Chapter 48 Magical Beasts Mountains

“Sure enough, the air outside is better!”

On the official road outside the city, Lin Hao took a deep breath, feeling extremely refreshed.

Kung Fu Xiao Fei glanced back, and it was Tianwu City a hundred miles away.

The city that had bound him for eighteen years.

Since the crossing, this is the first time he has walked out of the city gate and touched the vast and boundless world outside.

Lin Hao took a deep breath again, and the whole body cells seemed to be very active at this moment.

“Tianyan Academy is located around the imperial capital, which is quite far away.”

Lin Hao reached out to the Interspatial Ring and took out a map of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Under normal circumstances, the distance between Tianwu City and the imperial capital would take about twenty days if you drove along.

However, with the Firescale Beast, if you move forward at full speed, the time can be reduced by at least several times.

And there is a shortcut to take, and that is the Magical Beasts mountain range.

However, the mountains on the map span almost half of the sky continent.

At the end of it, it happened to be inserted in the center of the Great Yan Dynasty, not far from the imperial capital.

Collecting the map, Lin Hao rode the fire-scale tiger, rushing all the way.

The Tianwu City behind him was getting smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Although there were fire-scale tigers walking forward, Lin Hao also sat down with sore waist and numb ass.

Fortunately, with a mentality of traveling around this time, he was also very leisurely, walking along the way.

Five days later, Lin Hao finally arrived at the Magical Beasts mountain range.

This is a giant mountain range that traverses the north and south of the sky continent.

At a glance, the endless mountain peaks and dense forests are endless!

“It’s so spectacular, it’s worthy of being the number one mountain range in the mainland.”

Relying on Kung Fu Little Fly’s vision, Lin Hao looked at the giant mountain range in front of him, sighing in his heart.

If you enter it, if you lose your way, I am afraid it is not so easy to get out.

Because the Magical Beasts mountain range is too long, as far as you can see, there are undulating peaks and forests everywhere.

Stepping into the mountains, there is no decent path at all.

The vigorous ancient giant trees cover the sky and the sun, with thorns growing.

The most primitive ecological environment is preserved here, and sometimes there are low beast roars, which makes people palpitating.

“Kab! Kab…”

The fire-scaled tiger carried Lin Hao and stepped on the ground covered with dead leaves. The fiery red shadow gradually merged into the forest…

At night, darkness enveloped the entire jungle.

The temperature is much lower than during the day.

Similarly, it also means that the degree of danger has increased.

The vein of Magical Beasts, as the name suggests, contains countless types of Magical Beasts, fierce and cruel, and it is the true original world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

At this time, in a small open space, the flames flickered.

Lin Hao sat beside a bonfire, holding the broken sword in his hand, and turning it slowly on the flame.

A rabbit with bony spurs on its back is inserted at the end of the sword.

Under the bonfire, the meat gradually turned golden.

This is his prey tonight, a low-level Magical Beasts, a spiny rabbit.

Although it looks a bit hideous, the meat is fresh and tender, and after a while, there is already a strong smell of roasted meat.

Seeing that the rabbit meat was almost roasted, Lin Hao tore off a small piece of meat and threw it on the ground.

Kung Fu fly, tarantula and ant-man, their three eyes lit up, immediately pounced on them, and began to gorge themselves.They are relatively small, so this piece of meat is enough to feed them.

However, the fire-scale tiger next to him could only wait and see, dripping saliva from his mouth.

This small piece of meat is not enough to stuff its teeth, even if it rushes to grab food, it’s boring.

“Don’t look at me, you can get another one if you want to eat it.”

Seeing the greedy face of the fire-scale tiger, Lin Hao smiled indifferently, and had no plans to share his food.

This rabbit is only so big, even if it is given to the Fire Scale Tiger, it is not enough to eat.

Hearing that, Huolinhu thought it was the command of the master.

He immediately roared, then turned around and plunged into the grass not far away, and started hunting directly.

Lin Hao didn’t pay any attention either. With the now evolved abilities of the Firescale Tiger, it was comparable to the sixth-level peak fighter.

This is the periphery of the mountain range. As long as you don’t go deep and bump into those powerful beasts, there will be no problems under normal circumstances.

Immediately, Lin Hao took out a bottle of condiment from the Interspatial Ring, sprinkled it evenly on the barbecue, and started to eat.

“Boss, there are orders.”

Not far away, an ancient giant tree suddenly heard a cold voice.

However, there were two dark shadows standing on the dense tree branches, staring at Lin Hao who was sitting by the campfire.

