After Jiang Fan took it out, he glanced at it casually!

Then, I was stunned!

Evil Well: Special type props!


1. Cultivation: This is a dry well of resentment. When spirit creatures live here, the experience value will increase rapidly!

2. Barriers: The Well of Evil Spirit has an extremely powerful defensive ability. It hides in the dry well and can defend against any attacks of gold level and below!

Instructions for use: Take root on the ground! The host chooses a location and puts the item in!

Remarks: The number of spiritual bodies currently available for habitation is 3! (Life body is not limited)

Tip: You can obtain dry well items for its evolution!

Damn it!

Defend against any attacks of gold level and below!

And there is no limit to the number of life forms!

In other words, as long as the dry well can be installed, as many people as you can enter!

At that time, if a powerful enemy kills the door, just throw the well into the yard and take the family to hide in the well, and it will be safe and sound!

This Nima!

The quality of this item is at least a gold level!

I bought this well for 10,000 yuan, and it was a profit!

What Jiang Fan has been worrying about is the safety of the base camp!

Although he himself is strong enough, but his subordinates do not have his ability!

In case a great master comes and happens to be in his absence, it will be troublesome!

Now that I have this dry well, I am not afraid of anything!

"System I love you so much!"

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

"Ding! The system feels the host’s sincere love and rewards a random draw!"

"This...Is this okay too?!"

Jiang Fan is in a circle!

Then he screamed directly!

"System! I love you! Once there was a handsome system in front of me, I didn't cherish it! If God gives me another chance to love it, I..."

"Ding! Please don't use false feelings to win the favor of the system! Otherwise, the lottery will be invalidated!"

The system ignores Jiang Fan's flattery!

"do not!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly spoke!

"Draw a lottery now!"


A huge turntable suddenly appeared!

Random turntable!

Unlike the well-defined lottery mode, the random lottery is full of surprises!

It is possible to draw whiteboard equipment, and it is also possible to draw artifacts!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and turned abruptly to the prize plate!

Seeing that the prize plate was getting slower and slower, it finally stopped on the equipment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting-unlimited magazines!"


When he first heard the word Infinity, Jiang Fan thought he had drawn Infinity Gloves!

At this moment, a cheer suffocated directly into his throat!

Unlimited Magazine: Unlimited! Isn't it enough?

Note: This magazine is suitable for any weapon, but the power of the bullet is constant!

This magazine is just a whiteboard equipment. In other words, even if it is mounted on a six-barreled Vulcan cannon, even a black-iron grade six-barreled Vulcan cannon can only fire the power of a real gun!

Far from reaching the level of killing the Quartet at that time!

However, it's better than nothing!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing two Mandrill! Successfully draw 40 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Ixiong Heihachiro! Successfully draw 1000 causal points!"

It seems that the system itself knows that the exploitation of Jiang Fan is a bit too cruel!

Looking at the more than 1,000 points in the backpack, Jiang Fan felt like he was down again!

The one who was once the pinnacle of himself, but holds a full 150,000 causal points in his hand!

Must make money again!

Returning to the real world, Jiang Fan returned to Class 3 and instilled a sense of unity and friendship into the students before leaving!

After leaving the classroom, Jiang Fan always felt that something was wrong!

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly realized!

Ma Desheng!

The trouble is so big, the Mediterranean Sea hasn't come out!

It really doesn't fit his style!

Especially, I knocked him a hundred thousand yuan of bamboo sticks!

This fat man didn't bother him, it's really unreasonable!


There are more than one hundred thousand!

Without a word, Jiang Fan went straight to Ma Desheng's office!

But just two steps upstairs, the phone rang!

"Brother Jiang! Help! Little Treasure, I took it away!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Ding Xuan's wailing came over!

"Don't worry! Speak slowly!"

"Just now, the kindergarten contacted me just now, it was during the lunch break, someone broke in, knocked the teacher out, and snatched Xiaobao away!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Don't worry, your son must be okay. The Ding family did it!"

"The Ding family? Yes! It must be the Ding family!"

Ding Xuan finally reacted!

He didn't offend anyone in Los Angeles, and Jiang Fan was covering him, absolutely no one dared to touch him!

It can only be Ding's family!

"How long has Xiaobao been taken away?"

"About twenty minutes!"

"I see, you are waiting for my news at the company!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and contacted Lu Zhenglong directly!

"Ding Xuan's son was taken away. Check the surveillance over there to confirm the identity of the other party!"

"In addition, immediately arrange staff to keep an eye on the airport, train station, and highway intersection! As long as it is a place involving traffic, don't let it go! As long as you find this person, contact me immediately!"

"Also, let Long Yan and them all go out and arrest me!"


Soon, with Jiang Fan's order, the entire Los Angeles city seemed to be alive!

In less than ten minutes, Christine first sent back news!

The man who robbed Ding Xuan's son has been caught at the airport!

Half an hour later, Beihai Building!

Ding Xuan took over his son from Jiang Fan with great excitement!

"Brother Jiang! Thank you, thank you!"

Ding Xuan looked grateful!

"You're welcome, what about this person?"

Jiang Fan said, pointing at a man with a swollen nose and swollen nose!

The strength of that person is around level 7, and he is in his twenties. He keeps a split, and he is very embarrassed!

"Ding Xin!"

When he saw this person, Ding Xuan suddenly yelled!

"Hey, cousin, you, hello!"

Ding smiled with confidence!

"You bastard! What did I do to you back then! Why kidnapped my son!"

"Well, don't blame me or me, it's all the old guys' ideas in the family!"

Ding Xin gave a wry smile!

"You don't know, after Ding Fang went back last time, he scolded you severely and said that you were arrogant!"

"After hearing this, the old guy in the family said that he couldn't let you go anymore, so let me come and bring Xiaobao back to the family!"

"But cousin, I swear! I haven't treated your son badly. Look, his schoolbag is full of toys I bought!"

Ding Xuan saw that it was so!

The anger in my heart finally dissipated a little!

"Go back and tell those who are immortal! This is the last time!"

"If you dare to attack Xiaobao in the future, I promise you will kill them!"

Ding Xuan shouted angrily!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ding Xin nodded repeatedly!

"Fuck off!"

Ding Xuan roared again!


Ding Xin agreed and was ready to run away!

However, he walked two steps, but finally couldn't help but stop, giving Ding Xuan a helpless look!

"Cousin, you, listen to my persuasion, or be obedient! Those old guys, you can't beat them!"

"I probably couldn't fight it before, but now, hum!"

Ding Xuan sneered directly, and at the same time looked at Jiang Fan excitedly!

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