God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 742: Cousin, why are you bleeding again?


The arrow stuck firmly on the ground!

And with the arrow appearing, the originally quiet courtyard was alive in an instant!


Countless breaking air sounded in an instant!

There are speeding figures everywhere!


"Dare to attack Ning Shao's Courtyard at night!"

"Search carefully, never let the opponent go!"

"Asshole! Who the **** is it! How dare you be so rampant!"

The roar of the crowd resounded throughout the courtyard!

Soon, one of them found the arrow on the ground!

"what is this?"


"There is a note on it!"

"Fuck! Feijian pass the book?! Is the opponent a primitive?"

The crowd was shocked!

At this moment, an old man with a gloomy expression also slowly walked over!

"what happened?"

The old man frowned!

This person is one of Zhou Ning's confidants, the housekeeper of the other hospital, Zhou Kangan!

"Three butlers, it's a...Flying Arrow!"

Upon seeing Zhou Kangan coming, the bodyguards hurriedly reported!

"Flying Arrows?!"

Zhou Kangan's face is covered in circles!

And a bodyguard has already passed the arrow and the paper on it!

Zhou Kangan opened it and took a look, suddenly gasped!

"Everyone listen carefully! No one is allowed to say anything about today!"


Everyone is shocked!

And Zhou Kangan has gone straight to Zhou Ning's study!

At this moment, Zhou Ning was reading his ancient book silently in the study!


The door was directly pushed open by Zhou Kangan!

"Shao Ning! Something happened!"

"what happened?"

Zhou Ning frowned!

"Ning, Ning Shao, look!"

Zhou Kangan handed the paper directly to Zhou Ning!

"'The head of the Lin family, the eldest son Lin Sheng, died at the hands of the third son Lin An!' What?!"

Zhou Ning's complexion changed suddenly!

"Where did this thing come from?"

"Just now someone flew an arrow to pass the book and shot this piece of paper into the front yard!"

"Apart from you, who else has read this paper?"

"just me!"

"Very well, don't spread this matter!"

Zhou Ning's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Ning Shao don't worry, I understand! But speaking of it, I remember that Lin Chongyun even talked about it because of this incident. Even if the other party was also a wealthy family, he would never let it go! Unexpectedly, his eldest son, unexpectedly It was killed by the third son!"

Zhou Kangan was surprised!

"It's hard to tell whether this news is true or not. We don't know what the purpose of the person sending this news is!"

"However, whether it is true or not, this is a chance to test Lin An!"

"Since we destroyed the Jiang family, we have completely secured our position as the No. 1 family in the capital. The rest of the wealthy family have been deeply jealous of us!"

"If this news is true, it's a threat to Lin An!"

"When the time comes to develop the Lin family into an ally, I will receive the support of the Song, Lu, and Yan families in disguise. As a result, my position in the family..."

"Call Lin An and ask him what he is doing!"

Zhou Ning's thoughts turned and suddenly smiled!

No matter who the person who sent the news was, it was a great help to him!

If you have the opportunity, you must thank this person!


Zhou Kangan hurriedly dialed a number!

But after a long time, no one answered!

"Ning Shao, Lin An won't answer the phone!"

"Forget it! I'll go find him myself tomorrow!"

Zhou Ning waved his hand!

Then, look at this information again!

At this moment, Jiang Fan was already smiling and returned to the hotel!

"Zhou Ning! You should now, are you ready to thank me well?"

"Haha, you are welcome, I have a chance to thank you!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

Then, directly open BaiMeitu!

next moment!

A stunning beauty in ancient costume has suddenly appeared in the room!

This beauty has bright eyes and white teeth, and she has all kinds of amorous feelings when she frowns and smiles, especially her figure, even if she is wearing ancient costumes, she can't hide the proud curve!

She is the one who Jiang Fan hid deeply in Hundred Beautiful Pictures and wrote more than four hundred chapters and never released it, Master Li!


As soon as he appeared, Master Li immediately looked surprised!

In her impression, she just slept for a while!

I opened my eyes and saw Jiang Fan!

"Ahem! Cousin hello!"

Master Li is so tempting!

However, compared with before taking back Baimeitu, she actually has reached the seventh level!

It seems that Li Shishi’s experience growth is obviously related to the number of orders he has!

"Huh? I remember that I obviously slept at home, why did I come here?"

Shishi Li discovered that the surrounding environment was wrong!

"Let's not talk about it, Master, I want you to do something for me!"

"Cousin, you say! Whatever you want me to do!"

Li Shishi looked ashamed and... looking forward to it!

I rely on!

Jiang Fan suddenly burst into two nosebleeds!

"Oh! Cousin, why do you have a nosebleed again?"

Master Li looked panicked!

"It's okay! It's okay to drink too much wolfberry water!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand again and again!

"Um, Shishi, do you want to be a star?"

"Being a star?"

"Yes! A big star who is admired by countless people and has countless fans!"

"I don't want to!"

Master Li shook his head directly!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but Li Shishi had already smiled and continued to speak!

"I don't want to, but my cousin wants me to be a star, then I will be!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

for a long time!

"Master, listen carefully, we are in the capital now, and we are also under the eyes of my enemy!"

"Although my current strength is good, compared with them, it is still a lot worse!"

"So, here in the capital, I am not the place where I am now, I can stay for a long time!"

"But before I go, I must leave a nail here!"

"I want to keep abreast of the various trends in the capital!"

"And let you enter the entertainment circle, just to get in touch with the seven giants and the disciples of the four great families more conveniently!"

"You stay here, you don't need to do anything, just tell me what happened in these families, what you saw, what you heard!"

"do you understand?"

Jiang Fan quickly explained it again!

"I understand that my cousin wants me to be a star on the face, but he is actually a fine work!"

Master Li's eyes lit up!

"Detailed work? The term is too old, now it is called spy! But you are right!"

"No problem! Just leave it to me for such a challenging thing!"

Master Li looked excited!

Women really have the potential to be spies!

Jiang Fan exclaimed, and then directly called Zhang Wentao over!

At this moment, a group of crew members have long since returned from the hotel!

"Mr. Jiang, what's your order?"

Zhang Wentao walked in with a smile on his face!

Only when he saw Li Shishi, his eyes widened!

So beautiful!

Even more beautiful than Su Lingyu!

I have never seen such a beautiful and stunning appearance in my life!

"Director Zhang, wake up! This is my cousin!"

Jiang Fan gave a light cough!

"Huh? Ah! Yes yes yes!"

Zhang Wentao was shocked when he heard that this was Jiang Fan's cousin!

I'm so rude!

How dare to stare at Mr. Jiang's cousin like this!

However, no wonder this woman is so beautiful!

Mr. Jiang is so handsome and his younger sister is pretty, so reasonable!

"Director Zhang, my cousin wants to enter the entertainment circle, you can arrange it!"

"No problem! No problem!"

Zhang Wentao was overjoyed when he heard this!

Just like Li Shishi, even if you don’t know anything, you don’t have to worry about not having fans!

"Mr. Jiang, what do you call Lingmei?"


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