God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 679: Invincible Hot Wheels

Seeing Daniel put on his hat and left, Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly wrinkled slightly!

"Mr. Jiang, this is the red wine in my private possession. Would you like to taste it?"

Mantis handed Jiang Fan a glass of red wine with a look of excitement!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and took a sip after taking it!

"Well, it has a strong aroma, a mellow taste, and a slight rose fragrance. It should be a red wine that has been in the cellar for more than 12 years, but the decanter is a bit worse. It shouldn't be long after it was opened, right?"

"Mr. Jiang is amazing!"

Mantis looked surprised!

"Where and where!"

Jiang Fan smiled modestly, and then suddenly asked, "Miss Mantis, I heard that you are here, and your status is very high?"

"Many people respect me, and I also give them some due rewards, but only in these three blocks!"

The praying mantis smiled slightly, but there was a hint of pride in his eyes!

After all, a woman can achieve this level, it is already very remarkable!

"A lady like you is indeed worthy of respect—"

Jiang Fan smiled and complimented, and suddenly the conversation turned!

"Then, who do not respect you?"

Mantis obviously can't start, but the rest of the people are ready to become Lao Tzu's causal point! Hehehe!

Mantis didn't know Jiang Fan's nasty thoughts. Hearing Jiang Fan's questions, he immediately said endlessly!

In less than an hour, the power distribution of the entire city that never sleeps, and even the scandals of a few big brothers, were completely wiped out by him!

"It's so pleasant to talk to a beautiful lady like you!"

Jiang Fan finally stood up!

"However, it's a bit late, so I will visit again another day!"

"You, are you leaving now?"

"Yes, otherwise, I will be embarrassed to delay your business for a while!"

"It's okay, it's just blasting a car on Via Verano. It's simple! It's just that Daniel has special requirements and I have to let me do it! I just let it go!

The praying mantis hurriedly said!

"That's it! But since he ordered this, there must be his reason, you are busy, I will leave!"

"Then, that's okay! This is my phone number, please feel free to find me when you have time!"

Mantis reluctantly gave Jiang Fan a note!

Jiang Fan took it and walked out of the private room immediately!

At this moment, on the deck near the private room, the fat guy under Colin and Mantis was drinking positively!

"Colin! Go away!"

"Huh? So fast?"

Colin hurriedly stood up and waved to the fat man: "Edgar, talk to you another day!"

When the two got on the car, Jiang Fan immediately looked at Colin curiously!

"Why are you talking so hilariously with that fat guy?"

"You don't know, I have been in entertainment venues for many years, and I have never seen such a knowledgeable person! This Edgar is simply a master!"


Jiang Fan didn't need his brain to know what this was referring to!

After stopping the car to the door, Jiang Fan first called Wang Yi, and then looked at Colin!

"I will use the car!"

"No problem, as long as you can help me persuade Miss Su, let her read this script, this car, I'll give it to you!"

As Colin said, he pulled out a thick pile of scripts directly from his briefcase!


After a while, Wang Yi, Lu Bu, and Curtis went downstairs with excitement!

And the group of spies who were observing here suddenly became active!

It's midnight soon!

And Jiang Fan and others have also gained a lot!

The city that never sleeps is worthy of the capitalist mind, so rich!

However, in just over an hour, the causal points obtained have exceeded a thousand!

At this moment, Jiang Fan hit the steering wheel and drove directly to another road!

"Boss, shall we not go to Tenth Avenue?"

"Go to the scene first!"


The car came to Via Verano!

However, Jiang Fan and the others had just arrived in the middle of the street, and a Mercedes E63 not far away suddenly "boomed" and exploded a full three meters high!


The three Wang Yi widened their eyes at the same time, and looked at Jiang Fan with incredible expressions!

"Boss, you, you just came out just to blow up the car?"

"Praise you, my master! You are such an apostle of chaos!"

"Foster father, want to see why it is so troublesome to blow up cars, wait for the child to blow up all the cars in this block for you!"

The three looked excited!

"Damn! I didn't blow it up!"

As Jiang Fan was talking, a group of thugs had already rushed out, and among them there was a woman carrying a rocket launcher!

Although the woman wears a hood, she looks like a praying mantis!


She really has a bazooka in her hand!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Wang Yi was also stunned!

"Boss, I, I'm a bit homesick, this horrible place is really unsafe!"

"Nonsense! I'm homesick!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

As expected of Citi, it's **** messy!

When Mantis and others came near the exploded car, a group of people suddenly raised their guns and shot the car indiscriminately!

Then, as soon as the praying mantis waved his hand, a group of people wanted to retreat!

But at this moment!


A roar suddenly sounded!

The next moment, a **** man with a strong figure and a tight waistcoat suddenly fell from the sky!

"It's level nine!"

Edgar, the fat man beside Mantis, suddenly let out a scream of horror!


Mantis exclaimed, dropped the bazooka, and then withdrew!



With the sound of the wind flashing, the **** man leaped high and rushed directly into the crowd!


The big man suddenly hit the ground with a punch!

The whole ground trembled fiercely like a wave!

Everyone was shocked to fly for more than ten meters, and then fell heavily to the ground!

For a time, everyone was thrown with blood violently, and there were a few unlucky ones, and even the bones were broken and broken!

"You scumbags! How dare to assassinate Master Korezer!"

The big man is furious and crazy!

"What?! Corey? Derek Corey?!"

The praying mantis was stunned!

The heart is full of boundless chill!

It is calculated!

"Wait! Let me explain!"

The praying mantis screams desperately!


"go to hell!"

The big man roared, aimed at the ground, and suddenly hit another punch!

Unlike last time, this time, before the fist hits the ground, the entire ground is already twisted like a whirlpool!

As long as the big man's fist falls, all of them will be crushed to death by this twisted ground!

That's it!

Mantis's heart is desperate!

But at this moment!


A silhouette resembling a hurricane suddenly shot from a distance!

It's Jiang Fan!

"Invincible Hot Wheels!"

Just as the big man's fist was about to fall, Jiang Fan suddenly took a flying kick and kicked the big man's **** directly!


The big man screamed, his whole person was almost like a car wheel, and he rolled out more than ten meters in a row, and then hit the street lamp on the side of the street!


With a muffled noise, the brawny man rolled his eyes and almost passed out without pain!

Everyone was stunned!

Staring dumbfounded, Jiang Fan is like a **** descending to earth!

So handsome!

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