“Tsk tusk, there is actually an Interspatial Ring, it seems that this kid is a fat sheep.”

The person who spoke just now had a sharp-mouthed monkey gill. When he saw the Interspatial Ring in Lin Hao’s hand, his eyes were full of greed.

Next to him, the scarred man was obviously more steadfast, and he had been silently looking at Lin Hao with a leisurely look.

“If you dare to enter the Magical Beasts mountain range alone, your strength may not be so bad. It’s better to be careful.”

After observing for a while, the scarred man frowned and said cautiously: “Besides, we hit the big luck this time and captured a spirit beast cub. If we resell it, aren’t we two brothers afraid of not having any money to spend.”

He was holding an iron cage in his hand, covered with a black cloth, it was impossible to see what it was.

“Isn’t it that Tianyan Academy is about to start recruiting assessments? I guess this kid is to take a shortcut and venture into the Magical Beasts mountain range.”

The thin man said confidently: “Look at how strong he is at his young age.”

“I just broke through the third-level fighter, plus the boss of your fourth-level fighter’s Cultivation Base. If we join forces, isn’t this kid at our disposal?”

Hearing this, Scar Man nodded to himself, apparently also provoked by the thin man’s greed in his heart.

“Okay, a quick fight, if you find something is wrong, give up immediately!”

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and a trace of killing intent gradually filled the gaze staring at Lin Hao.

“Sure enough, swallowing Magical Beasts meat is really good for the body, just like the rumors.”

As the barbecue finished, Lin Hao obviously felt that the animal meat in his stomach slowly evolved into a spirit power during digestion, nourishing the whole body.

The reason why Magical Beasts are more advanced than ordinary animals is that they can absorb Spiritual Qi from heaven and earth and have unique advantages.

Therefore, Magical Beasts meat is very helpful for human cultivation.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao suddenly raised a warning sign in his heart, and his entire body was also in an instant, instinctively erected.

This physical sign made him feel dangerous!

However, Lin Hao’s reaction just came out, and his chest suddenly hurt.

But saw a black arrow shot on it, the clothes torn, revealing a small part of the gravity silver armor.

Fortunately, the gravity silver armor has a defensive effect, and the rune’s light flickered, directly blasting the arrow away.

Aside, Kung Fu Fly, Ant-Man, and Tarantula realized that their master had been attacked and immediately gave up the food and protected Lin Hao.

“Who is it, get out!”

Lin Hao snorted coldly.

This method of injuring people with secret arrows obviously annoyed him.

“Shoo, hoo!!”

However, as soon as the voice fell, two more arrows shot from the darkness.

The sharp metal arrow is full of Xu Mo green liquid, which is obviously stained with venom.

This time, the direction the arrow was shooting was towards Lin Hao’s head.

It is completely to death!

Bang bang! !

The Kung Fu fly rushed out suddenly, and the sharp blade of the foot slid across like lightning, directly cutting the two arrows that came to the ground.

At this time, Lin Hao had already marked out a fire rune.

Under the guidance of Mental Energy, the surrounding heaven and earth Spiritual Qi surged over in an instant, forming a huge fireball in an instant, and suddenly throwing it out.

The direction of the arrow just now made him lock the source.

“Fire rune!”

“This kid turned out to be a mage!”

The two who hid in the dark and attacked, almost simultaneously exclaimed.

When they found that Lin Hao was a mage, a touch of jealousy suddenly appeared on their faces.

I thought it was a little lamb, but I didn’t expect it to be a tiger wolf.

“Quickly retreat!”

Seeing the fireball flying in violently, the scarred man and the thin man were shocked and hurriedly jumped from the tree.

In the next moment, I only heard a loud bang.

Just now, where the two of them stood, the big tree was blown to a large chunk, and the flames filled it.

“This power, at least there are third-level mages.”

Seeing the destructive power of the fireball, the scarred man’s heart sank and his eyes became more solemn.

The rune attack of the mage is mysterious and unpredictable, and the lethality is terrible. Warriors of the same level are not the opponent of the mage at all.

At this moment, although he has just broken through the fourth-level fighter, he still has no complete confidence in defeating the third-level mage.

So as soon as they landed, the two of them turned around and fled with great understanding.

But before they ran far, a fiery red beast’s shadow suddenly sprang out of the grass and blocked the two of them.


One claw swung out, and the hot flame claw shadow forced them to stop suddenly, and then looked at the Magical Beasts that suddenly appeared in horror.

There is no doubt that this Magical Beasts is exactly the Fire Scale Tiger.

At the moment it was talking about two spiny-backed rabbits, scarlet blood stained its teeth.

