Seeing Immortal's breath getting weaker and weaker, Jiang Fan finally stopped!

At this moment, Immortal was covered in blood, worse than the dog thief caught alive!

"Thief Sun! Are you honest?"

"Be honest, be honest!"

Immortal groaned feebly!

Lao Tzu is really bad for three thousand years!

How did you meet such a lunatic?

This pain is simply more terrifying than the torment of the insect bite in the past!

But when he thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up!


You can summon scarabs yourself, and then—

Immortal looked overjoyed, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Jiang Fan with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

"Actually, you can still summon scarabs! The stuff is endless. Once you siege me, then I will be dead! Would you like to try?"

Jiang Fan smiled!


Seeing you smile so wretchedly, it's strange that I believe you!

"No, no! Don't be kidding! Me, I took it! I really took it!"


Jiang Fan sneered!

Then suddenly he spoke!

"Help me resurrect someone!"


Immortal was taken aback!

Jiang Fan was looking for him, so he wanted to resurrect someone?

He is looking for himself, and there is really something wrong!

Immortal suddenly felt like a dog!

Especially he always thought that Jiang Fan had killed his lair just to kill him!

Unexpectedly, something really happened!

I had known this a long time ago, and I just drank a little wine and talked about life, how happy it is!

"You, who do you want to resurrect?"

"my lover!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out Xia Fanxing's corpse and hugged it in his arms cautiously!

"Your... lover?"

Immortal was taken aback!

But when he saw Jiang Fan's eyes looking at Xia Fanxing, his expression changed, and he was suddenly full of melancholy!

In the original work, the reason why Immortal was tortured to death by insects was also to resurrect his lover!

And the reason why he took Eve later was also to prepare a body for the resurrected lover!

Even in the second part, in order to satisfy his lover's ambition, he was even more foolish to challenge the Scorpion King!

Strictly speaking, Immortal is not a complete villain and villain. All his starting points are centered on his lover Ansuna!

"I'll help you!"

Immortal spoke suddenly!

Jiang Fan at this time is so similar to himself who he did not hesitate to fight against Pharaoh in order to resurrect his lover!

"Okay! As long as you can help me revive her, I can promise you any terms!"

Jiang Fan was overjoyed!

at last!

Xia Fanxing can finally be resurrected!

"It doesn't matter what the conditions are! I'm willing to help you, just because you don't want to see, you are separated from the one you love!"

Immortal gritted his teeth suddenly!

"But don't think that we two will just forget it! I will kill you sooner or later!"

"Hehehe, Brother Yi is magnificent!"


Soon, a group of people re-entered the mausoleum!

After the winding corridor, finally came to the altar at the lowest level of the tomb!

This area is extremely wide, and there is an altar in the center!

On the opposite side of the altar is a pool of about ten meters in length and width!

However, there is not clear water in the pool, but a purple liquid that exudes a rich and deadly breath!

"This is the water of the Styx, which leads directly to the underworld!"

"Your lover's body is complete. As long as you communicate with the underworld through the water of the Styx and retrieve her soul, you can bring her back to life!"

Immortal explained, and said to Jiang Fan: "Put her on the altar!"

And he himself has taken out a black old book!

Black Sutra of the Undead!

Jiang Fan put Xia Fanxing on the altar, suddenly feeling a little uneasy!

After all, this is just the movie world, which is fundamentally different from the real world!

What if Immortal can't resurrect Xia Fanxing?

And Immortal, holding the Black Sutra of the Undead, slowly chanted the ancient mantra!

Gradually, violent ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the extremely calm Styx!

And Jiang Fan's heart couldn't help but hang up!

Even the palms were covered with cold sweat!

Bless the system!

Must succeed!

Must succeed! !

The fluctuation of the Stygian water is getting bigger and bigger!

In the end, it turned out to be like a whirlpool, desperately spinning!

And Immortal is also sweating profusely!

Even Jiang Fan can feel that Immortal's magic power is almost like opening a gate, and it is being absorbed by some kind of power!

Immortal's chanting became louder and louder!

The whirlpool of the Styx water is turning more and more urgent!

Even through the thick water of the Styx, one can already faintly see that a humanoid silhouette is about to rush out!

But it was so bad, that figure seemed to be imprisoned by something!

"Sacrifice! Your lover's soul has been imprisoned too strong! Sacrifice is needed!"

Immortal suddenly roared!

"What sacrifice?"

"Of course it's a living person!"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

Immortal has already looked at O'Connor and them!

"Throw all these people in!"


Jiang Fan shouted in a low voice!

O'Connor and the others are here for their own sake!

If you kill them in order to save Xia Fanxing at this time, you will really be a beast!

"Don't you want to save your lover? This imprisonment is too strong! Even if you fill them all in, it may not be enough! Damn! Your lover should be just an ordinary person! How could this be!"

Immortal sweats profusely!

The magic power is almost exhausted!

When I heard Immortal's words, O'Connor and others all turned pale!

But unexpectedly, no one left!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth, and suddenly his expression turned cruel!

Suddenly took out the Shuiyu Zimother Sword!

O'Connor laughed bitterly!

I didn't expect this to happen!

Facing the mighty Jiang Fan, they knew that even running was useless!


The sharp sword light flashed suddenly!

However, what shocked everyone was that Jiang Fan cut off his left arm with a single sword!

In the blood spurting, Jiang Fan threw his left arm directly into the pond!

"You are crazy!"

Immortal roared suddenly!

A gleam of shock appeared in his eyes!

The others were even more stunned!

"They are just ordinary people, and they don't have enough flesh and blood. It's better to let me sacrifice and come safely!"

Jiang Fan's forehead was full of beads of sweat, but his face remained unchanged!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan! You don't need to protect us now!"

"Use us to sacrifice! Let this bald head also revive us at that time!"

"That's right! I still want to go to the underworld to see!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan excitedly!

Jiang Fan, it's so righteous!

Even now, they are still protecting them!

This man is really an iron man, a pure man!

"Thank you! Thank you! If I really can't hold it, I'm sorry!"

Jiang Fan smiled barely!

At this moment, a left arm was thrown into the Styx, and the force of imprisonment suddenly loosened!

The figure had already jumped out of the water for a full half a meter, but she seemed to be covered by a layer of plastic film, and she still hadn't completely escaped!

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