
Jiang Fan spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was directly slammed against the ground by the fist!

Wherever he went, the ruined bricks and tiles behind him were blown to pieces by him!


After sliding out a full several hundred meters, Jiang Fan stopped!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, not only the Jin Yi Wei suit was ruined, but also half of his chest was sunken!

Even the state of six arms was broken!

But this is not the most terrible!

The golden bell was torn, and he only felt that the skin all over his body seemed to be cracked!

It's more painful than a knife cut!

However, even more terrifying, it is the unprecedented sense of weakness!

At this moment, he can't even stand up!

The backlash of the Golden Bell's breaking power is simply more deadly than the injury on the body!


Just a punch!

Jiang Fan was completely scrapped!

Hu Yulu at this moment is simply as strong as a demon!

"It's over!"

"Jiang Fan lost!"

"Toguro is too strong!"

"Prompt breakthrough, this kind of power has completely surpassed the limit of the human world!"

The monsters who were still alive all looked dull!

Too strong!

Toguro at this moment is simply unmatched!

Xiao Yan Wang and others are desperate!

Jiang Fan's failure means that Yousuke and others will never be resurrected!

It also means that the dark period hundreds of years later is destined to come to the world!

"Jiang Fan! You are the first opponent I have encountered, the first opponent to truly make me feel terrified!"

"As a respect for you, I will end your life with my own hands!"

Toguru's expression was solemn, and he slowly walked towards Jiang Fan!

That's it!


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with regret!


"Sorry, I don't want to die yet!"

At this moment when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, Jiang Fan actually smiled!

Everyone was stunned!

Could it be that at this time, Jiang Fan actually has a hole card?

Even Hu Yulu was startled!

An unspeakable sense of crisis arose in my heart!

"Actually, I still have two cards!"

"However, if it's not the choice, I'm more inclined to the latter!"

Jiang Fan said, a tube of sky-blue potion appeared in his hand!

As soon as this thing appeared, Toguro felt an inexplicable panic suddenly appeared in his heart!

That is exactly the same as just now, facing the big fear of life and death!

"Remember what I said just now? Compared to the bloodline, this thing really makes me terrified!"

"But to me, life is more important than life and death!"

"Even if it is... Become a monster!"

With a helpless smile, Jiang Fan suddenly stuck this tube of injection into his neck!

T virus (unknown level): Will you become a superman or a monster? This is the famous tyrant virus! Its beauty can only be known by personal experience!

Remarks: Injecting this virus, you will have various abilities such as automatic healing, recovery from disability, and breakthroughs in combat power within the duration! But as a last resort, don't try to inject it!

System reminder: within ten minutes of injection, be sure to use the antidote! Otherwise it will have unpredictable consequences!


As the virus was injected, Jiang Fan suddenly let out a horrible cry!


It was a kind of heart-piercing, devastating pain!

It is a pain that tears flesh and blood, tears cells, and even genes are broken!

Even Jiang Fan's skin and flesh were dripping with blood, and his bones were moving back and forth!

However, what followed was a force that broke through the limit, broke free from the shackles, and completely surpassed all constraints!

grade ten!

Finally, a complete breakthrough!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, who has truly entered the tenth level, has a profound background, like a tsunami, completely erupting!

Different from Dylan's precise energy control, from Korder's powerful power, and even from the explosive growth of mana from the Mage System, Jiang Fan actually had his full attributes skyrocketed!

Strength, speed, physical strength, nerve reflexes, and along with it, there is an unprecedented burst of zhenqi!

The endless growth of this energy seems to never end!

However, it hurts!

It really hurts!

Jiang Fan's painful eyes were bloodshot. At this moment, he just wanted to destroy everything!


Jiang Fan suddenly roared, teleported to Hu Yulu, and then hit his chest and abdomen with a heavy punch!


Toyu Lu snorted, and was smashed backwards quickly by this fist, his feet actually plowed the ground into two deep holes!

"Very strong! But, not enough!"

After taking this punch, Toyulu was unscathed!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking yet!

"Boom boom!"

Countless exploding punches have already come one after another!

Jiang Fan was howling desperately as if going mad, punching like crazy!

And as his fists kept falling, Jiang Fan's power was actually still improving!

"Hahaha! Good! Great!"

Hu Yulu laughed wildly, and despite Jiang Fan's fist, he suddenly slammed Jiang Fan!


Smoke and dust filled!

Between the two, it seemed that a missile had been detonated!

However, when the smoke dissipated, everyone was horrified to see that Toguro's punch was firmly held by Jiang Fan!

But even though he held the punch, Jiang Fan’s elbow bones were actually broken by the terrifying impact!

In terms of strength, Jiang Fan was defeated again!

However, in the face of such an injury, Jiang Fan suddenly burst out a weird low laugh!

"Three heads-six arms!"


The four arms that had been broken up before actually appeared again!

And this time, it wasn't just the six-arm state. Three heads suddenly appeared on Jiang Fan's item!

It's just that the eyes of the other two heads are tightly closed!

At the same time, the broken bone at Jiang Fan's elbow was actually in a weird position!

It was just a breathing time, that arm was intact, and there was no trace of scars anymore!

Toguro's expression was shocked, and he was about to punch again!


Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed!

Six-armed main force, three-headed main force!


A powerful and incomparable mental impact suddenly hit Hu Yulu's head like a violent wind passing by!


Toguro's head suddenly tilted back!

And Jiang Fan had already got enough strength, and the six arms suddenly blasted out with the speed that rubbed the air into the fiery red!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan's fists are almost endless!

Mental shock is even more blasting out like money!

Suddenly, Hu Yulu was beaten by Jiang Fan without half the strength to fight back!


Hu Yu Lu, who was like a sandbag, suddenly let out a roar, grabbed Jiang Fan's two arms, and then tore it forcefully!


Jiang Fan's arm was actually torn off by him!



In less than half a second, at the position of the broken arm, Jiang Fan suddenly grew two identical arms!

Rebirth from a severed limb!

Next, there is endless heavy punch bombardment!


With Jiang Fan's unknown number of heavy punches, Hu Yulu unexpectedly spouted a mouthful of blood!

But at this moment!

"Ding! System warning! T virus use has timed out, please inject the antidote immediately!"

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