Zhou family!

"what did you say?!"

Zhou Yuande looked at Zhou Ning dumbfounded!

The shocked color in his eyes almost overflowed his eyes!

"Grandpa, yes, sorry!"

Zhou Ning was full of fear!

That's it!

This time, I completely miscalculated!

I thought that Jiang Fan could be forced to take action and completely wipe out the remnants of the Jiang family!

But who would have thought that Jiang Fan's true strength would actually reach this point!

Obviously it was only level ten, but the moment he shot it, he actually killed a level twelve!

The most important thing is that it turned out to be a spike! !

Thinking of Jiang Fan's sudden appearance of the six arms, and the explosive strength, Zhou Ning only felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were convulsing!

Although he also has the ability to kill the same level in a flash, at that moment, he was really scared!

Turn around and run away!

"I am sorry?"

Zhou Yuande's eyes twitched, and suddenly he slapped Zhou Ning's face with a slap in the face!


A crisp sound!

Zhou Ning's whole body was almost hit by a truck, and suddenly hit the table beside him!


The red sandalwood table burst into pieces!

Zhou Ning's forehead was knocked open even more, and the blood flowed on his face instantly!

"You trash! Idiot! Idiot!"

"Who asked you to provoke Jiang Fan!"

"It's all about killing him! But you just fell short of it!"

"Twenty ten levels! Seven eleven levels! Three twelve levels!"

"Do you know what this means?"

"With so many masters, you are equivalent to filling in three first-class families!"

"You **** now, you still have the face to come back!"

Zhou Yuande roared and kicked Zhou Ning's stomach suddenly!


Zhou Ning suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood!


Zhou Yandao was shocked!

"To shut up!"

Zhou Yuande glared at Zhou Yandao viciously, his backhand was just a slap in the face!



Zhou Yandao let out a scream, and fell to the ground with one head drawn!

"Trash! I blame you! He gave birth to such a stupid son!"

Murderous intent in Zhou Yuande's eyes!

"Grandpa, it's all my fault! No, it's none of my father's business..."

Zhou Ning barely spoke!

"Your fault? You **** know it's your fault!"

Zhou Yuande kicked Zhou Ning again!

"You idiot!"

"You killed Jiang Fan's woman, but you didn't kill that little beast!"

"Do you know what will happen?"

"That little beast! He is a lunatic!"

"If that little beast comes back with a nuclear bomb, the Zhou family will be over!"

Zhou Yuande's eyes twitched, wishing to kill Zhou Ning now!

"Grandpa! Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan is indeed not dead, but he has broken the contract!"

"As long as we randomly find a thirteenth-level shot now, that little beast will definitely die!"

"Grandpa! Although the loss is great, this is our chance!"

Zhou Ning reluctantly got up, and said with a look of excitement!

Zhou Yuande's expression was cloudy and sunny, and suddenly he spoke!

"Azheng! Go kill Jiang Fan!"


Zhou Yanzheng, who had been silent on one side, immediately agreed, and turned around to leave!

But at this moment!


There was a sudden loud noise at the gate of the Zhou family's old house!

A Magotan was almost like a wild horse running out of its rein. It knocked the gate that Zhou had just replaced and flew upside down, hitting the ground fiercely!


Magotan made an emergency stop, the tire rubbed two black marks on the ground, and then stopped steadily!

The moment the car stopped, Jiang Fan already kicked the car door and strode down!

"Bastard! Who is it!"

"How dare someone break into Zhou's house without permission!"

"Do you really think that our Zhou family has a good temper! It's almost death!"

Zhou's family was smashed by Jiang Fan once last night, and it has become a frightening bird!

Hearing the loud noise, they all rushed out immediately!

However, when they saw Jiang Fan, everyone was shocked, and desperately backed away!

"Fuck! It's this grandson again!"

"How did he become like this!"

"Broken one hand, even one eye is blind!"

"Hahaha! Good good! This is retribution!"

"Jiang Fan, you are so badly injured, you still dare to come to Zhou's house! It's almost death!"

Everyone laughed!

But Jiang Fan hooked his mouth!

Press down with your right hand!


The big nuclear bomb that scared the Zhou family has suddenly appeared!


"This thing again!"

"This lunatic!"

"Grass mud Ma Jiangfan! You are not over, are you!"

"what on earth do you want!"

A group of people paled in fright, their faces turned blue!

"Let Zhou Ning come out!"

Jiang Fan spoke plainly!

"Zhou Ning again!"

"How did that idiot offend Jiang Fan again?"

"Damn Zhou Ning! It is the disaster star of our Zhou family!"

"I knew I should have killed him yesterday!"

Everyone gritted their teeth and looked at Jiang Fan, but it was Zhou Ning who scolded him!

They hate it!

If it weren't for Zhou Ning, the deflated calf, would they be so worried?

As long as you wait for three years, there will be a chance to kill Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan!"

At this moment, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked back, and suddenly saw Zhou Yuande with a gloomy face, slowly walking towards here!

Behind him, it is Zhou Ning!

"Jiang Fan! You come to my Zhou's house over and over again, do you really think that my Zhou's house--"

"Go to Nima! Shut up Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Fan shouted directly!


Zhou Yuande trembled all over, and Qi Qiao was so angry that he was smoking!

Not to mention Jiang Fan, even Zhou Yuanwang, the Patriarch of the Zhou Family, would not dare to talk to him like this!

The other people's eyes widened in horror!

Too overbearing!

No one is used to it!

This kid is just a proper steelmaking plant, so strong!

But Jiang Fan didn't even look at Zhou Yuande, and directly hooked his finger at Zhou Ning!



Zhou Ning was sweating all over!

The idiot knows that in the past, there is absolutely only a dead end!

"Grandpa, help, help me!"

Zhou Ning looked at Zhou Yuande helplessly!


"Huh! The trouble you caused yourself, solve it yourself!"

Zhou Yuande snorted directly!

Zhou Ning's heart is chilling!

This old thing!

Sure enough, there is no concept of family affection at all!

"Jiang Fan! This time Xiao Ning did something wrong. As long as you leave now, I can let you go!"

Zhou Yanzheng on one side finally couldn't help but speak!

Jiang Fan stared at Zhou Yanzheng blankly, and suddenly couldn't help but sneer!

"Zhou Yanzheng, I always thought that the Zhou family were all smart people, but I didn't expect that there would be a fool like you!"

"Let me go? Open your eyes to see clearly! Now, the initiative is in my hands!"

"What qualifications do you have to say to let me go? What you should do now is to beg me not to anger the Zhou family and blow your entire Zhou family into ruins!"

"Understood? Fool!"

Jiang Fan sneered, as if looking at someone with a mental retardation!

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