God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 812: Good scenery is behind

This Wu Tao is indeed a fake!

"Mr. Jiang, do you mean this person is being impersonated?"


"But his friend said that Wu Tao's figure, appearance, and even voice are exactly the same as before!"

"It's nothing strange. Tell the brothers not to deliberately observe him. Such people have extremely sensitive senses, so don't attract his attention!"

"Yes! I understand!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Although this Wu Tao is not murderous towards himself, he still has a hint of defensiveness and hostility!

This situation can only show that the other party knows himself!

Otherwise, how could a stranger have such emotions!

The strange thing is that if it was sent by his own enemy, the hostility should be the killing intent!

Could it be that this person's purpose is not himself? Is it just someone related to yourself, or...something?

This is the only reasonable explanation Jiang Fan can think of so far!

Just by relying on the other's eyes and emotions, Wu Tao's purpose can be guessed at all times. If the big man behind Wu Tao knows, I am afraid that the first task now is to let Wu Tao quickly kill Jiang Fan!

Such a monster is even more terrifying than the master!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan is like a hidden BOSS, hiding too deeply!

Back at Jiang's house, before Jiang Fan could stop, Curtis ran over with a look of excitement!

"Master! I'm level ten!"

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan also showed an excited smile!

Augustus is a veteran necromancer, Curtis inherited everything from him, not only the speed of solid state is far more than others, but also has reached the top stage of tenth level!

Believe that to completely swallow the remaining roots of the skeleton tomb, it will be enough for him to reach level 11!

But that thing is different from blood roots, and the absorption speed is much slower!

Waiting for him to upgrade, it will take a year at the earliest!

In the end, the qualifications are too bad, compared with Yue Jianhan, it is almost a sky and an underground!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan's expectations of Curtis weren't hardly trying!


"Try to summon alien creatures?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"Not yet. According to Augustus's unlucky memory, the Summoning Technique of Outsiders is extremely risky. If one is not careful, it will be eaten back. Would you help me protect the law?"

"Hehehe, that's what I meant!"

Soon, a group of people were already surrounded on the open space of the Jiangzhai courtyard!

Everyone wants to see the summoning technique of the necromancer!

Seeing so many viewers, Curtis' vanity was immediately satisfied!

The Necromancer took a deep breath, then opened his palm and began to recite a long spell!

Accompanied by Curtis's chanting, the blood in his palm suddenly spilled to the ground, gradually forming a blood-colored pentagram pattern!

Then, this pattern gradually burst into a **** brilliance!

The ground trembled violently!

When he saw this scene, Curtiston looked excited!

This is a sign of the success of the summoning, just look at what can be summoned next!

Others also stared wide-eyed and looked curious!


As Curtis finished chanting the last spell, the ground suddenly shone!

The dazzling red light almost dazzled everyone's eyes!

In the next moment, the pentagram has disappeared, replaced by a monster with a pair of curved horns and flared fangs on its head in pitch black!


"What is this?"

"too ugly!"

"I thought I could summon something that pulls the wind!"

The crowd shook their heads!


The monster roared suddenly!

Suddenly looked at Curtis!

"Dear master, I am from..."

Before the monster's thoughts had been conveyed, Jiang Fan on one side suddenly took out the Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword, and, apart from anything else, he cut it over with a single sword!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

Curtis opened his mouth even more with a dazed look!

This is his first summon!

Seeing to reach level ten!

Was Jiang Fan slaughtered like this?

However, Jiang Fan looked happy!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the little demon (lower)! The Shuiyu Zimother Sword gave 21 causal points!

Curtis's greatest use is really to score points!

It's not in vain that I took pains to raise him to level ten!

"Come on! Go on!"


Curtis is a bit square!

"Go on! This thing is too **** to be worthy of you! Remember, good scenery is all behind!"

Jiang Fan was reluctant to give up, and his words were earnest and earnest!

"No wonder Master cut this thing, that's how it is!"

"Brother Fan has the same vision as before!"

"I heard that if the summoner himself kills the summoned object, it is likely to be cursed! Brother Fan is helping Curtis!"

"Master is so kind to Curtis!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Only Curtis always felt that things were not so simple!

He really knows what the owner is!

This guy is completely the highest and most evil demon reincarnation!

It's more despicable than the real devil! How could it be so kind?

However, listen to the master, don't hurt me!

Curtis's mind involuntarily rang Jaylen's song, and then, without saying anything, turned on the summoning mode again!


Accompanied by a burst of red light, what appeared this time was an extremely enchanting **** woman with a fiery figure wearing only two rags!

The whole body of this woman was filled with a force of charm that could not be concealed!


Everyone couldn't help but swallow and spit!

Almost all the eyes are shining!

Wang Yi smiled happily, rubbing his hands constantly!

It turns out that being a Necromancer still has this benefit!

Curtis, I'll mess with you in the future!

Curtis was even more happy!

This is a succubus!

The summoning rate is extremely low!

The charm of the succubus is irresistible even at level ten!


The owner is right, the scenery is really behind!

"Praise you! My master! You are simply—"


Before Curtis had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already hit the coquettish succubus!

"you you……"

The succubus stared at Jiang Fan in disbelief!


Are all human beings so natural now?

Summoned to me to kill me?

With a look of grief and anger, she finally tilted her head and hung up!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the succubus (inferior)! The Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword feedbacks 37 causal points!"

"Oh my God! How did the master kill her!"

"It's okay to stay and warm the bed!"

"I don't want to keep this, is my vision too high?"

The crowd was shocked!

"Master! You, why did you kill her?"

Curtis is even more confused!

"Does such an offensive dress affect my image if it spreads out? Continue!"


Brother, if you really pay attention to your image, you won't be so shameless to rob!

Curtis wanted to cry without tears and could only continue!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the gargoyle (medium)! The Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword feedback 22 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the Nightmare Beast (lower)! The Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword gives back 19 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the flame goblin (medium)! The Shui Jade Sword and Mother Sword feedback 32 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the quagmire skeletons (first class)! The Shuiyu Zi-Mother Sword feedback 27 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading..."

What follows is simply a carnival of killing!

No matter what Curtis summoned, Jiang Fan was a sword!

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan looks like this, so what is it to choose a pet for Curtis, it is clear that he is collecting specimens!

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