Chapter 214 Uprooted

Xiao Jin quickly followed her father’s steps until she reached the door of the room. When Master Xiao appeared calmly in front of everyone, everyone was shocked.

It was like a strong wind, blowing away a lot of the haze over Xiao Mansion.

Master Xiao looked around calmly, the scene in Xiao Mansion at this time was worse than he had imagined.

The most surprising thing was Sima Jin. The news he got from the Su family was that Master Xiao was dying, so he dared to enter Xiao Mansion.

Unexpectedly, this is not the case. It is very possible that both he and Master Su were deceived by Master Xiao.

Soon Sima Jin walked out of surprise. He faced Master Xiao with a straight face, his eyes were not dodge like before.

He opened the bow without turning his head back. Even though Master Xiao looked alive and well, he still wanted to uproot the entire Xiao family.

The soldiers of the City Lord’s Mansion stepped back, until they retreated behind Sima Jin, all of them bowed their heads and dared not look forward.

Master Xiao is the most prestigious person in Ping An City, even the former Sima Jin had to bow down to Master Xiao.

“Humph! You are just a bunch of trash!” Sima Jin swept his gaze back and roared.

Xiao Yuanyang approached Sima Jin step by step with the Xiaojia gun in his hand, and didn’t stop until he was ten steps away from Sima Jin.

What surprised Xiao Yuanyang was that he did not see even a trace of panic in Sima Jin’s eyes, Sima Jin had already given up.

Xiao Yuan raised his eyes a little, and the soldiers of the City Lord’s Mansion standing behind Sima Jin all stepped aside, leaving Sima Jin alone.

Sima Jin still held his head high, he had had enough for a long time, even if he died, he couldn’t be overwhelmed by the Xiao family.

Sima Jin looked at Master Xiao, and Master Xiao looked at him at this moment, as if looking at a corpse, it was icy cold.

At this moment, a blue light fell from the sky and rushed into Sima Jin’s body, and the Yuan Li in Sima Jin’s body instantly burst!

The corners of Sima Jin’s mouth raised, his eyes were full of murderous craziness, he lifted his feet and walked forward.

“Young Master Xiao! Be careful!”

When Ye Chen yelled, Xiao Yuanyang had already rushed to Sima Jin’s face, pushing the Xiao family’s spear thrust towards Sima Jin’s heart.

The scene just now was fleeting, if it weren’t for Ye Chen’s purple jade Perry to live with the soul dragon, he would never see the blue light rushing into Sima Jin’s body.

Sima Jin picked up a knife from the ground and rushed towards Xiao Yuanyang, but with a few moves, Sima Jin already looked embarrassed.

Xiao Yuanyang became more and more courageous as he fought, and if he could beat Sima Jin on his knees and begging for mercy in front of everyone, his reputation would become more and more prosperous.

Xiao Yuanyang didn’t worry about offending the royal family of the Eastern Xia Kingdom. If it weren’t for the will of the royal family of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, how dare Sima Jin offend their Xiao family.

Xiao Yuanyang shook his right hand, and the spear shot towards Sima Jin. Sima Jin had no time to get out of the way, and dozens of large and small wounds fell all over his body.

Xiao Yuanyang laughed secretly. It turned out that Sima Jin, the lord of Ping’an City, was so vulnerable.

Sima Jin staggered backwards, Xiao Yuanyang standing in front of him was no longer alone, but divided into several.

Sima Jin closed his eyes and opened them again. There were still several Xiao Yuanyang surrounding him in front of him, and he was already dizzy.

Suddenly, Sima Jin’s right hand clenching the handle of the knife was released, and he walked towards Xiao Yuanyang step by step, his face as gray as death.

The corner of Xiao Yuanyang’s mouth twitched, and he pointed Xiao’s spear at Sima Jin’s heart, and Sima Jin’s footsteps stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yuanyang thought that Sima Jin would fight to the end. He didn’t expect Sima Jin to be so fragile, but he looked at Sima Jin highly.

“Young Master Xiao, kill him soon!” Ye Chen shouted towards Xiao Yuanyang.

