God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 901: The most characterful client

Jiang Fan was cried out by him!

"Shut up! I will kill you if I cry again!"

"Uuuuu...you really came to kill me! You actually lied to me about delivering food..."

"Ding! Because the customer is threatened by the host, the order reward is reduced by 50%!"


This is a thunder!

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead!

Suddenly he took a deep breath. It's all like this anyway, how could it be worse?

"I make you cry!"


Jiang Fan kicked Liu Bang with one kick, and went up there with a kick!

"I make you cry! I make you cry!"

"Boom boom!"

"Damn! Help!"

"Zhang Liang! Fan Kuai! What you two said just now!"

"Don't come and save me!"

"Uuuuu...Stop fighting! I won't cry anymore!"

Liu Bang cried out of breath!


Jiang Fan took a sip and finally stopped!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The current progress of the Emperor's Sorrow is 510!"

Finally, there are individual gains!

"Listen! I am a **** descending to the earth, specially here to save your life! If you dare to cry and cry, you just wait to be slaughtered by Xiang Yu!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he suddenly released his momentum!

The terrifying eleventh level of strength spread out in an instant!

"Plop! Plop!"

Zhang Liang and Fan Kuai directly knelt on the ground in shock!

No wonder it's so fierce!

It turns out that this Jiang Fan is actually a god-man!

But Liu Bang looked suspicious!

"You, are you a **** descending to earth?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

With a stroke of his right hand, the Demonized Nightmare Beast suddenly appeared out of thin air!


The monster suddenly roared!

Then, ignoring gravity, ran two laps quickly on the roof of the big tent!

"Sumeru mustard!"

"This, is this a beast?"


"Why don't you have wings? And, why are you so hideous?"

"This... No one has seen things in the heavens before, so the previous estimates are all rumors!"

Zhang Liang and Fan Kuai were shocked!

Liu Bang was also stunned!

Suddenly, his eyes rolled quickly!



Liu Bang suddenly laughed wildly!

"When the white snake was beheaded, the old woman said that I was the son of the Crimson Emperor, and that's true!"

"Look! There is a **** to help me now! It seems that I, Liu Ji, really is the man of heaven!"

Liu Bang looked proud!

Then he hurriedly stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and then looked at Jiang Fan eagerly!

"Shang Xian! Then did you bring any of the above will this time? Do you want me to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor?"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

He has delivered so many meals, Liu Bang is definitely the most characterful one!

"Only one meal!"

Jiang Fan said that he put away the nightmare beast and opened the takeaway directly!


A strong fragrance instantly filled the entire big account!

"Okay, it smells good..."

Liu Bang is going to get it!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan grabbed the takeaway and put it away!

"Shang Xian! What are you doing? Isn't this for me?"

Liu Bang was in a hurry!

"It is indeed for you! But not now! After you finish eating, I can only stay for another two quarters of an hour, and your crisis has not been resolved. Are you sure you let me go in a while?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The reward has been reduced by half, how can I go back like this?


Liu Bang was stunned immediately!

"This... what the Shangxian said, but is it true?"

"Nonsense! Either eat it now, or I will help you save your life tomorrow and eat it later!"

"Don't go to the gods! If you leave, I will meet with King Xiang tomorrow, I will definitely be dead! I won't eat anymore! Just ask the gods to help!"

Liu Bang looked horrified!

His fear of Xiang Yu has penetrated into his bones!

"Ding! The customer is in awe of the host, and your reward is increased by 30%!"


After the Hongmen banquet, it will almost be normal!

"Shangxian, then, how do you plan tomorrow?"

Liu Bang looked at Jiang Fan very nervously!

"The soldiers are here to block the water and the earth. Are you afraid of me if I am here?"

Jiang Fan gave him a white look!

"Go and prepare some gifts, and I will go with you tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, Jiang Fan was awakened by the noise outside the account!

When I went out to see, I saw Liu Bang topped with a helmet and armor, and he was fully armed!

Behind him, there are countless knights armed to the teeth!

A rough calculation, almost no less than two thousand people!

Even Zhang Liang is wearing iron armor!

Seeing Jiang Fan came out, Liu Bang suddenly trot over like a tin can!

"Shang Xian! Do you think these people are enough? In case something happens, if they resist, we can definitely run successfully!"

"are you an idiot?"

Jiang Fan clutched his head!

"Bangge! You are here to plead! With so many people, if Yiyu thinks you are doing an assault, what do you think you will end up with?"


Liu Bang was stunned!

"But, but, don't take too many people, I don't know what to do!"

"Shang Xian, don't you know that that Wang Li can gang the tripod, and it will be defeated! Even these two thousand cavalrymen may not be enough to kill him alone!"

"If he's not afraid, he really thinks I'm going to rebel, I can't wait to bring all these 100,000 troops!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand and looked at Zhang Liang again!

"Zhang Liang, you are a strategist anyway. You are obviously defending Xiang Yu with so many people. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"No, God, I think bringing more people is the most basic respect for King Xiang!"

Zhang Liang looked sad!

Seeing them like this, if it is not forced by the situation, I can't wait to see Xiang Yu for a lifetime!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

What kind of character is the real Xiang Yu?

Can actually scare them like this!

"Prepare a hundred cavalry, not elite soldiers. All of them are wearing common clothes and only sabers, especially the two of you. Hurry up and get this iron skin off! Fan Kuai is fine, you wear it!

After Jiang Canvas set up, Liu Bang immediately executed it reluctantly!

Soon, a group of people rode on the road and went straight to Hongmen!

Jiang Fan had thought that the forty-mile road would take up to two hours. Unexpectedly, it took less than half an hour to walk. Just because Liu Bang was going to pee, the team stopped five times!

Liu Bang just stopped here, but Zhang Liang started again!

Seeing that it was past noon, not even a quarter of the road was finished!

"Could you not be, don't you want to go?"

Jiang Fan finally couldn't help asking!

"Haha, no no..."

"how is this possible!"

"I am the son of the Red Emperor, King Xiang, there is nothing I dare to see!"

"Yes! Pei Gong is right!"

The two Liu Bang hurriedly spoke!

"Shangxian, they just don't want to go!"

Fan Kui's brain reacted slowly, so he spoke at this time!

Both Liu Bang's expressions went down!

Jiang Fan's face is gloomy!

"March at full speed! You two must pee in your pants if you want to pee!"

This time the two dared not be troublesome, and at dusk, everyone finally came to a small village near!

Here, it is Hongmen!

At this moment, the area around Hongmen has been changed into a temporary camp, and there are five soldiers patrolling in groups!

Just look at the army's prosperous, murderous, more morale than Liu Bang's barracks!

Seeing everyone coming over, one of the soldiers immediately greeted him!

"Who is here?"

"Thanks to the notification and said that Liu Jite came to plead with King Xiang!"

Liu Bang bit his head and shouted!

"General Liu wait a minute!"

The soldiers quickly entered a huge camp not far away!

After a while, an extremely rough and domineering voice suddenly sounded!

"Hahaha! Pei Gong! Long time no see!"

That voice actually shook the sword on Liu Bang's body humming and trembling!

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