Chapter 66

“The name Yang Chengji is very meaningful. It can be inherited and ascended to the throne. It has a sense of loftyness.”

Lin Hao’s test just now clearly noticed a slight strangeness on Qin Yu’s face, so he continued.

He felt that Qin Yu might know that person and most likely knew some hidden information.

If the two parties are friends, then they have to be sorry.

After all, the task has been accepted, and the opponent is just a prey in Lin Hao’s eyes.

“Yang Chengji, we do have one in Tianyan Academy. He is a closed disciple of our palace lord.”

After Qin Yu pondered for a while, he suddenly spoke.

While speaking, he kept his eyes fixed on Lin Hao, as if trying to see some changes from Lin Hao’s face.

“Oh? Really, it’s a coincidence.”

Lin Hao raised his eyebrows lightly, and smiled pretentiously.

Immediately he stopped talking any more, picked up the wine glass, smiled at Qin Yu and Leimeng and said, “Fuck.”


Raymond took the lead in picking up a glass of spirits and drank it with his head up.

Seeing this, Qin Yu also picked up the wine glass, sighed lightly, thoughtful in his heart.

“It should be just a coincidence.”

As he thought about it, Qin Yu gave a secret smile.

After all, there was nothing unusual in Lin Hao’s behavior, words and deeds.

Besides, Yang Chengji was the only disciple of the palace lord, and his unknown strong background.

What if Lin Hao knew this person?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu stopped worrying too much, his face was slightly tight, and he was relieved.

At this moment, Lin Hao swallowed the drink in his mouth, thinking in his heart.

Since there was indeed Yang Chengji in Tianyan Academy, it would be much easier.

Anyway, there is no limit to how long the mission must take to complete the assassination.

The clues of Yang Chengji’s information will be investigated slowly in the future, and he will not rush for a while, lest it be too obvious.

However, it’s a bit fucking to have the information background of the prey at present.

The palace lord’s closed disciple must be very powerful, and it is extremely tricky to assassinate under the nose of that powerful old man Ying Yuanzi.

No wonder the killers organized by Ming Pavilion could not sneak into the Tianyan Academy, but instead sent him the blind man in.

If the assassination fails, what is the difference between this and death? !

After thinking about it, Lin Hao felt more and more that a tens of millions of monthly salary was a bit cheaper.

After this single task is completed, you must know in advance how difficult the task is next time, and then raise the price.


Lin Hao and the three of them had been drinking for three rounds, and they were all a little drunk, but they were full of food and drink.

After Lin Hao settled the bills generously, he walked down the stairs.

The first floor of Fujingxuan.

When Lin Hao walked to the gate, two figures walked out of the corner, and they happened to block each other.

These two are a man and a woman.

One of them is Zhao Linger.

The other young man, with long flowing hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, was extremely handsome.

There are four years of age in Tianyan Academy, and the costumes of the college students are different.

The purple uniforms worn by the youth were second-year college students, first-level higher than Lin Hao and the others.

Seeing that it was Lin Hao who met, Zhao Linger’s beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and there was a little unnaturalness on her face.”It turned out to be you, Lin Hao.”

The long-haired young man raised his eyes lightly, staring at Lin Hao, with a smile on his lips.

With the shared vision of the Four Treasures, Lin Hao didn’t know the other person’s appearance, but when he heard his voice, he felt a little familiar.

This voice disgusted him.

It seems that a long time ago, there was an unpleasant past.

After all, during his years as a blind man, many people bullied him, but they could only discern people by hearing, and he couldn’t remember every voice.

“I haven’t seen it for more than half a year. It seems that you forgot about me.”

The long-haired young man looked funny and said, “I am Ma Juntian. When I first met at that time, you fell in front of me with your palms still pressed on top of a pile of shit.”

Hearing this, Lin Hao frowned and suddenly remembered.

At the same time, the scene at that time also emerged in my mind.

If it wasn’t for this Ma Juntian secretly to make the third housekeeper move a stumbling block and make a pile of shit in front of him on his way to the cafeteria, how could he fall.

Moreover, Lin Hao knew that Ma Juntian was Zhao Ling’er’s distant cousin, who had been secretly in love with Zhao Ling’er since he was a child.

But because he wanted to enter the Tianyan Academy two years ago, he put aside the marriage proposal for the time being.

Unexpectedly, I heard that Zhao Lin and his family were married, and the beloved cousin far away married a blind man.

In a rage, he ran to Zhao Mansion and urged the servants of Zhao Mansion to take care of Lin Hao.