“Ye Chen, you have to remember your identity, you are just a guard of the Xiao family, you are not qualified to teach me to do things!” Xiao Yuanyang looked back at Ye Chen and said.


“what happened!”

When Xiao Yuanyang regained consciousness, he had been thrown to the ground, and Sima Jin held Xiao’s gun and pointed it at his heart.

Sima Jin raised his head and looked at Master Xiao, he finally saw a look of panic in Master Xiao’s eyes.

Xiao Yuanyang was about to stand up, Sima Jin stared, and Xiao Yuanyang felt that there were several large rocks on his body, making him breathless.

At this moment, Xiao Yuanyang’s mind was still blank, not knowing what happened just now.

“It turns out that this is the well-known Young Master Xiao, it really disappoints me!” Sima Jin shook his head and said.

“Sima Jin, let me go, Dage!” Xiao Jin shouted towards Sima Jin.

“Miss Xiao, as long as you are willing to go back to the City Lord’s Mansion with me to let me enjoy it, I am willing to save you Dage a life.” Sima Jin said with squinting eyes.

The corner of Ye Chen’s mouth twitched, and he swung his Heavenly Soul Sword towards Sima Jin. Sima Jin’s eyes widened, and a force of vitality rushed towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen used the Heavenly Soul Sword to shatter the Yuan Li rushing towards him, and arrived in front of Sima Jin in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chen raised the Heavenly Soul Sword to Sima Jin, showing his sharp edge!

The corner of Sima Jin’s mouth raised. He thought that Xiao Yuanyang’s best Practitioner was Xiao Yuanyang, but he didn’t expect to be a small guard.


Sima Jin kicked Xiao Yuanyang away, and in a blink of an eye he flew onto the roof behind him, still holding Xiao’s gun in his hand.

Ye Chen jumped and fell in front of Sima Jin. He could be sure that Sima Jin at this time was no longer the original Sima Jin.

Ye Chen suspected that the blue light that rushed into Sima Jin’s body came from Lilu, one of the nine god-tier beasts, and Lilu is probably nearby.

Sima Jin squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Chen. He was surprised to find that Ye Chen’s eyes turned out to be incomparable warfare.

What a guy who is not afraid of death, Sima Jin is getting more and more excited.

Xiao Jin ran to Xiao Yuanyang’s side quickly and helped Xiao Yuanyang up. They raised their heads to look at Ye Chen and Sima Jin.

Sima Jin used to be Ye Chen’s defeat, but somehow, it seems that Sima Jin was deliberately lost to Ye Chen last time.

“Smelly boy! Isn’t it good to be alive? It’s also a way to live for a long time!” Sima Jin asked loudly.

“Heh! I did this to live better!” Ye Chen said with a raised mouth.

“Smelly boy! You will regret it!” As soon as the voice fell, Sima Jin had already rushed in front of Ye Chen.

Sima Jin used the Xiao’s spear, several spears whizzed out, Ye Chen waved the Heavenly Soul Sword back, and the rubble in front of him shattered to the ground.

Sima Jin’s figure flashed, and he walked behind Ye Chen, using Xiao’s spear to swiftly attack Ye Chen’s back.

Ye Chen swung the Heavenly Soul Sword back, and Sword Qi blasted towards Sima Jin. With this opportunity, Ye Chen was able to turn around.

Ye Chen waved the Heavenly Soul Sword impermeably, and pushed forward step by step, even though the trees beside him were all broken by Xiao’s spear.

Sima Jin jumped up and made the Xiao’s spear thrust towards Ye Chen’s heart. Ye Chen just raised the Heavenly Soul Sword, Sima Jin turned the Xiao’s spear and struck Ye Chen’s abdomen.

Ye Chen didn’t have time to avoid it, and a hole was made in the abdomen by Xiao’s gun. Ye Chen turned over and pulled away from Sima Jin.

Sima Jin smiled coldly, thinking that Ye Chen was nothing more than that. It seemed that the Xiao family was exhausted, and no one could walk out of Xiao Mansion alive except him.

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