God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 775: Lv's first person to install a fork

"Fan Fan! Don't worry, I can't help him when he is abroad! Now that he is back in China, he is still in the capital. I have 10,000 ways to kill him!"

Lu Qi sneered!

"Kiki! You are so kind!"

Fan Ji made a look of joy!

"For you, I am willing to do anything!"

Lu Qi looked at Fan Jiqian affectionately!


Fan Ji's dry eyes are like spring water!


"Fan Fan!"

The two looked at each other affectionately!

Intimate handover above the neck!


With a burst of Xixisuo Suo, it was soon, with fire and double brace!


And in another mansion not far from here!

Lu Hongyue is gnashing his teeth and watching TV!

At this moment, what is playing in the picture is the picture of Su Lingyu and Jiang Fan looking at each other!

Even across the screen, people can feel Su Lingyu's affectionate eyes!

"Su Lingyu! You bitch!"

"And you, the takeaway star! How dare you touch the woman I like Lu Hongyue!"

Lu Hongyue gritted his teeth!

Speaking of which, like Lu Qi, Lu Hongyue hates Jiang Fan the same way!

At that time, for the drama "Yi Jian Wushuang", Su Lingyu even sacrificed his record of zero scandal and let the crew promote the ambiguous story of himself and Jiang Fan!

As one of Su Lingyu's suitors, Lu Hongyue was immediately unhappy when he heard the news!

However, things in the entertainment industry are true and false!

Therefore, he directly asked Zhang Jinzhu of Los Angeles Melody Media to investigate for himself!

Find out Jiang Fan's true identity!

However, I did not expect that Zhang Jinzhu not only failed to find out, but also became Jiang Fan's younger brother!

Even Fang Ya, a student of Jiang Fan, has now become the golden signature of Melody Media!

This doesn't matter, the point is, as the audio of the three Jiang Fan and Yu Rui Su Lingyu came out, Lu Hongyue was finally completely angry!

Su Lingyu, a slut, a glamorous slut, is unexpectedly a slut!

There are also takeaway stars, even if they dare to touch the women they are fond of, they are almost dead!

"Come on!"

Lu Hongyue shouted directly!

"Shao Lu!"

A servant hurried in!

"Contact Zhang Wentao and tell him that at noon today, I will ask the crew to have a meal in Su Xin Zhai!"


The next person agreed and hurriedly arranged to go!

But Lu Hongyue smiled gloomily!

"Hey! Su Lingyu, I see how you reject me this time!"


"Dear viewers, thank you for watching today's talk show! This is Yu Jing, see you next time!"

As Yu Jing spoke, the show finally ended!

"Mr. Water, thank you very much!"

Yu Jing looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

During the interview today, there were a few questions that she never thought Jiang Fan would answer!

But I didn't expect Jiang Fan to answer all questions!

Wang Hongzhi is also full of joy!

Takeaway Star, it's so much face-saving!

The data in the background just scared him crazy!

The number of people watching live broadcasts online at the same time in the world is 170 million!

This is not the kind of fake data before, but a real one hundred and seventy million!

If all the resources were not used in the program, the server would have exploded long ago!

The number of viewers will only increase for the videos uploaded afterwards!

too exaggerated!

It's even better than the Spring Festival Gala!

The takeaway star simply comes with an eye-catching halo!

"Mr. Water! I have prepared the banquet, let's have a while..."

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Before Wang Hongzhi finished speaking, Zhang Wentao's cell phone suddenly rang!

Zhang Wentao frowned and picked up the phone!

He agreed twice, and then looked at Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu with a look of embarrassment!

"Mr. Water, Miss Su, it is Lu Hongyue from the Lu family. He thought, invite our crew to lunch! Also talk about cooperation!"

"Lu's family?"

"The crew has nothing to do with him, right?"

"You don't know this, that person has pursued Miss Su!"

"What?! Then, will Mr. Water go?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with caution!

But Jiang Fan frowned!

"Lu Hongyue? That Lu Jiazhuang forced the first person?"

"Hush! Mr. Water, don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes! He really likes to pretend, but you can't just say it casually!"

"The Lu family is one of the seven giants, and you can't offend it!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in panic!

Too courageous!

How dare to talk about Lu Hongyue at will!

Lu Hongyue is not only the son of the Lu Family Patriarch, but his mother is also the sister of the Yan Family Patriarch!

The Patriarch of the Lu family is his old son, and the Patriarch of the Yan family is his uncle!

It is precisely because of the relationship between the layers that the Yan family can come from behind and become the new giant!


"What are you afraid of, Lu Family!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

He is now barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes!

If the Lu family dared to stab him, he would dare to stage another nuclear bomb!

What's more, the troubles of these wealthy families have gone too much!

Even if he slaughtered Lu Hongyue, he would still thank him if he couldn't say certain people in the Lu family!

"Mr. Water, really domineering!"

"It's a takeaway star!"

"Dare to despise the Lu family so much, Mr. Shui is definitely the first one!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Mr. Water, what do you mean?"

Zhang Wentao looked at Jiang Fan hesitantly!

Jiang Fan look at Su Lingyu!

"I listen to you!"

Su Lingyu smiled slightly!

"Okay! Go!"


Soon, after a simple change of costumes, the main characters of the crew went out from the back door of the building and went straight to So Shinsai!

Su Xin Zhai is located in a vineyard on the outskirts of the country. It occupies a large area and is the top Su Zhai restaurant in Beijing!

It is said that the chef is still a vulgar monk!

As soon as the group came here, a waiter in a white gown greeted him!

"Are you some of Lu Shao's guests? Please come with me!"

Soon, the crowd followed the waiter to the backyard!

There is a pavilion in the backyard, and there is a table in the pavilion. At this moment, wine and food are already prepared on it!

And a handsome man was sitting there with a smile on his face!

At this moment, gusts of breeze were blowing, messing up a few strands of hair in front of the man's forehead, making him look elegant and extraordinary, full of force!

This person is exactly Lu Hongyue!

"Miss Su! Long time no see!"

Lu Hongyue stood up slowly and brushed his forehead lightly!



This gust of wind is like a stroke of magic! It simply pushed my compulsion to a new level!

No woman can resist this kind of charm!

Even a man can't stop it!

Lu Hongyue smiled slightly, very proud!


"Fuck! How long has this man been without a haircut?"

"Compared with Mr. Water, it's so sloppy!"

"I seemed to see his hair blown into the food just now!"

"Stop talking, it's disgusting!"

"Inviting people to dinner is too casual, right?"

Everyone from the crew, whispering!

Lu Hongyue's eyes twitched!

Oh shit!

These bastards! Can't you hear me when I am!

Do not!

No, I can’t ruin my compulsion just because of a few words!

Lu Hongyue forbeared his anger and kept smiling!

"Shao Lu, long time no see!"

Su Lingyu nodded, his face was plain!

Lu Hongyue pursued herself many times, but it was a pity that he didn't know that, compared with Jiang Fan, his superficial pretense was really LOW exploding!


Why didn't Su Lingyu respond?

I sprayed today, but the perfume contains super phenylethylamine!

This kind of substance is only secreted by the human body when it produces love!

This is unscientific!

It doesn't matter!

It must be that the efficacy of the medicine has not yet come up!

Lu Hongyue smiled slightly and looked sideways at Jiang Fan!

"This is the takeaway star, right? Hello!"

Lu Hongyue said, facing Jiang Fan directly, extending his right hand!

However, Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Order is coming!

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