"I, I, I, I..."

Dou Yisheng was taken aback by Curtis' ferocious aura!

Although he is at the thirteenth level, he has abandoned martial arts in these years, and he is fascinating every day, and his true strength is probably not as good as a tougher twelfth level!

The most important thing is that his courage has long been polished!

"This matter, I, I don't know at all! It has nothing to do with me!"

Dou Yisheng desperately defended!

"What if you don't know it? Your family did it anyway!"

"That's not what I did! I was wronged!"

Dou Yisheng's tears came down!


"Are you wronged? What is your last name?"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled coldly!

"Last name, last name Dou!"

"That's right! Who gave you the surname Dou! Come on! If you don't say it, I will kill you!"

Jiang Fan stepped forward!

The audience was shocked!

They were all shocked by Jiang Fan's rogue aura!

I thought Curtis was shameless enough, but I didn't expect Jiang Fan to be the shameless ancestor!

Dou Yisheng can rely on this so much!

"Yes! That's right! Hurry up!"

Curtis also screamed!

"You, you are too bullying!"

Dou Yisheng was stunned!

They have always bullied others, but they didn't expect to be bullied like this today!

"Fart! When did we bully you! We are moral!"

Jiang Fan scolded!

If this is assigned by the system to the ranks of the gangsters, he won't get a causal point of the things realized!

"Yes! We stand on the moral high ground! We are the righteous avengers! Not to mention, I'm not welcome!"

Curtis said, raising his sleeves, revealing two arms thinner than a firewood stick, and he was about to do it!

He now has the essence of dogfighting, and he is deeply envious of Jiang Fan's big mouth, and he can't help but give it a try!

"Don't, don't! Do what you say!"

Dou Yisheng shuddered in fright and yelled suddenly! The female secretary screamed with a pale face!


In half an hour!

Dou Lianpeng and others have come downstairs in Dou's Building with a murderous look!

"Huh! Hengyao is really incompetent here! Knowing that Jiang Fan is coming, even the security guards ran away!"

Dou Lianpeng frowned and looked annoyed!

"Big brother, don't be angry, we all know what virtue the cousin is!"

Dou Lianrong smiled!

"Yeah! Dad, these wastes are useless here anyway!"

Dou Jinyang also said!

"Hmph! Forget it, let's go ahead and make arrangements. This time, we must catch the **** who dares to be presumptuous to our Dou family!"


A group of people soon arrived at Dou Yisheng's office!

It's just that everyone was stunned when they saw the sight in the office!

I saw that there was a mess in the office at this moment!

Dou Yisheng stepped on the chair, hung his tie on the chandelier and tied a knot. At this moment, his head was trying to get in!

He turned out to commit suicide!

"President Dou! What are you doing!"

"Quickly come down! There is no hurdle to pass!"

"Yeah, you just want to start some!"

"There is a way to save money and avoid disasters, you must not think about it!"

A group of people hurriedly pulled Dou Yisheng!

"You know what a shit! It's all gone! I'm all gone for so many years of hard work!"

Dou Yisheng cried heartbreakingly, tears falling down like the largest infusion tube!

Dou Lianpeng and others were shocked!

Pull over an employee directly!

"what happened?"

"Oh! Dou always has been robbed! The pants are all blackmailed!"

The employee left a sentence and immediately reinvested in the rescue of Dou Yisheng!

"Snatched? Could it be that we are late?"

Dou Lianpeng's eyes suddenly widened!

And Dou Yisheng also saw Dou Lianpeng and others at this time!

He suddenly roared, like a flying **** pig, a flying leap rushed towards Dou Lianpeng!

"You bastards! Didn't you say that you came first? I didn't show up until Jiang Fan had robbed you, you said! Did you mean it!"

Dou Yisheng tugged Dou Lianpeng's collar, spitting, his eyes were red!

"Jiang Fan?! How is this possible!"

Dou Lianpeng was stunned!

The rest of the people are also shocked!

They were just guessing before, but they didn't expect Jiang Fan to actually come!

Is this kid teleporting?

The plane from Yilin to Hengyao has just landed now!

"Nonsense! Except Jiang Fan, who in Hengyao would dare to grab Laozi!"

Dou Yisheng's eyes are fierce!

These people are his nephews, he is not afraid!

"Dou Lianpeng! I tell you, I must make up for all the losses I have suffered!"

Dou Yisheng's fingers were almost inserted into Dou Lianpeng's nostrils!

"Uncle Qitang, don't get angry, I'll contact home immediately!"

The Dou family attaches great importance to elders and inferiority. Even if Dou Lianpeng is the future head of the Dou family, that will be the future. He is only Dou Yisheng's nephew now, and he doesn't dare to be arrogant to Dou Yi!

As Dou Lianpeng said, he took out his cell phone and contacted Dou Yichang!

"Father! We are late!"

"What?! Are you late?"

Dou Yichang looked shocked!

"Yes, Jiang Fan has already robbed Uncle Qi!"

"This little beast!"

Dou Yichang roared suddenly!

"Check! Check where he went!"


Soon, news about Jiang Fan has been found!

"Father! Jiang Fan and the others booked a ticket to Qicheng!"


Dou Yichang was slightly startled!

Qicheng is also a place that the Dou family has run for a long time!

The key is that there is an ancient battlefield close to it, and it is the place where the Dou family got the corpse after spending a lot of money!

It is the base for the Dou family to cultivate zombies!

"This kid, I want to be with my Dou family, never dying!"

Dou Yichang gritted his teeth!

"Lian Peng! You will lead people over immediately! This time, you must stop that little beast!"


"and so on!"

Dou Yichang suddenly spoke!

"The distance between Xichuan and Hengyao is the shortest! Even if this kid goes first from Yilin, there is no reason to come before you!"

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly his eyes moved!

"Lian Peng, check all the means of transportation used by Yilin to go to Hengyao! See if there is any record of Jiang Fan!"

"You doubt..."

Everyone is shocked!

But start investigating immediately!


"This, how is this possible?!"

Everyone was stunned!

It turned out that Jiang Fan and others came to Hengyao and not only bought air tickets, but also high-speed rail tickets!

"Damn! This fine ghost!"

Dou Lianpeng's eyes burst into flames!

They are all harmed by inertial thinking!

Everyone thinks that airplanes are the fastest means of transportation!

But I forgot that the general transportation in the province is still the fast high-speed rail!

First of all, the airport itself is far away from the city. Departing from there to the airport, from the airport here to the city, plus the delay in airport security checks, it is definitely much slower than the high-speed rail!

Although they are private jets that can save a lot of time, they are not as fast as the high-speed rail!

Jiang Fan took the high-speed train from Yilin to Hengyao, and then took the subway, which was half faster than them!

"Is this kid a monster?"

"It's so accurate!"

"It was planned! This bastard!"

"Dare to play us like this! Never forgive him!"

A group of Dou family children are ashamed and angry!

They were all tricked by Jiang Fan!

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