God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 974: The marketing account is blown up

Guan Ying was silent over there!

Jiang Fan waited for a long time without moving, and suddenly frowned slightly!

"Guan Ying? Guan Ying?"

next moment!

The noisy voice sounded directly!

"Sister Ying! What's wrong with you?"

"No! Sister Ying fainted!"

"Quick, quick! Pinching people!"

"Go away! Let me do artificial respiration!"

"Sister Ying! You are the host of our idol harem club, don't have an accident! I still hope to climb onto idol's bed!"

A panic on the other side!


Just as the online navy was overwhelming the Heijiang River, a video that rose faster than the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin directly rushed to the top!

The video is only ten seconds!

The steel takeaway landed and the armor opened!

Jiang Fan wearing the iconic mask was directly exposed!

This is Jiang Fan's exclusive mask, it cannot be counterfeited at all!

As soon as the picture turned, Guan Ying, with a cold and arrogant expression, faced the camera, slowly speaking in a casual but proud voice that was unique to takeaway fans!

"Hello everyone, it has just been determined that the identity of this steel takeaway is our idol-the takeaway star!"

The entire network instantly stagnated for three seconds!


"Fuck-slot slot slot slot slot slot!"

"No wonder the idol didn't respond!"

"Hahaha! Slap in the face! Chi Guoguo's slap in the face!"

"Idol mighty! Domineering!"

"Just now the one who said that if the idol can turn over, he will live to eat shit, and you can start your performance!"


"What?! The takeaway star is the steel takeaway?"

"Asshole, asshole!"

"Quickly, quickly! Withdraw all the navy back at once!"

"It's not good! Many big V naval forces have been exposed! Even the previous incidents of using the wind to discredit others have exploded!"

"The point is that someone turned back! He became a fan of Takeaway Star!"

"Boss! Our marketing account has exploded!"

Fan Jiqian and others were all dumbfounded!

But even more terrible is the group of people in Europe and the United States who want to make the steel takeaways their own signature!

Under their overwhelming propaganda, in just one hour, the steel takeaway has been portrayed as the Optimus pillar of Europe and the United States against the takeaway star!

But when this video came out, the slap on the face hurts more than being pumped by Jiang Fan with a folding stool!

"Why, how could this happen!"

"Impossible! An illusion! It must be an illusion!"

"I said earlier that we, Europe, America and Takeaway Star are working against each other. It's almost the same as the electric dry!"

"Bring your own shame! You Europeans and Americans don't even think about it, takeaway stars have always been synonymous with miracles!"

"Owner, you are also a European and American man?"

"Fart! Although I am European and American, I have a Chinese heart!"

"And me! I have a full one-sixteenth of Chinese blood!"

"Envy! Seeking friendship!"


The entire network is blown up!

Even if the servers of those Chinese media have exploded, after all, the population base is large!

But media servers in many small countries in Europe and America have also exploded!

The comments are too hot to hold back!

Because of this video, half of the world’s social network has almost stagnated for half a minute!

Afterwards, a wave of admiration for Jiang Fan swept the whole world in an instant!

At the same time, Citi!

California Silicon Valley!

A subordinate group of a chaebol!

A group of people are staring at the big screen!

What is played above is all the video images about Jiang Fan driving the Iron Overlord's armor!

"It's amazing! See how it moves when it lifts off!"

"Such a propulsion device is definitely more developed than ours!"

"More than just! Look at its flying movements! Such a flexible power system is beyond imagination!"

"It seems that the chip of this thing is absolutely super smart!"

"There is also an energy system! Such a small mecha, but with such a strong endurance, what is his energy? Plasma? Or nuclear fusion?"

"The most important thing is the material! This kind of strong twisting is definitely not what ordinary metals can achieve!"

Everyone watched the video with excitement!

Keep throwing up questions one after another!

In the top position, a man over fifty years old with a sullen expression finally patted the table lightly!

In an instant, the whole room was quiet!

The man was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly!

"First, find out all the news about Takeaway Star!"

"Second, find out where his steel armor came from!"

"Third, if necessary, kill him and bring back the mecha!"

"Everyone, do you have anything else to add?"

After the man said, he glanced around slowly!




Everyone spoke!

"I have a suggestion. Since this takeaway star has organic armor, it is very likely that there are some other technologies that we don't know. I hope that the first contact can be resolved through negotiation!"

An old man suddenly spoke!


The man nodded, and then stared at the big screen!

"With it, our technology will definitely advance by leaps and bounds! I hope this Chinese kid is sensible enough!"

The same scene does not just happen here!

German, Lianzhong Group!

Goryeo, March chaebol!

Toyo, Yasuda Corporation!

China, Adeli Group!


Companies in all research fields and mecha-related companies are staring at these videos!

Even more conceited, ready to attack Jiang Fan!

At this moment, Jiang Fan didn't know that he was just trying to pull the wind, and he actually attracted so many people's attention!

But even if he knew it, not only would he not be angry, but he would be overjoyed!

Anyway, it's a group of money-giving goods, the more the better!

And at this moment, the capital!

In the Star River Entertainment's president's office, President Qi Rongchang stood respectfully and looked at the opposite side!

There, in the position that once belonged to Zhou Ning, a handsome young man was sitting at this moment!

This man has extremely long hair, tied into a ponytail behind his head, and his eyebrows are strangely white!

At this moment, he was looking at the computer in front of him with indifference!

There are countless reports about Jiang Fan!

"Takeaway Star..."

The corners of the man's mouth gradually aroused!

"Jing Shao, you, are you interested in this mecha?"

Qi Rongchang asked softly!

"Huh! Flashy! Although I don't know the specific combat effectiveness of this thing, except for being able to fly, it definitely can't exceed level 12!"

"I am only interested in this person! Jiang Fan...hehe, interesting!"

Listening to the man talking to himself, Qi Rongchang didn't answer the words wittily!

This one, but among the young generations of the Zhou family, is known as the enchanting figure!

If he hadn't been in retreat with his ancestors all the year round and his reputation was not obvious, his status would probably still be in the limelight of Zhou Ning!

"This is the person who messed up the Zhou family and even abolished Zhou Ning?"

The man finally looked at Qi Rongchang!

"Yes! Young Master Jing!"

Qi Rongchang nodded hurriedly!

"Haha, interesting! What is Zhou Ning doing recently?"

"This... I heard that Shao Ning has always been in Jinghu Courtyard and never came out!"

"This rubbish! Prepare the car, I'm going to see him!"

"Young Master Jing, you have just left the customs, don't you need to greet you from the master?"

"Those old immortals, what can I see! If I didn't think Zhou Ning was here, I wouldn't come at all!"

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