That hideous appearance, coupled with a strong physique, looked extremely fierce.

Facing Magical Beasts of this level, they had almost no resistance, and their legs trembled with fright.

“Why attack me? If you don’t tell me honestly, let you taste the taste of being bitten by Magical Beasts!”

At this time, Lin Hao came behind the Scar man and the thin man in the Kung Fu Flies and asked in a cold voice.

The tarantula’s gaze has locked on them, as long as they dare to do anything, the deadly poisonous spider silk will inevitably greet them.

“The adults are forgiving, but the small ones didn’t mean to offend.”

Seeing that the situation is not good, Scar Man and them both cried and pleaded.

“Isn’t it intentional to offend? You really open your eyes and talk nonsense.”

Lin Hao smiled coldly. The three arrows just now all shot at his vital point.

If there is no gravitational silver armor, death or injury.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao had already moved with killing intent in his heart.


As he looked closer, Scar Man found that Lin Hao’s pupils were gray and his eyes were not focused.

The two looked at each other faintly, and they both saw the same idea in the other’s eyes.

“Actually we…”


Scar man was about to speak, and suddenly there was a strange noise under the black cloth of the iron cage in his hand.This cry immediately attracted Lin Hao’s attention.

“What are you holding in your hand?”

Lin Hao frowned and asked.

The eyes of the Kung Fu Flies also moved to a cage held by Scar Man.

It’s just that a piece of black cloth is wrapped around the cage, so I can’t see what’s inside.

But based on the cry just now, it was obviously an animal.

“No…nothing, this is a low-level wild fox I caught in the mountains today.”

The Scar Man’s complexion changed, and his tone was forced to reply calmly.

“Stop talking nonsense, lift the black cloth!”

Lin Hao stretched his hand to the cage and said indifferently: “Be quicker, my pet is panicked with hunger now.”

As soon as the voice fell, the Fire Scale Tiger was also extremely cooperative, pretending to be two steps before, a low growl came from the mouth of the corpse of the stabback rabbit.

“Don’t… I’ll open it now.”

The Scar Man couldn’t help shivering. While the black cloth was lifted from his palm, he looked vaguely at the thin man next to him.

The latter nodded secretly with a gloomy look.

“Do it!”

The Scar Man suddenly looked fierce, and completely lifted the black cloth and threw it towards Lin Hao in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them drew out the poisoned dagger, threw it out abruptly, and shot it at Lin Hao.

Although the black cloth caught the Kung Fu Little Fly’s sight, all of this was in full view by the fire-scale tiger on the other side.

“court death!”

Lin Hao’s face was cold, and the Dragon Sword flashed in his hand. The Nine Talisman Sword Art was unfolded and turned into Nine Dao rune Sword Qi.


Suddenly, the black cloth and two poisonous daggers were instantly shocked by Sword Qi.

Seeing this scene, Scar Man and their faces were horrified. Under the black cloth, they didn’t expect Lin Hao’s reaction speed to be so fast!


The Fire Scale Tiger opened its huge mouth and rushed forward with a roar.

“Brother, I’m sorry.”

A vicious flash flashed in the eyes of Scar Man, and suddenly he slapped his companion behind him with a palm, actually using it to block the Fire Scale Tiger.


The thin man who was pushed into the tiger’s mouth had not even had time to scream, and most of his head was bitten off.

For a moment, bright red blood mixed with white brain plasma, spewing out, the bloody scene was extremely shocking.

At this time, Scar Man had already taken out a white bead and threw it on the ground.

With a muffled ‘bang’, the white beads exploded when they hit the ground, and thick white smoke quickly dispersed.

By this means, he carried the iron cage and fled quickly.

As everyone knows, his every move was all locked up as prey by the tarantula.

Not long after running out, a scream suddenly came out in the thick fog.

After a few breaths, when the white smoke dissipated, there was a huge white spider web intertwined between the two trees at some unknown time.

On the surface of the spider web, it is not only extremely sticky, but also highly toxic.

“Damn it! There was no spider web here just now, what’s the matter?! Damn it!”

As the venom was circulating, Scar Man’s skin began to fester, and he screamed and struggled in horror.

He crazily destroyed the Spiritual Qi in his body, and completely used the strength of the fourth-level warrior to excess, and he successfully shattered the spider silk.

However, before he had time to be happy, the Fire Scale Tiger had already taken this opportunity to violently pounced on him, and directly threw him to the ground, biting him on his neck.


The tiger’s mouth was violently pulled, and the Scar Man’s neck was all bitten off in an instant, his head and body were separated, and there was no vitality at all.

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