
The iron gate of the manor hit the ground heavily, directly smashing a stone fountain not far away!

Dou Yimao and the three were stunned!

Looking at the fountain and the gate stupidly!

Dou's family has been operating in Yilin for decades, and various profitable industries have participated. It can be said that half of Yilin's surname is Dou!

In addition, not to mention the Dou family's other masters in Yilin, but Dou Yimao's own strength is at level 14!

Among his three sons and one daughter, Dou Lianji and Dou Wenxiu also reached the twelfth level!

This kind of strength is no match for the entire Yilin!

Not to mention someone daring to forcefully break into the Dou's Manor, even if someone spit at the door, the dead body would not be found the next day!

Who is the person here?

Is he crazy?

The answer will be revealed soon!

The car door opened, and a handsome and masculine man, smiled and got out of the car!

Exactly, Jiang Fan!

Behind him, Curtis, Yuguangzi, No. 2 and No. 13 also got out of the car one after another, lined up!

Upon seeing this lineup, Dou Yimao's face changed directly!

Only then did Dou Family Manor react!

"Bastard! Who is it!"

"How dare you come to Yilin Dou's house presumptuously! You can't die!"

"Asshole! If you don't peel your skin and bones today, I won't know how good my Dou family is!"

"Damn it! Turn these people into walking corpses!"

A group of Dou family servants ran out like wild dogs with their tails stomped on!

However, before they could do anything to Jiang Fan and others, Dou Yimao yelled directly!

"Get out of here! Shut me up!"

With a roar, the Dou family's servants were all stunned!

Then he stopped honestly!

And the three of Dou Yimao have already looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

"What do you call this friend?"

"Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan?"

Dou Yimao was startled!

He has never heard of this name!

"Mr. Jiang, this is the branch of Xichuan Dou's family in Yilin. What do you mean by breaking in like this?"

Dou Yimao's face is gloomy!

Although the opponent has a strong lineup, behind him is the entire Dou family!

With this one fourteenth level, two thirteenth levels, and one twelfth level, in front of the Dou family, it is completely vulnerable!

"Hehe, what do you mean? Curtis! Tell him!"


Curtis smiled and cleared his throat directly!

"Hey! That old man! Your Dou family killed my master's friend's family and you want to disadvantage my master. What do you want to do with this account!"

"Kill your master's friend's family?"

Dou Yimao looked dumbfounded!

Feelings are here to seek revenge?

But since I have been in Yilin for the past two years, when has he shot it?

"You, your friend? Who?"

Dou Lianji was also shocked!

"Huh! What a good guy if you dare to be or not! I'll tell you that the Bao family in Xiangzhou was the one who was killed by you!"

"The Bao family? Dou Liankui did it! What does it have to do with us!"

Dou Yimao looked blank!

"Who said it's okay! Anyway, it's your Dou family! Old man, if you don't give us an explanation today, you guys will go to death!"

Curtis is arrogant and unspeakable!

"Bastard! How dare you be so presumptuous!"

Dou Yimao was furious!

Someone dared to make trouble for Dou's family, it was just looking for death!

Although it was daytime, it was impossible to recruit zombies to fight, but he himself was level fourteen, and the Dou family's corpse poison was extremely insidious, and the three of them might not be able to fight each other!

What's more, even if he can't beat him, if he wants to leave, who can stop him!

When the time comes to move back the rescuers from Xichuan, all these people will have to die!

Thinking of this, Dou Yimao shouted directly!

In an instant, the corpse poisoned all over him!

The same is true for both Dou Lianji!

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan just snapped his fingers!

Yuguangzi suddenly shot at the same time!


No. 2 suddenly raised his hand!

The water in the pond suddenly rose to the sky!

Then, like a waterfall, they rushed towards Dou Yimao frantically!

Ability! Control the water!

"Asshole! You dare to make a move!"

Dou Yimao shouted angrily and suddenly slapped the water waterfall!


The water flowed out all of a sudden!

It's just that the water hasn't landed yet, Yuguangzi has already stepped on Qixing, pinching the magic trick!

"Guishui God Thunder!"



On the countless splashes, countless thunder lights appeared strangely!


Dou Yimao was so shocked!

Cultivators have never asked about world affairs, only in their own circles!

Moreover, they have always been extremely arrogant, and have no disdain for contact with people in the world!

But today, this guy named Jiang Fan actually has a cultivator under him!

What the **** is this kid!

However, his shock is not over!


Dou Lianji and Dou Wenxiu screamed, rolled their eyes, and were directly fainted by electricity!

This is the difference in level!

To Jiang Fan, leapfrog killing is like cutting vegetables, but for others, the gap between levels is like an insurmountable gap!

"Aji! Wenxiu!"

Dou Yimao exclaimed, no longer being shocked!

"Bastard! What about the cultivator! I want you to bury my children!"

He suddenly roared, and countless black corpse poison poured out of his hands, directly blasting at Yuguangzi!

Yuguangzi is one level higher than Dou Lianji and it is of course very easy to get them done!

However, Dou Yimao was also one level higher than Yuguangzi, and it was easy to kill him!


This corpse poison hasn't come close to Yuguangzi!

Curtis had already cheered, and suddenly opened his mouth to suck!

For anyone, the corpse poison, which is extremely insidious, was eaten clean by him!

No one dares to touch this thing, but for him, it is a big supplement!

Dou Yimao is stunned!

Looking at Curtis in disbelief!

What is this special thing?

Even eat corpse poison!

In the next moment, he suddenly wailed!

Between his chest and abdomen, there was a horrible bloodstain that almost divided him into a strange and inexplicable way!

And the 13th has already spoken with a grin!

"Old man! Don't be in a daze while fighting!"

Dou Yimao stepped back desperately, covering his wound tightly!

At this moment, the expression he looked at Jiang Fan was full of fear!

The opponent completely defeated the three of them, father and son, without any effort!

Moreover, looking at the appearance of these people, even half of their strength is useless!

"You, who are you!"

Dou Yimao looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

"Didn't you already tell you? Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan slowly came to Dou Yimao and looked at him condescendingly!

"Dou Yimao, I came over to ask my friend's family for an explanation, but not only did you ignore it, you actually did it to us! It's really arrogant!"

"I'll ask you again. You killed my friend's family and wanted to disadvantage me. What should I do about this!"

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