God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 693: Just ask for money but not life

Colin, who was in charge of the reception, was sweating, and his eyes on Jiang Fan were full of admiration!

Such a crazy fan, even if it was him, it was the first time I saw him!

This takeaway star is too exaggerated!

"Mr. Water, this is the first time I met, I am Colin!"

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"The press conference is on the second floor, please follow me!"

While leading the way, Colin looked at Su Lingyu behind!

"Miss Su, where is Mr. Jiang? Didn't he come?"

Last night’s Russian roulette was over, Jiang Fan has become his idol!

"Jiang Fan, he..."

Su Lingyu glanced at Jiang Fan jokingly: "He is overworked, he is resting!"

She intended to tease Jiang Fan, but she didn't expect it!

"Miss Su! You, you can do this! Are you Pacific?"

Colin looked angry!

Although Mr. Jiang is only Su Lingyu's favorite male, it is also a life!

The point is, that is his idol!

How many times did Su Lingyu make Jiang Fan gallop last night, and he was exhausted by such a fierce man!

Su Lingyu's face was hooded!

"You, what are you talking about?"

"Miss Su, take care of yourself! You and Mr. Jiang are coming to Japan for a long time, so why bother at this moment!"

"You, you mean..."

Even if Su Lingyu is a fool, he understands now!


Jiang Fan couldn't hold back it, and it came out directly!

"You bastard! I blame you! You still laugh!"

Su Lingyu was ashamed and angry, and directly pinched Jiang Fan's waist!

Colin's eyes almost didn't come out!

Could it be that Miss Su hasn't even let go of the takeaway star?

"It's not what you thought, Jiang Fan helped me do things!"

Jiang Fan finally explained with a smile!

Soon, a group of people have arrived in the lobby on the second floor!

At this moment, this place has long been full of reporters!

As soon as Jiang Fan and others appeared, everyone was immediately excited!

Gearing up!

With the end of Colin's speech, the question and answer will begin soon!

"Mr. Water! Do you have any impression of the city that never sleeps?"

A reporter asked hurriedly!

"Let me linger!"

Jiang Fan looked at the causal point in the backpack and said from the bottom of his heart!

"Then, what do you think of our women in the city that never sleeps?"

A blonde female reporter cast a wink at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan thought of the praying mantis carrying a bazooka, blurted out!

"This evaluation is too abstract, right?"

"Is this a human being?"

The crowd looked dumbfounded!

Immediately after--

"The guidance is accurate, the strike is wide, and the power is huge!"

"Mr. Shui's meaning, does it mean that our women in the city that never sleep, have a bright eye and know people, and are passionate?"

"More likely, it means our hot body!"

"This description is really extraordinary!"

"Awesome Klass! Chinese culture is really broad and profound!"

The crowd looked admired!

Wang Yi and others were shocked!

What academic qualifications are these foreign devils?

This is so great!

"Mr. Water, do you have anything you want to say to the fans of the city that never sleeps?"

"thanks for your support!"

"Mr. Water, what do you usually like to eat?"

"Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup!"

"What do you think of Citigroup Technology far surpassing China?"

"5G is easy to use!"

"Do you have any thoughts on the trends in the two countries?"

"Anyone who tries to block the general trend of history will eventually be crushed into slag!"

"Mr. Water..."

Seeing Jiang Fan answer all questions, the reporters were all excited!

There has never been a celebrity who dares to speak so much!

With the end of the press conference, some people actually started to initiate the draft directly!

After lunch, Jiang Fan and the four went out to do two more votes, and did not arrive at the Golden Globe Cinema until two o'clock in the afternoon!

Golden Globe Cinema is an exclusive theater owned by Golden Globe Pictures Group. All configurations are top-notch!

The general premiere ceremony and movie watching are almost always chosen here!

However, unlike before, the scale of the premiere this time is simply unprecedented!

All kinds of celebrities are here!

Several of them are the superstars who have won the actor and actress for several consecutive times!

There are also countless 18-line stars who can't be named, all of them come to catch the heat!

A premiere, directly turned into an all-star carnival!

The movie that was expected to be shown at three o'clock did not start until five o'clock!

It's just that as the plot of the movie continues to unfold, the excitement of the crowd gradually fades, and it is replaced by shock!

"It's so beautiful! The scenery is so charming!"

"The rich oriental flavor, this is really fascinating!"

"The key is acting! Miss Su's acting is well-known internationally and she deserves to be called a queen! But the acting of this takeaway star is also amazing!"

"Yes! It seems that every pore can express emotions!"

"It's too exaggerated! The movie I directed has won five film kings, but the combined acting skills of those five people can't match the takeaway star!"

The eyes of the crowd looking at Jiang Fan are all incredible!

Only at this moment!


A loud noise!

The door of the theater was suddenly kicked open!

In the next moment, more than a dozen brawny men with live ammunition rushed in!

The black muzzle was aimed at everyone!

"Who are you?"

"It looks like a gangster!"

"Stop teasing, there are so many security guards outside!"

"You hurry out! Otherwise don't blame us for being impolite!"

The crowd scolded the culprits!

"Da da da!"

Without a word, the leading brawny shot a bullet directly at the ceiling!

The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet blasted countless holes in the ceiling in an instant!

The crowd was suddenly quiet!

next moment!

"Oh my God! It's a real gun!"

"They are really gangsters!"

"Help! I, I don't want to die!"

"Oh, brother! Don't kill me! I was wrong!"

The most arrogant stars before, knelt directly!

"Bah! A bunch of bastards!"

The strong man sneered, and then he looked directly at everyone present with contempt!

"Tell you, my butcher, David, today, I only ask for money, not for life!"

"Everyone, take all your jewelry and watch cash off for me and throw them into this bag!"

"I'll leave when I am satisfied! If anyone is disobedient, don't blame Laozi—"


Before David finished speaking, a revolver shot suddenly resounded throughout the audience!

next moment!

A bullet is like a flexible swimming fish, suddenly rushing towards David's hand!



The gun in David's hand suddenly exploded!

And this is just the beginning!

The bullet shattered David's gun, suddenly drew an arc, and rushed towards the next gangster!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

More than a dozen bursts in a row!

The guns in the hands of a group of murderers were actually exploded!

The crowd was stunned!

The culprit was also stunned!

A bullet exploded more than a dozen guns, and the movie would not dare to shoot like that!

"Who is it! Stand up for me!"

David trembled and roared desperately!

too frightening!

Who did it!

"Stop screaming, hurry up if you don't want to die! The movie premiere, I don't want to kill!"

A lazy voice sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan stood up suddenly and shook the revolver in his hand at the culprit!

"Yes, it's the takeaway star!"

"I have long heard that he is a master of martial arts in China, but I didn't expect that his marksmanship is even more powerful!"

"One bullet exploded more than a dozen guns! Too, too exaggerated!"

"Is that a gun? You said it was a tracking missile, I believe it!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan in shock, and made no secret of the worship in their eyes!

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