God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 673: Fruity smell in the air

Zhou An, Zhou Ding, who was standing next to the hole, was firmly sucked before he could react!

"what happened?"

Zhou Heng's face changed drastically!

And Zhou Ying frowned, and she was about to reach out and grab the two of them!



Zhou An, Zhou Ding suddenly let out a miserable howl!

next moment!

"Kaka Kaka!"

The two of them were almost thrown into a smasher, their bones and flesh were all twisted, and the blood was squeezed out of the seven orifices!

In less than half a second, the two of them were actually sucked in by this big hole!

"Bastard! Who is it!"

Zhou Heng roared suddenly, and slammed into the hole with a fierce punch!

Ten-level power, this punch is enough to smash steel!

However, at the same time that Zhou Heng burst into a punch, the suction force actually skyrocketed ten times!

Zhou Heng didn't even have time to make a scream, just like Zhou An and Zhou Ding, he was also pulled into the hole alive!

Zhou Ying's face was pale and she was shaking all over!

What on earth is there down here!

No, no!

Must go!

It is so easy to kill the tenth level in a second, no matter what this thing is, it is definitely not something that you can contend!


Zhou Ying just tapped his feet, and he was almost at the door of the Pantheon!

Just take one step forward and you can completely escape from the entire Pantheon!

But at this moment!


In the hole, a horrible suction force ten times stronger than before suddenly burst out!

Zhou Ying, who was about to escape, was actually dragged back by this suction!

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Zhou Ying screamed desperately!

From the whole body, there was a terrifying aura that made the entire Pantheon tremble fiercely!

He has used all his strength!

But it's useless!

The pull was getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, it directly pulled him into the hole!

"no no!!!"

Zhou Ying's screams suddenly cut through the night sky!

next moment,

"Kaka Kaka!"

Zhou Ying convulsed all over, his bones shattered, and he disappeared into the hole in almost just a breath!

At the same time, the surrounding blood stains quickly penetrated into the ground and disappeared!

Faintly, an excited voice suddenly sounded!

"The flesh and blood of the strong is still so sweet..."

"Well, this taste actually comes from Kyushu..."

"It's almost...on it, I'm out..."

With the disappearance of this ghost-like voice, the big hole on the ground, unexpectedly born out of nothing, closed strangely!

Only then did the guards who heard the screams rush in!

It's a pity that in the Pantheon at this moment, it's quiet, as if nothing happened!



With a roar, the plane steadily stopped at the bull demon airport!

Bull Demon Knock City is also known as the city that never sleeps, and is the largest city in the entire Americas! It is also the most developed and representative city!

At the same time, this is also the last stop of the crew's global publicity!

Everyone filed out of the cabin!

Due to the time difference, it is only eight o'clock in the evening here, and the starry sky is shining, and Ye Ye is shining!

"What a bright starry sky! This moon is much brighter than China's!"

"Yes! Citi is better! The air is full of fruity sweetness!"

"That's it! It looks like Huaxia, rubbish!"

Two Chinese women with heavy makeup on the same flight looked excited!

The rest of the people's faces sank!

This world has never lacked brain damage! Chongyang dogs are everywhere!

A young boy looked upset and prepared for theory!

But at this moment!

"Miss, that's not the moon, it's the tower lamp!"

"In addition, the smell you smell, I'm sorry, I ate too much fruit before, just fart, it will inevitably bring a little fruity smell!"

Jiang Fan suddenly turned around and smiled!

The two women were dumbfounded and wiped their eyes vigorously!

Sure enough, it is really a tower lamp!

The fruity smell just now, could it be...

The two women blushed like old aunts, turned around and ran away while covering their faces!

"Little brother! Great!"

"Too much relief!"

"Good job! That kind of person is not worthy of being a Chinese!"

"Yeah! This is how they should be treated with such foreign-minded stuff!"

A group of Chinese applauded one after another, and even two Citi nationals joined in!

"Huh? What applause do you people from Citigroup applaud?"

"Because this little brother said so well! That kind of depreciation of the motherland, we Citi Country look down on it!"

Soon, Jiang Fan and others left the airport low-key, and a tall and thin middle-aged man immediately greeted him!

"Miss Su, all the hard work!"

The man smiled!

"you are?"

"My name is Colin, the general manager of the planning department of Golden Globe Pictures!"

Golden Globe Pictures is the distributor of Everbright City, and at the same time, it is also one of the largest film groups in North America!

The group dispatched a planning general manager, and it seems that this time the production team’s publicity is also very important!

"Mr. Colin, hello!"

Su Lingyu nodded!

"Huh? Where's Mr. Water? Didn't he come?"

Colin looked curious!

At this moment, Jiang Fan did not wear a mask to avoid trouble!

So for a while, no one actually recognized him!

"Oh, Mr. Water went out by himself after getting off the plane, let's go to the hotel first!"

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

"you are?"

"Miss Su's assistant, Jiang Fan!"

When I heard Jiang Fan was just an assistant, Colin ignored him immediately!

Soon, a group of people have arrived at Gramer Hotel by car!

The hotel is located in the city center, in the golden area of ​​Manha, the most common room here costs more than 700 dollars a night!

And Jiang Fan’s rooms are the top suites!

"Miss Su, Director Wang, this is the itinerary for the next two days. Take a look!"

In Su Lingyu's suite, Colin said while handing over a document!

Jiang Fan picked it up smoothly!

Colin was taken aback!

But seeing Su Lingyu and Wang Yi's expressions as they should, he immediately raised his eyebrows!

This kid is so handsome, Su Lingyu's eyes are full of admiration when looking at him——

So, Su Lingyu's adultery with the takeaway star is fake, this man is her face?

Colin was suddenly excited!

Big news!

No, be nice to this man!

The company is now preparing for a play, in which the heroine will choose Su Lingyu!

However, Su Lingyu is an international big name, and he is very picky in the scene. If he has a good relationship with this Jiang Fan, maybe he can help speak?

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already read the arrangement again!

The itinerary is relatively simple. There will be a press conference tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, I will attend the premiere of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" in North America. In the evening, there will be a company-sponsored dinner!

As for the second day, it’s even simpler. There is a talk show in the morning. After the show ends, this global promotion will officially end!

The reason why the document is thicker is the possible questions and answers listed above!

The information is so meticulous, Golden Globe Pictures really is very careful!

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan nodded, and was ready to go out for a walk!

Publicity is a small matter, but claims are a big deal!

But at this moment!

"Mr. Jiang, this is your first time in Everbright City, right?"

Colin asked suddenly!

"what happened?"

"Hehe, at this time, the night in the city that never sleeps has just begun, do you want to go out for a drink?"


Jiang Fan nodded directly!

Just ask Colin by the way, the distribution of power here!

However, the two talents had just walked out of the room, but Jiang Fan kicked Colin to the ground!

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