God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 955: You see that the sun is big and round

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, Qian Xiangchuan and others' faces all changed!

"Boy! You are too arrogant!"

"This is the deputy head of our Medicine Law Enforcement Hall!"

"I advise you to take back what you just said!"

"Immediately apologize to our deputy hall master!"

A group of law enforcement cousins ​​roared!

"Boy, knelt down and admit your mistake! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

One of the law enforcement disciples had a grim expression and pointed at Jiang Fan!

Originally, the others were expressionless, but as soon as this disciple stretched out his hand, everyone's face changed!

If you dare to be disrespectful to Jiang Fan, that's slap them in the face!

"Don't kill!"

As soon as he saw the expressions of his men, Jiang Fan knew what these guys were thinking!



No. 13 has a fierce look in his eyes!

At the next moment, the finger that the disciple stretched out seemed to have been cut by a knife, and it suddenly broke off!

Splashing blood!


The disciple was crying miserably, and he was dying in pain!

"Bastard! Who is it! I dared to shoot my medicine disciple!"

"Just looking for death!"

"Hurry up and help!"

"Pick up the severed finger and connect it!"

A group of law enforcement cousins ​​of the Medicine Gate are in a hurry!

However, before the severed finger was picked up, a dark fire suddenly ignited on it!

In less than half a second, this severed finger became a piece of bone!

After the 13th, Curtis also shot!

Immediately afterwards, Long Yan suddenly appeared, smashing the phalanx with one foot!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Looked at that pile of bone meal dumbly!

Even the screaming disciple closed his mouth!

"You, you guys, how dare you attack the medicine door!"

Qian Xiangchuan was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan's group of people dumbfounded!

But everyone smiled coldly!

When Jiang Fan was away, they were afraid of doing things, but once Jiang Fan appeared, they would have the backbone and fearlessness!

This is Jiang Fan's personality charm!

And Jiang Fan looked at Qian Xiangchuan with a mocking expression!

"Yes! Just do it, what's the matter?"

"What? You're done!!"

Qian Xiangchuan suddenly roared!

At the same time, there was a hint of inexplicable panic in his heart!

When Jiang Fan didn't come, these people were all honest!

As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, it was obvious that everyone's spirits were all different!

It seems that there is an extra backing as high as the Himalayas!

In horror, he snarled directly!

"Dare to act on our medicine gate, I promise your family will never be treated again! Just wait to see how miserable they look before they die! Boy, let me tell you, you—"


Jiang Fan hit Qian Xiangchuan's crotch with just one knee!


Qian Xiangchuan suddenly let out a miserable howl!

The whole person rolled his eyes so painfully!

A group of law enforcement cousins ​​turned pale in shock!


It is too ruthless to cut off the roots of a person's descendants if they disagree!

The most important thing is that they are from the medicine gate!

In normal times, with this name, who sees that they are not respectful?

But today, even the deputy director of the Law Enforcement Hall was deposed!

Who the **** is this kid!

And Jiang Fan just looked at Qian Xiangchuan, who was lying on the ground and howling desperately!

"How dare you threaten me? How many heads have you grown?"

"You, you are finished! Kid! You are completely finished! Our medicine gate will not let you go!"

Qian Xiangchuan howled miserably while screaming desperately!

"Save it, idiot!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"You are just the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the four branches in the southeast and northwest of the Yaomen! Just you, who also represent the Yaomen?

"how do you know?!"

Qian Xiangchuan couldn't even bother to scream, and looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

But he reacted immediately!

"Yes! Sun Chuanyi told you, didn't it?"

"none of your business!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

How profound is the Jiang family!

There is really little he doesn't know about the details of the large forces!

"Old guy, listen to me! I welcome treatment and rescue, but if you dare to make trouble, let alone you, even if the master of the medicine gate comes, you have to die for me!"

"Fortunately for you, I have a big happy event today. I don't want to kill anyone. Get out!"

Jiang Fan kicked Qian Xiangchuan's crotch again!

"Oh oh oh yeah!!!"

Qian Xiangchuan took a miserable howl and was kicked by Jiang Fan directly outside the Heingcheng Medical Center!

The rest of the law enforcement cousins ​​only felt their scalp numb!

They looked at each other and ran away without saying anything!

Even idiots can see it now, they definitely can't provoke Jiang Fan!

Seeing Yaomen running so sullenly, everyone was stunned!

They were in a stalemate here for more than an hour, and they were bullied by Qian Xiangchuan and the group, but Jiang Fan came and solved the matter with a single kick. How can it be reasonable?

"Teacher, Qian Xiangchuan is now the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Northern Branch after all. If he goes back to tell the truth, I'm afraid..."

Sun Chuanyi was moved in his heart, but he was even more worried about Jiang Fan's future development!

"It's okay! According to the earliest rules of Yaomen, the Law Enforcement Hall only has the right to arrest Yaomen traitors! As for ordering the other children of Yaomen not to treat people, they don't have that ability!"

"What's more, if he really does this, then you will go to the general altar of the medicine gate and sue him!"

"Maybe it's not just him, the principals of the Northern Branch will be finished!"

"If you do it well, maybe you can be supported?"

"Huh? This is a good idea, I have to study it carefully!"

At the end, Jiang Fan's voice became lower and lower, and it became a mumbling!

But just after hearing these words, everyone was trembling in fright!

Too wild!

Jiang Fan's ambitions and desires seem to have no end!

However, the most terrifying thing is his terrible resilience and his unrelenting thoughts that day!

A disaster in the eyes of others has endless troubles, but when he arrives, he can open up new ideas and become a good thing for his own welfare!

What's more terrifying is that his success rate is terrifyingly high!

Even so far, none of Jiang Fan's calculations has deviated from the track!

This situation is beyond imagination!

"Huh? What are you all doing in a daze?"

Jiang Fan mumbled to himself for a long time, and as soon as he looked up, he saw everyone's horrified and admired eyes!

"No, no!"

"Hehe, the weather is good!"

"Yeah, yeah, look at that sun, it's big and round!"

"Like this bowl, is it a big bowl of wide noodles?"

"Yo-yo! Check out!"

A group of people were taken aback and started talking indiscriminately!

"Okay! Sun Chuanyi, tell me what is going on with you and Qian Xiangchuan!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

If you really want to do this, you have to figure out the relationship first!

The point is that gossip is human nature! Especially the gossip of this serious old man, Jiang Fan is more interested!

"...This, okay!"

Sun Chuanyi spoke reluctantly!

And the others all came up with a look of interest!

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