Regarding this, Lin Hao has been bullied from time to time since he entered Zui Zhao Mansion, and it is undoubtedly this Ma Juntian who caused it.

However, Qin Chi, the third housekeeper, had been killed by him a few months ago.


If the old account should be liquidated, it still has to be liquidated.

“Feng Shui takes turns, don’t forget when you are proud.”

Lin Hao smiled faintly, his words and phrases were extremely elegant.

“You have a good literary talent. In my opinion, you are not suitable for martial arts, but you are more suitable to study literary.”

The corner of Ma Juntian’s mouth curled slightly, and he sighed: “God is so unfair. It is a waste to give the ultimate cultivation talent to a blind man.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu and Leimeng frowned slightly.

It seems that this guy is not Lin Hao’s friend.

Judging the relationship between the two parties, Qin Yu also sneered unceremoniously: “You said God is unfair, then which shallot are you!”

“Tsk tusk, in my opinion, not even a scallion.”

Raymond took the toothpick, flicked his teeth, and laughed in agreement.

Hearing this, Ma Juntian’s face sank, and his eyes turned to Qin Yu and Lei Meng next to him.

Qin Yu’s family background is extremely famous throughout the Tianyan Dynasty, but Qin Yu’s name as a prodigal son is not weak at all.

Therefore, it was recognized by this look.

Ma Juntian’s complexion suddenly changed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Although their Ma family has a lot of background, in recent years, the business in the business has also been mixed up.

However, since ancient times, Shang has been defeated by the army, and facing the powerful Qin family, there is no resistance at all.

“Master Qin Young, it turns out that you have also entered the Tianyan Academy.”

Ma Juntian hurriedly smiled and said, “It’s really gratifying.”

“Hey fart, how far you go, dare to provoke our brother Hao in the future, so that you can’t eat it and walk around.”

Qin Yu didn’t have a good face at all, and he scolded.

That appearance undoubtedly fully revealed the usual dude style.

Moreover, in terms of address, Lin Hao’s name was replaced with ‘Brother Hao’, which has a different meaning.

“Hao… Brother Hao?”

Sure enough, when he heard this name, Ma Juntian looked at Lin Hao in surprise.

Obviously, I didn’t expect that Lin Hao, a blind man, would accept such a young brother with such a background? !

It’s incredible!

Zhao Linger’s eyes moved slightly, and she was also quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hao met Qin Yu just now.

Looking at his friendship, it seems that he has known each other for a long time.

Otherwise, how could Qin Yu’s strong family status condescend to call him Brother Hao.

“Why are you still stunned, a good dog doesn’t stand in the way!”

Lei Meng glared at Ma Juntian and shouted in a deep and full of momentum.

From the perspective of breath, everyone is a fourth-level fighter.

If you really want to fight, Ma Juntian is completely abused.

Facing the burly Raymond, Ma Juntian was also a little frightened.

He has always been bullying and fearful of hardships, even if he stretches out his hand, he wants to hold Zhao Ling’er into the restaurant.


However, at this moment, his hand was half stretched out, but he was suddenly caught by Lin Hao.

“What are you doing?”

Ma Juntian’s eyes darkened slightly, and he was about to attack, but seeing Qin Yu and Leimeng next to him, he could only endure it.

“My woman, you can’t touch it.”

Lin Hao said lightly: “I want to wipe the oil, and find someone else.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Linger’s heart trembled slightly, staring at Lin Hao in a daze.

Does he still think I am his woman?

“As far as I know, you haven’t been in the same bed with Ling’er since you joined the Zhao family.”

Ma Juntian looked jokingly and sneered, “So, in a sense, Ling’er is not your Lin Hao’s woman.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Yu and Lei Meng couldn’t help being surprised secretly.

Immediately, the two of them looked at Zhao Ling’er with surprise almost at the same time, and then at Lin Hao.

Obviously, it was also unexpected that this new-born beauty turned out to be Lin Hao’s wife!

Moreover, Lin Hao turned out to be a son-in-law.


Regarding Lin Hao’s past, Qin Yu’s thoughts in their hearts suddenly became messy.

After all, with Lin Hao’s ultimate cultivation talent ability, no matter which family he came from, I am afraid he would regard him as a family treasure, so how could he be willing to let him join another family.

“Cousin, stop talking!”

Zhao Linger frowned slightly, and said coldly.

Her private affairs with Lin Hao were publicly exposed by Ma Juntian at this time, and he suddenly felt extremely unhappy.

After that, she glanced at Lin Hao, then turned and left, without any interest in eating.

