God Level Golden Eye

Chapter 1613: We want to see Song Yun

While chatting, Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe walked out of the airport and took a taxi. At this time, they had received the location sent by Li Feng and rushed over. An hour later, they met Li Fenghe in a teahouse. Ke Yongliang.

"Teacher Zuo, Teacher Cao, why are you here suddenly?"

After seeing Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, Li Feng immediately put on a smile on his face. This is what an antique shop owner should have. Although he is very annoying or even very angry, the smile on his face says Come and come, definitely the actor level.

"We heard that the antique market here is developing very well recently. When I called you, I found that Boss and you are here, so I just ran over here to take a look."

Zuo Gao sipped his tea while slowly saying that this is definitely a nonsense, but no one can refute such a nonsense. This is a fair excuse.

Li Feng felt as uncomfortable as if he swallowed a fly, but he couldn't help it.


"Is it like this?"

"I'm really not very clear. Although I have been here for a few days, the most important thing is to look for antiques. The customer's requirements must be met. I am so busy and dimly busy. I still have nothing. It's really a headache."

Li Feng shook his head with a very annoyed look. Zuo Gao was fooling around with himself, then everyone could fool around together. He had already made up his mind that Zuo Gao would not take the initiative to say something, and he has been pretending to be confused. In the end, he couldn't hold on to it. It is Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe.

The expression on Zuo Gao's face is a bit unnatural, or it is a bit angry in his heart. For the past 20 minutes, Li Feng has been doing Tai Chi with himself. No matter how he brought the topic to Song Yun, he pretended not to hear anything. Come out, completely silent.

"Boss Li, I came here with Lao Cao this time. In fact, one of the main purposes is to see Song Yun. At this point, I still hope you can arrange it."

Zuo Gao had no choice but to directly state the purpose of coming here this time. He knew that if he kept fooling around, Li Feng would definitely ignore him. Anyway, he was anxious at this time, not Li Fenghe. Ke Yongliang.

"Teacher Zuo, are you talking about Teacher Song Yunsong?"

After Li Feng heard Zuo Gao directly uttering Song Yun’s name, he knew that he had no way to escape this time. At this time, he had actually figured out the purpose of Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe’s coming here. To dig the wall again, he secretly groaned in his heart. The last time he told Sun Mengyan the news, he later proved that this method of handling was very good. Sun Mengyan must owe himself a favor, but if he would replace Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe If Song Yun is introduced, Sun Mengyan knows that the consequences are very serious, not to mention that she and Ke Yongliang are now thinking about finding a shop in Sun Mengyan’s antique market. If you do such a thing, you will never want to open an antique shop in Sun Mengyan’s antique market for the rest of your life. And she will definitely receive revenge from Sun Mengyan.

"Yes, that's right, it's Mr. Song Yunsong, the Song Yun of Zhenbao Pavilion in Ninghua City, maybe it won't take much time before he will move Zhenbao Pavilion to the current antique market."

Zuo Gao sneered in his heart. He already felt that Li Feng wanted to shirk this incident, but he would definitely not give him such an opportunity, so he simply emphasized Song Yun's identity.

"Teacher Zuo, I have really dealt with Song Yun, but the relationship with him is not particularly good. You must know that I have no status in the antique collection circle. I am just an ordinary antique shop owner, at most The owner of an antique shop with a better business, someone like Song Yun stands up and looks down on me, even if I call him, it is of no use."

Li Feng didn't want to do this at all. There is no impermeable wall under the world, and there is no secret that can be kept in the end. If he really calls Song Yun and arranges for Song Yun to meet Zuo Gao and Cao Zhonghe, Sun Mengyan will have to Knowing this, the fate of himself and Ke Yongliang at that time was absolutely tragic.


"Li Feng, don't be haggling. What is the meaning and purpose of the old man and me coming here? I think now you have guessed that we owe you a favor for Song Yun. You have to call him, find a way to arrange for us to meet him, do you have any contact with Song Yun, there is no need to shirk this point, we know very well, I think Boss Li and Boss Ke are not good Consider considering this matter we requested?"

Cao Zhonghe patted the table very impatiently. Li Feng and Zuo Gao had been entangled for almost half an hour. If you continue, God knows when there will be a result, or when Li Feng will agree to call Song Yun at all. After losing patience, he feels that there is no need to go around and just go straight. It's a threat.

The smile on Li Feng's face slowly disappeared, becoming very dignified, and it can even be said to be clouded. The threat of Cao Zhong and this typical Chi Guoguo is clearly not to put himself and Ke Yongliang in their eyes. I had to force myself to agree to call Song Yun to arrange a meeting.


"Teacher Cao, I really don’t understand what you mean. What kind of relationship is between me and Teacher Song Yunsong. In fact, you are very clear. There was no friendship before. The only thing you can deal with is Teacher Song Yunsong’s antiques in Beijing. Two Buddha statues were picked up at the market, and they were sold to us in the end. With this kind of relationship, do you think Teacher Song Yunsong will sell my face and I have to come out for a meal or something?"

The expression on Li Feng's face was getting colder and colder, and it didn't take long for it to become like an ice cube.

"Teacher Cao, if my understanding is correct, you were threatening us just now to let us do what we don’t want to do. The most important thing is to listen to you. It seems that if we don’t do it, we will die. It’s very miserable, I don’t know if my statement is correct?"

Li Feng's words seemed to come out of his teeth, and his eyes were like hooks when he spoke, staring at Cao Zhonghe who was sitting opposite him.


"Honestly speaking, your understanding is really not wrong. It is indeed like this. We don't care what kind of relationship you have with Song Yun or whether there is a close relationship, but one thing is certain, that is, you absolutely have Song Yun. Yun’s method of contact, you call and ask him to come out for a meal. Of course, there is no need to say that Zuo Gao and I will show up. You only need to make a call like this. The next thing has nothing to do with you. I and Zuo Gao will handle it very properly."

Cao Zhonghe waved his hand.

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