God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 909: Abstinence admiral vs fake daughter 55

Shi Luyue's gaze swept around, and his gaze shifted from the group of children who had been fed the medicine to the volunteers.

Although the volunteers are all standing together, there are some who haven't taken any medicine until now.

They don't believe in Jin and Sui's words, even if they are wearing military uniforms.

They don't believe Ningmeng's words, even if Ningmeng and the others are wearing white coats that rescue the wounded.

It wasn't until Shi Luyue appeared that they seemed to have seen their beliefs, staring at Shi Luyue intently with firm eyes.

After Shi Luyue said those words, their faces were arrogant, and their faces were full of honor. I didn't misunderstand the expressions of others.

Now when Shi Luyue looked at them silently, one of them suddenly spoke to Shi Luyue and said, "Sister Yueyue, I believe you!"

"Yes! I believe you too!"

"I believe in sister Yueyue too!"


A few voices followed, the girls' young faces and hot feelings.

Even the other volunteers who drank the medicament were a little touched and a little guilty, reflecting in their hearts on whether they had just drunk the medicament or not.

Among the group of volunteers, a fat girl suddenly frowned, and she was holding her belly with one hand. She looked a little bit forbearing. Finally, she couldn't help it, and pushed the person next to her away, bowing her head and vomiting.

"Ah! My shoes!"

The person next to her exclaimed and immediately hid aside.

The girl clutched her belly and squatted on the ground. She vomited all the food she ate today.

There seemed to be a peculiar smell in the air, and everyone avoided her and hid one after another.

"Ah! Look! What is that!" a boy suddenly said.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look at her, only to find that he was looking at the fat girl, and she was also pointing his finger in the direction.

"Look at her vomit! What is that? A worm?" The boy looked anxious when he saw that everyone still didn't understand him, and even his tone of voice changed.

Although everyone felt nauseous, they subconsciously looked at the girl's vomit.

I saw a creamy-white thing about the size of a thumb fingernail on the vomit. It was twisting and greasy... It made people feel particularly nauseous and shuddering.

If this thing was vomited by the girl, then...

I don't know if it was a psychological effect. Several volunteers couldn't help but squat on the ground, bowing their heads and vomiting.

Then this symptom of vomiting spread from the volunteers to the children.

From their vomit, the kind of off-white bugs appeared.

However, if you look closely, you will find that those who bow their heads and vomit are all those who have just drunk milk tea.

And those who have never drunk milk tea, even if they drank the medicine, were safe and sound, without any adverse reactions.

"How about? Don't drink the medicine yet?" Ningmeng started, and his eyes fell on the few volunteers who insisted not to drink the medicine.

They were all dumbfounded just now, but Ning Meng's voice pulled their sanity back.

"Yes, I want to drink!" One of the men hurriedly responded, and even walked towards Ningmeng in three steps in two steps. After receiving the potion, he hurriedly fell into his mouth, afraid Drinking late is dead.

Several other people were so frightened that their faces turned blue, and they took the medicine and drank them immediately.

Then they all spat out the eggs in their stomachs.

None of the people present had a good look on their faces. Only the researchers in the laboratory around Ningmeng couldn't hide the joy on their faces after watching everyone spit out the eggs in their stomachs.

Everyone spit out the worm eggs in their stomachs. Doesn't that mean that Lime Meng's medicine has been successful!

"Miss Shi, come with us." Jin Sui said with a smile again, but this time, no one dared to speak for Shi Luyue.

Shi Luyue knew that she couldn't run out, so she didn't resist, and she walked out with a cold face and followed a few soldiers.

Although those who drank milk tea, the worm eggs in their stomachs have been vomited out, but they still have to go back to the hospital for examination.

But these are not about Ningmeng and Qi Yu's affairs, the follow-up matters will be handled by Jin and Sui.

The sun has already set in the west, and it's just time to go home for dinner.

When Qi Yu came, he drove his own aircraft, and when he left, he left with Ningmeng.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Ningmeng asked Qi Yu curiously: "Host, how did you think that there was a problem with the milk tea?"

"When I read the information, I suddenly thought that I have been with Jin and Sui in the past two days, and I have read a lot of information about Shi Luyue's charity work." Qi Yu said, when he was alone with Ningmeng, he was not only talking too much, his face The smile has also increased.

In fact, at the beginning, Qiyu really didn't expect milk tea to be problematic.

Even when he knew that many people already had worm eggs in their brains, Qi Yu did not connect these people with Shi Luyue.

Until he checked the information and current situation of these people, he found that these people had actually participated in the recruitment of charity activities organized by Shi Luyue.

If it's other activities, Qiyu probably isn't that sensitive.

But it is related to Shi Luyue, so Qi Yu has to be suspicious.

Qi Yu never believed that there would be such things as coincidences in this world.

So he locked the murderer on Shi Luyue almost immediately.

Moreover, based on the things Luyue did to Liu Ningmeng in her previous life, it can be seen that she is not a good person, but also a jealous and cruel person.

Such people can actually do public welfare, which makes Qi Yu very suspicious.

However, the Jin and Sui Dynasty also checked, the Alliance also checked, even Qi Yu himself checked the charity materials Shi Luyue did after returning to Liu's house, and found nothing obvious.

Until Qi Yu suddenly saw a record stating that Shi Luyue sent a cup of heart-warming milk tea to volunteers at the end of every charity event, and also collected all milk tea cups, Qi Yu realized it instantly.

From the beginning, his starting point was wrong.

He always thought that Shi Luyue would do something about charity, but in fact, in addition to crawling in the cochlea, the worm egg entered the human body, the fastest is swallowed in the mouth.

Even Qiyu was almost blindfolded.

After all, who could think of such a trivial matter, but Shi Luyue's ultimate goal of doing charity.

Therefore, Qi Yu drove the aircraft to the orphanage immediately, just to get a cup of milk tea back to give Ningmeng a test.

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