God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 972: Is moral building so fast?

Seeing Stark's reaction, everyone was shocked!

Stark has always been arrogant, not even the President!

But today, in front of Jiang Fan, not only did he take the initiative to ask for help, he actually knew to thank you!

This is unique!

Can Stark be so respectful, this Jiang Fan is really amazing!

"You're welcome! I have to go! If you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"


Stark nodded excitedly!

"Wait! Mr. Jiang..."

Phil took a step forward and was about to say something!

And Jiang Fan just smiled!

"System! Back!"

Now, the story has not yet unfolded, it is not the time to contact SHIELD!

Moreover, Jiang Fan was quite jealous of the Director Fury who had not yet appeared!

You know, the Cosmos Rubik's Cube should be in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., that thing, but a real artifact!

The key is that it is still a spatial artifact!

How many abilities S.H.I.E.L.D. has mastered it is still unknown to itself!

In short, for the current self, it is safer to concentrate on orders!

As for grabbing benefits, I'll talk about it later!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 768 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Stark's gratitude-the unfinished Ark reactor!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Phil's friendship-the third-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent certificate!"

Ugh? !

No battle armor?

Jiang Fan was stunned!

What I want most is the battle armor, a bird use for the reactor!

Jiang Fan took out the Ark Reactor in disappointment!

This thing is exactly the same as the thing on Stark's chest!

Unfinished Ark Reactor: This is a reduced version of the Ark Reactor, with an unparalleled energy source! But unfortunately it was not completed, so it has strong radiation!

Note: Use this item to charge any energy-driven technology products!

Current energy value: 100!

Isn't this a universal engine?

For example, if the car is out of gas, put this thing in the car and it will restart immediately!

No matter, keep it!

Three-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent certification: S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have a total of ten levels! This is proof of belonging to the hired agent!

Note: With this item, you can get some help from SHIELD in a world with SHIELD!

To put it bluntly, it is the same as the Jinyiwei Baihu waist card that I got before. It looks good, but it's useless!

This time, it was pure fun!

Jiang Fan sighed and was about to leave!

At this moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the villain Obadiah! Successfully drawn-Iron Overlord's Battle Armor!"

Damn it? !

The east is not bright, the west is bright!

Sure enough, it is the mulberry elm harvested by the lost East!

Unexpectedly, the battle armor burst out of Obadiah!

The point is that although this battle armor is a villain, it is very popular!

Domineering, more in line with Jiang Fan's heart than Stark's version!

Jiang Fan was so excited that he summoned this thing directly!

Suddenly, a huge armor with a height of more than three meters and a silver-white metallic luster appeared directly in front of Jiang Fan!

Iron Overlord: Steel Battlegear

Performance: low

Remarks: This is the first-generation Iron Overlord battle armor in the Marvel Universe. It has two revolver machine guns on its arms and two micro missiles on its back shoulders. It has a relatively powerful power system!

Tip: It can fly, but it is not resistant to low temperatures!


Jiang Fan stroked the armor greedily!

The saliva is about to flow out!

How cool would it be to drive this thing to deliver food?

No way!

Have to find a place to try it!

When he thought of this, Jiang Fan felt itchy in his heart. He left the system space and opened the takeaway software directly!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"


Orders come right after opening!


At the door of a milk tea shop!

"Beauty! Give me a milkshake!"

"Sister! I want two ice creams!"

"Aloe lemon tea, add more ice!"

Because of the hot weather, business is booming here, and long queues have already been formed!

The three clerk sisters were even more busy and sweating!

At this moment!

"Hey! Give me two oolong teas with more ice!"

A tall and burly man squeezed to the front and spoke impatiently!

"How did you jump in the line?"

"Don't you see that we are all in line?"


The crowd glared at the men!

"Fuck! Shut up to Lao Tzu! Damn! You owe it, isn't it?"

The man suddenly roared!

The crowd looked at his majestic physique, and suddenly they dare not say anything!

The man smiled triumphantly and looked at a girl who was robbed of the position by himself!

"Little girl, do you have an opinion?"

The girl was taken aback, and finally took a step back in grievance!


The man smiled proudly and looked directly at the clerk!

"Hey! Make it for Lao Tzu quickly!"

"Sir, please line up! Don't disturb our guests!"

The clerk sister frowned!

"Yeah? They have no objection, what the **** are you pretending to be a good person? I told you, don't do it quickly, I will smash your shop!"

"You, dare you! If you don't line up properly, I'll call the police!"

"I'm! You **** give it a try! I will find someone to round you tonight!"

The man slapped the bar hard!

The clerk's sister pursed her lips, shy and angry!

The crowd was even more angry!

Unfortunately, no one dared to move!

After all, if you can't beat a man, you just get a beating for nothing!

But so many people, if they break a man, they might have to break the law!

It's too hard to be a good person!

Seeing that everyone was silent, the man suddenly became even more proud!

"Little girl! Hurry up! Don't fucking--"

The man hasn't finished speaking, just now!


A harsh sound suddenly sounded!

next moment!


A loud noise! Flying sand and stone!

A steel giant with a height of three meters suddenly fell from the sky!

The steel giant is full of dazzling silvery white, very cool!

On the front of the chest, the word "Takeaway" was written on the left and right!

It is Jiang Fan who is driving the armor!

"Fuck! Steel, Iron Man?!"

"No, those two words seem to be takeaway!"

"No way! Iron Man delivers food?"

"I, I'm good!"

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at the man directly!

As soon as he raised his arm, the ferocious machine gun was directly aimed at the man's head!

"Damn! You can hear your clamor across three streets! Will you die if you line up?"

Jiang Fan scolded!

"Big brother...I, I was wrong!"

The man just knelt!

Looking at Jiang Fan sweating profusely!

I just jump in the line!

Can Motivation A be guilty?

He even pointed at me with a machine cannon, what a hatred this must be!

In particular, is moral construction faster than legal system construction now?

"Big Brother! I will definitely change my mind in the future! Be a good man!"

"I, I just jump in the line, please let me go!"

The man burst into tears!

Howling and crying!

too difficult!

How can anyone dare to believe that this kind of thing happened when joining a team!

"Stop talking nonsense! Go up and go in a row!"

"No need, no need!"

The man ran away!

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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