Zhao Linger actually knew what this distant cousin wanted, and had already refused many times.

However, he just entered the Tianyan Academy today, and was warmly invited by Ma Juntian to take this meal to wash the dust, but he had to reluctantly accept it.

Unexpectedly, I met Lin Hao here.

Even if I met, this guy still didn’t say anything, and said everything!

“Ling’er, we haven’t eaten yet, don’t leave.”

Seeing Zhao Ling’er leave suddenly, Ma Juntian was suddenly anxious.

However, Lin Hao always grabbed his wrist and couldn’t go after Zhao Ling’er at all.

“Asshole thing, let go!”

Seeing Zhao Ling’er walk away, Ma Juntian’s face suddenly became gloomy at this moment.As soon as the voice fell, the Spirit Power on his body suddenly exploded, trying to shake Lin Hao away.

In his opinion, Lin Hao’s third-level fighter’s Cultivation Base is not an opponent at all.

What about the ultimate cultivation talent, low Cultivation Base is still a flaw.

However, what shocked him next was that, instead of being shaken by Spirit Power, Lin Hao’s palm was getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately afterwards, he was horrified to find that Lin Hao’s arm was actually covered with a layer of black scales at some point.

At the same time, Lin Hao’s breath also soared in an instant, exuding an extremely fierce and violent energy fluctuation.


Seeing this scene, Ma Juntian was shocked.

But when he reacted, Lin Hao’s palms, which were like iron tongs, were filled with extremely terrifying power. He suddenly threw his body into the air, and then slammed it to the ground.


After smashing to the ground, Ma Juntian let out a scream of blood, feeling that his whole body fell apart and was in pain.

However, Lin Hao didn’t want to stop, and slammed him up again, then fell to the ground again.

Being caught by Lin Hao in this way, and in that crazy and violent shaking, Ma Juntian was almost helpless.

He can only mobilize his whole body Spiritual Qi, desperately protecting the vital organs of the body.

Bang bang bang…! ! !

Suddenly, heavy impacts continued to sound.

After a dozen or so cyclical falls, Lin Hao stopped and removed the half-dragon form.

“What happened outside?”

At this time, the movement at the gate undoubtedly attracted the attention of everyone in the Salou, and they ran out one after another.


But at this sight, many college students couldn’t help taking a breath, and they all looked surprised.

However, he saw Ma Juntian collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, and he did not know how many bones had been broken.

“Too cruel.”

Qin Yu and Leimeng, who had been watching the whole process, had their throats rolling, and couldn’t help swallowing secretly, their eyes full of shock.

Unexpectedly, a fourth-level fighter was hit by Lin Hao like a dead dog.

That kind of terrifying power is like a humanoid beast, which makes people palpitate.

Lin Hao was indifferent. The reason why he beat Ma Juntian was not because he was jealous or because he was exposed to personal affairs between him and Zhao Linger.

It was entirely because of this guy that made him suffer even more humiliation in Zhao Mansion.

Otherwise, even though Lin Hao is a nominal aunt, he can still eat and drink spicy food every day and live freely.

At this moment, all the grievances that had been accumulated in Zhao’s residence for more than half a year were vented, and my heart felt much more relaxed.

In addition to self-cultivation, you have to cultivate your heart in martial arts.

The so-called cultivating the mind means that the mind is free of distracting thoughts and the qi pulse is unblocked.

Only when the qi is smooth, will one feel comfortable. When practicing martial arts, the circulation of Spiritual Qi is naturally unimpeded, and the thoughts can pass through.

On the contrary, if the qi is unsatisfactory, it will lead to depression. Not only will Spiritual Qi run slowly, it is very likely that it will accumulate in the body, forming an evil fire, which will eat its mind.

This is the meaning of anger.

Not only did cultivation fail, but he also harmed his body!

Even some people with strong self-esteem may be mad at death!

Of course, even if the body is unobstructed, the Martial Dao Cultivation Base is bound to be restrained due to the inaccessibility of thoughts, and gradually develops into a knot, leading to failure of the Practitioner breakthrough bottleneck and Qi Deviation.

Therefore, in the martial arts world, there are often disputes, and a word of disagreement is a sword fight.

Otherwise, practice hard every day, although your strength will continue to grow stronger, you must be careful and forbearing in your life and suffer humiliation.

So what is the use of Xiuwu? It would be better to be an ordinary civilian.

And half a year ago, entering the Zuzu Mansion, was a knot in Lin Hao’s heart.

From now on, once this knot is untied, it will be smoother and smoother on the way to Martial Dao.

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