God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 758: My Zhu Tianxing means to reach the sky

Jiang Fan came here to confirm his conjecture!

However, what is the identity of gentleness?

How could it be related to the Yu family?

Among the wealthy families in the capital, there is no one with the surname Wen!

That is, among the first-class families in China, there are very few people with the surname Wen!

As soon as a few people got off the car, the two security guards at the door greeted them with a smile on their faces!

"Hello Miss Wen!"


Nodded gently, and walked directly inside with Jiang Fan and others!

The old house of Yu’s house is somewhat similar to the Chen’s house, both of which are rockeries and flowing waters, but compared to the stern landscape style of the Chen’s house, it is more graceful and agile!

Soon, a few people came to a small courtyard located in the northeast corner of the house!

There is a single yard here, and there are half acres of flower fields in the yard!

It's just that Jiang Fan just felt tight when he walked into the yard!

It was an instinctive reaction that was stimulated by the aura of a top expert!

But that aura just passed away in a flash!

Obviously just to remind Jiang Fan not to cause trouble!


There is an expert of this level to protect Yu Xiaodie!

It seems that it is the same as the rumors, Yu Xiaodie is at home and is extremely favored!

Gentle pace slowed down, gently opened the door, and led a few people into the house!

Unexpectedly, the house is not antique, but full of modern colors!

And there are others in the living room!

One of the middle-aged women wore a set of ordinary work clothes, but she was dignified and full of strong demeanor!

This woman is Yu Xiaodie's bodyguard, Yu Miaoyan!

Besides her, there are two men here!

One of them is a middle-aged person, and the other is a young person!

"Doctor Zhu?"

When I saw this middle-aged man, he was suddenly startled in gentleness!

But seeing that young man, Jiang Fan frowned!

This person, he actually knew!

That quack doctor!

At that time, in Los Angeles, a young man was poisoned. This quack doctor had to say that the other party was injured internally and needed an injection!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan to make a bubble of rice fields in time to induce vomiting to the young man, the young man would have to be stabbed to death by this quack doctor!

However, at that time, life was at stake, Jiang Fan was anxious, and directly confuses that Yonetian as a quack doctor!

He even brushed the toilet directly onto this quack doctor's head!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't know that the killer that the Yang family found at the time, Shengguang Judgment, was introduced by this quack doctor!

Otherwise Jiang Fan would have killed him long ago!

This quack is Tao Yuan!

For Tao Yuan, the two are as deep as the sea!

And that Doctor Zhu, who was Tao Yuan’s master, revived Yang Qi, who was turned into a vegetable by Jiang Fan at the time, Zhu Tianxing!

"Miss Wen!"

Zhu Tianxing was slightly startled when he saw Gentleness!

"You came back so soon? Did you find the medicinal materials?"


Nodding his head gently and forcefully, he took out a small transparent bottle directly from the handbag!

In the bottle, there is actually a very green plant that is no longer than a thumb!


As soon as he saw this thing, Zhu Tianxing looked overjoyed!

At that time Tao Yuan received a request from the Yang family and went to Los Angeles to treat Yang Qi!

At that time, Zhu Tianxing also came to Los Angeles with Tao Yuan in order to find herbs to treat Yu Xiaodie!

However, he just received a call from Beijing after he cured Yang Qi in Los Angeles!

He couldn't even find the herbs, so he hurried back to the capital to treat Yu Xiaodie!

At this time, Gentle came to visit Yu Xiaodie!

When Zhu Tianxing talked about the medicinal herb, Gentle immediately volunteered to find the medicine!

After going around and passing through Shencheng gently, I heard that Jiang Fan could borrow his life, so he immediately found Jiang Fan through the Jin family!

At the same time, she also regards borrowing as a last resort!

It just so happened that not long after meeting Jiang Fan, his subordinates told her that there was news of that herb!

After several twists and turns, I finally found this herb!

But as soon as she returned to the capital, she heard the news that Xia Yuanqing had also returned from another place!

At the moment, she didn't even bother to deliver medicine to Yu Xiaodie, and went to Xia Yuan to settle the accounts in a panic!

Unexpectedly, he was there and met Jiang Fan!

Gentle suddenly overjoyed!

Jiang Fan can borrow his life, this ability is definitely against the sky!

As for seeing a doctor, he said yes, then he would definitely!

You can even borrow your life and see what the illness is!

However, I didn't expect that when I first arrived here, I would meet Zhu Tianxing's master and apprentice!

At this moment, Zhu Tianxing had already taken that little bottle with excitement!

"Ambergris! It's really ambergris!"

"Haha! Good! Good!"

Zhu Tianxing nodded repeatedly!

"With this thing, although Miss Yu cannot be completely cured, it is definitely not a problem to continue her life for three years!"

Continue your life!

This is, against the sky!

Zhu Tianxing looked proud!

I am afraid that everyone who hears his words will be shocked, right?


Although shocked!

I have continued my life for three years. I don’t know how much the reward the Yu family will give me this time!

Sure enough, just as Zhu Tianxing said this, Yu Miaoyan and others suddenly opened their eyes!

"Continue life!"

"Dr. Zhu is really capable of reaching the sky!"

"Master! You are so amazing!"

"Great! With these three years, I will definitely find more ambergris!"

Everyone looked at Zhu Tianxing's eyes, all full of worship!


Only gentle, frowning!

"Doctor Zhu, I tried my best, but you said that this herb can only extend life, not cure diseases?"


Everyone died for a while!

Zhu Tianxing was even more dissatisfied!

"Miss Wen, Miss Yu's illness is definitely not a common symptom! If you want to be cured, unless Da Luo Jinxian takes it!"

"It's not that I, Zhu, brags about being able to continue my life, this is already a means to reach the sky!"

"In all the world, no one can do it except for the other characters in the medicine gate!"


Before Zhu Tianxing finished speaking, Curtis laughed directly!

"Asshole! What are you laughing at?"

Tao Yuan shouted directly!

"Hehe, hey, if you can't cure it, you can say that you can't cure it. It's just a three-year life, and it's so proud!"

"My master used some tricks and borrowed his life from the sky. That was a ten-year start!"

Curtis smiled triumphantly!


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

for a long time!

"Hehe, Miss Wen, where did you find the liar?"

"Ten years of borrowing? Humph! Even the master of the medicine gate, I dare not speak like that!"

Zhu Tianxing sneered!

"Doctor Zhu, Jiang--"

Gentle frowned, just about to speak!

"Miss Wen! Go and see Miss Yu first!"

Jiang Fan suddenly interrupted his gentle words!

However, when he heard Jiang Fan's voice, Tao Yuan's expression was suddenly shocked!


Nodded gently, leading Jiang Fan to the bedroom!



Zhu Tianxing frowned!

"Miss Wen, Miss Yu just took the medicine and can't see the wind, you should wait and go!"


Gentle footsteps suddenly!

"No problem!"

Jiang Fan said suddenly!

With a gentle heart move, Jiang Fan borrowed her life, but she saw it with her own eyes!

At that time, Jin De Yan Hua's hair turned into blue silk, it was like a miracle!

Otherwise, she would not go to Jiang Fan!

Since Jiang Fan said it would be fine, it must be fine!

It's just that she hasn't waited to take a step, just now!

"Stop! Take off your mask!"

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