God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 998: You don't want to make money

Not to mention such a powerful existence as Jiang Fan, even with a full-strength shot at level 5, one punch can blast through a concrete wall!

Are you afraid of demolishing the building when you practice martial arts in the building?

Jiang Fan and Curtis were stunned, and Yue Jianhan, who was expressionless, directly followed Yue Yang to the twelfth floor!

When the door opened, Jiang Fan was completely speechless!

This floor is about 2,000 square meters, all of which belong to the martial arts hall!

And there are rest areas, bathing areas, massage areas, canteens...

There is only a piece of hundreds of square meters left for martial arts!

At this moment, this martial arts area is full of futons. The first middle-aged man in Tang suit sits on the futon with his hands shaking and breathing. Under him, more than a hundred men and women are also sitting on the futon. Here, there is something to learn!

Jiang Fan rubbed his eyes vigorously!

Had it not been for the words "Martial Hall" written next to the gate, he almost thought he had entered the veteran activity center!

This Nima is practicing internal strength?

This is really cultivating immortals!

If he could train his internal strength with this action, he would just eat the door!

However, the shock is still to come!

The middle-aged man above the head slowly opened his eyes, and then exhaled a foul breath!

Then wave his hand directly!

Suddenly, a few young people came out carrying a few wooden pallets!

The tray was filled with big pills full of strong medicinal flavor!

Jiang Fan can smell it with just a light sniff. This thing is made from Chuanbei loquat and tangerine peel, at most it is to clear the lungs and remove the fire!

At this moment, the middle-aged man smiled slightly!

"Dear disciples, this is the'Pure Yang Pill' that I carefully prepared! After you take it, you can increase your internal strength for a year by operating according to your own mental method!"

Damn it!

Can someone believe this?


"Thank you, Master!"

"Improve one year's internal strength!"

"Good stuff!"

"After eating, won't I become a master of martial arts?"

The crowd looked excited!

But the middle-aged man frowned!

"Naughty! The purpose of martial arts training is to strengthen your body. If you work with others, you will be abolished your cultivation as a teacher!"

"Yes, yes! The disciple knows that I am wrong!"

The crowd suddenly spoke!


The middle-aged nodded, but then he showed a trace of embarrassment!

"This medicinal pill is what I have spent a lot of time and resources for training, and I am ashamed of my teacher's purse. These things are borrowed from the family, so... alas! It's all for you after all. After I go back, , Apologize to the Patriarch! Big deal, face the wall for three years!"

This middle-aged person is obviously advancing by retreat. On the surface, it means to give this group of people free of charge, but in fact, it just opens his mouth to ask for money!

Sure enough, one of the crowd stood up directly!

"Master! What are you talking about? You are refining medicine for us. We must pay the money for this!"

"Yes! Master, ten thousand one!"

The other Too also stood up!

"Bah! Master said it is a treasure of heaven and earth, and this one can increase your internal strength for a year! Master, fifty thousand!"

Soon, with a few supporters constantly frying up, one pill became 88,800!

The following group of disciples did not hesitate to transfer money directly!

There are more than 100 people here, and after selling fake drugs in this round, they have made a full 9 million!

Curtis was shocked!

What's so special, it's faster than they grabbed the money!

"Master, this, this trick can be promoted! The money is too fast!"

The saliva that Curtis looked at was almost flowing out!

But Jiang Fan's face was gloomy and dripping!

No wonder the martial arts hall opened in such a place!

This is really cheating!

"Yue Yang, is this the martial arts hall of your Yue family?"

"This this……"

Yue Yang's face was flushed, and his head was sweating!


Jiang Fan shouted directly!

"Who are you? Why are you making noise here? Don't you know that this is the Yue Family Martial Arts Hall?"

The middle-aged man suddenly frowned upon hearing Jiang Fan's anger!

"Martial Hall? You deserve to be called Martial Hall?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Asshole! How dare you—"

The middle-aged man did not finish speaking, but suddenly saw Yue Jianhan and Yue Yang behind Jiang Fan!

"Sixth brother, Yue Yang, you guys, why are you here?"

This person is Yue Yang's fourth uncle, Yue Jianhong!

Both Yue Jianhan didn't speak!

Yue Jianhong was stunned, but suddenly showed a dazed look!

This person must have come to learn martial arts too!

However, if Yue Jianhan and Yue Yang can be brought over together, it must have a huge background!

The point is, there must be money!

Yue Jianhong suddenly smiled proudly!

"Young man, you must also come to learn martial arts, right? Let my sixth brother bring it over, I think it must be very good!"

"In that case...Apply a teacher!"


Curtis sprayed directly!

Yue Yang trembled even more!

Uncle, are you crazy?

Let Jiang Fan worship you as a teacher?

You are a mouse escorting a cat, and you don't want to make money!

Even Yue Jianhan showed a **** expression!

Jiang Fan smiled directly!

"Apprentice? Worship you?"

"Yes! Young man, you have a good roots and can worship me as a teacher, but your blessing!"

Yue Jianhong smiled slightly!

"It's okay to be a teacher, but I don't know how strong you are?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"Asshole! How dare you be so disrespectful to the master!"

"Yes! Master is the top five master of the Yue family!"

"The situation changed when I shot!"

"Don't hurry up and apologize!"

A group of children shouted!

"It's okay!"

Yue Jianhong waved his hand generously, and then nodded to Jiang Fan!

"Never mind! Since you are not convinced, then I will show you my hand and let you see my strength!"

As Yue Jianhong said, he walked directly to lift the dynamometer!

This dynamometer is about the size of a sandbag placed horizontally, connected to a screen by a few wires!

Just throw a fist at the front, and the strength of the fist will be displayed on the rear screen!

"Boy, optimistic!"

Yue Jianhong took a deep breath, a purple aura suddenly filled his body!

Then suddenly he let out a low voice and blasted out a punch!


The numbers on the screen suddenly changed quickly!

Soon, it was frozen to 8000!

"Master is mighty!"

"8000 kilograms of punch!"

"That's eight tons! Tyson's strongest is only 800 kilograms! Ten times stronger than Tyson!"

"Shooting on people can definitely blast people into dregs!"

A group of disciples are very excited!

Look at Yue Jianhong full of admiration!

"Boy, do you see it? This is my strength!"

Yue saw Hong proudly smiled!

"Is this stuff accurate?"

Jiang Fan walked to the dynamometer and glanced at random!

"Nonsense! This is a premium product from Huojia! It can measure up to a hundred tons!"

A disciple spoke directly!

"In that case, why don't I try?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"Yes! Just try it!"

Yue Jianhong looked confident!

There have been quite a few of these before, but after trying, all of them have been apprentices honestly!

This kid is no exception!

"Then I'm welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled, suddenly raised his right hand, and flicked at the dynamometer!


A loud noise!

next moment!

The whole dynamometer seemed to be hit by a rocket bomb, and it was blown to pieces!

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