else to ask for except money, Your Majesty will not suspect.”

After Wang Chong finished saying this, everyone’s faces showed a look of understanding.

Yingzheng’s expression couldn’t help but change at this time.

He did think about his previous performance.


At that time, Li Xin was chosen instead of Wang Yi, and there were indeed reasons for this.

Wang Chong led an army of 600,000 and basically took away all the troops of the Qin Kingdom.

If he really had a reaction, the Qin Kingdom might not be able to fight against it at all

However, in the end, it turned out that Wang had no objection at all.

Instead, he helped the Qin State unify the six countries and made countless merits.

A thought faintly popped up in Yingzheng’s mind.

It is not Wang Chui’s choice that is related to this matter.

It has to do with his character.

Immediately, Ying Zheng had already made up his mind.

After the content of this light curtain is over, he wants to have a good talk with Wang Yi.

Now that you know what your problem is.

Since they have the intention to change the future of Daqin, then they must be single-minded.

Moreover, through the content of the light curtain this time, Wang Chui’s sincerity can be completely determined, so there is no need to doubt him anymore.

After that, Wang Yi did lead an army of 600,000 and directly launched an attack on the State of Chu.

However, after Wang led his army to the state of Chu, he did not fight with them for a whole year.

It’s about hoarding everyone and recuperating.

Even train with them every day, throw stones for entertainment.

It seemed as if he did not want to fight the Chu State at all, as if he wanted to fight a protracted war at all.

Let everyone outside the light curtain see it, and there is a faint tension and expectation in their expressions.

The various actions of those subordinates around Wang Yi towards him were for him

things, also faintly curious.

In private, he asked Wang Yi several times.

However, every time Wang Yi smiled indifferently and did not say more.

Until more than a year later, the Chu army was completely impatient.

There was no way for them to gather all the troops of the Chu State here.

Coupled with the fact that the Qin State is now inactive, there has been no action.

The generals of the Chu army also relaxed a little, and soon moved the Chu army to the east.

When this news came as soon as it came, the expression on Wang Chui’s face quickly changed.

I saw that his expression was grim, and all that appeared on his face was coldness and murderous intent.

He raised his eyes to look at the adjutant general in front of him.

“Now that the Chu army has begun to act, they must relax their vigilance and lead their troops to fight with me!”

Wang Yi gave an order, and soon led the army, all the way towards the Chu army.

Sure enough, things were as Wang had expected.

He has not made a move for so long, and Chu Jun has let his guard down.

Moreover, when they were about to evacuate, the army suddenly attacked, and there was no time to react.

In a panic, they could only turn around and pick up the weapons in their hands to resist.

However, 400,000 versus 600,000, there is a certain gap in the original quantity.

Coupled with the fact that now their morale is different, one goes and the other, and Wang Chui’s side quickly becomes full.

Although Wang Yi was a little older at this time, in fact, his combat effectiveness was indeed not bad at all.

Mounted on a war horse, he rushed directly into the enemy army in front of him with his weapon in hand.

Hands up and down.

In a short time, there were already countless people around, falling to the ground and turning into corpses, and in a short time, they had successfully killed a bloody road from the enemy army to see Wang Yi so demeanor, and the Chu army was even more flustered.

Even at this time, they were defeated and retreated, and they did not dare to confront Wang Yi head-on.

Every time they saw Wang Yi raise his weapon and attack, their team instantly became panicked.

Several adjutant generals behind Wang Yi had also seized the opportunity at this time.

Rushed into the front crowd, constantly rushing back and forth to kill.

Soon, the formation of the Chu army had been completely dispersed.

So the Chu army was a little flustered.

At this time, they had already turned around and fled.

Although the general of the State of Chu is still constantly giving orders, constantly rectifying the soldiers and horses.

However, when it came to the army of the Shangqin State, they could not do anything at all.

In addition, Wang Yi has been deploying troops, and there are also troops rushing out on the flank next to him.

However, in a short time, the Chu army was already defeated.

The remaining ones fled in panic.

The general of the State of Chu also died at the hands of Wang Yi.

After Wang Chong successfully attacked the army of the State of Chu, he continued to lead the army.

All the way to the capital of the Chu Kingdom.

All the obstacles encountered along the way, all the enemy troops encountered are still the same as before.

It is not Wang Chui’s opponent at all.

There was simply no way to stop him from moving forward.

However, in more than a year, the State of Chu had been completely destroyed in the hands of Wang Yi

I saw the various demeanors that Wang Yi displayed on the march and fighting.

After seeing his ability to deploy troops, Ying Zheng was already more certain in his heart.

After the matter is over this time, he must go to see Wang Yi in person, and he must discuss with him again about Qin Guo’s future.

Therefore, he is also older now, but he is still stronger than the current young martial general.

In particular, the king of Bi is completely heaven and earth.

Even if Wang Yi does not lead troops, it is okay to let him train Wang Li well

Chu Feng’s voice immediately sounded again: “After pacifying the Chu Kingdom, Wang Yi’s class returned to the dynasty and was rewarded by the rich government. ”

Wang Chong is still as before, focusing on the yellow and white things.

After that, he was ordered to march south to Baiyue.

Under Wang Chui’s constant attacks and dispatch of troops, Baiyue was not his opponent at all, and he was victorious.

“Subsequently, Wang Yi let a part of the army stationed in Baiyue, randomly returned to the dynasty, and then retreated bravely to the rapids, did not control the military power again, and died!”

The picture is completely frozen.

However, what everyone thought in their minds was still Wang Chui’s various performances before.

There are not many battle scenes in his appearance in the light curtain, but every time it is a big event.

Whether it is that he swept away the Zhao Kingdom, the Three Jin Dynasties, or finally eliminated the Chu State, it can be said that Wang Yi has indeed made great achievements.

If it weren’t for the existence of Wang Chui, it would not be such a simple thing for the Qin Kingdom to pacify the Six Kingdoms so easily.

Naturally, Ying Zheng can also determine this…

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