God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 661: Reborn from the cocoon, wings are picturesque

Igor was beaten with blood on his face, and he was almost scared to pee!

Since childhood, he has not been beaten before, but it was the first time he was beaten so badly!

The point is that the murderous look in the eyes of this kid on the other side is genuine!

It is really possible that he will kill himself!

"Miss Agata, yes, sorry!"

Igor looked at Agata tremblingly!

The crowd was stunned!

"Igor actually, persuaded?"

"Nonsense! Such a ruthless person who the six relatives don't recognize, even if you meet you!"

"Great! I apologize for the first time I saw the Gennady family!"

"But I'm afraid this kid is in trouble!"

Agata was completely stunned at this time!


Igor, unexpectedly, actually apologized to himself!

I'm sorry, she didn't even think about it in her dream!

But today, it was realized by Jiang Fan!

"Thanks, thank you!"

Agata didn't even look at Igor, but looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude, and tears filled his eyes!

Ajelena also looked at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration!

As expected of idols!

Igor actually forced an apology! Simply domineering!

However, seeing the eyes of the two sisters, Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

He was just beating Igor for his own sake!

Asking Igor to apologize to Agata is entirely to drag the Leonid family into the water!

After all, he has no time to entangle with the Gennady family!

However, seeing the heartfelt gratitude of the two sisters, he inexplicably raised a trace of guilt!

That's it!

I, Jiang Fan, repaid your favor!

"Ajelena, ask someone to bring a piece of red cloth over here!"


Ajelena was startled!

"Don't be in a daze, surround yourself with red cloth, I want to do Agata a favor!"

"Just surround it?"


"That's easy!"

Ajelena smiled slightly and suddenly raised her hand!


In an instant, in a clearing not far away, a huge circle of fire with a diameter of five meters appeared directly!

The flames of this circle of fire rose up to a height of seven or eight meters!

Fire power!

No wonder Ajelena's temper is so hot, she is actually a fire type supernatural person!

Ability is the most versatile ability system in this world. In addition to the most basic wind, fire, water, land and mine, there are also all kinds of weird abilities!

And compared to magic, although the power of the ability is slightly inferior, but the victory is that there is no need to chant, and the shot is extremely fast!

However, the awakening of abilities is extremely difficult. Even if some people have this talent, they may not be able to activate them throughout their lives!

Seeing the ring of fire appeared, Jiang Fan immediately waved to Agata and walked directly to the ring of fire!

"Wait for idols! I forgot to speak to the ring of fire!"

"No need!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, Nine Suns' true energy revolved, stepping into the circle of fire!


Wherever he passed, the fire was directly bounced off by the powerful Nine Suns True Qi!

"God! Is this fire immunity?"

"No! The fire seems to be afraid of him!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Huaxia's true energy! But it can reach the level of invading water and fire, absolutely super powerful!"


The crowd was amazed!

Ajelena is even more beautiful!

Soon, Agata also walked in!

The ring of fire was closed, and there were only two of them left inside!

Jiang Fan looked at Agata silently!

After all, she is a compatriot with the unparalleled beauty of Ajelena. This girl is actually very beautiful. The only pity is that she is really too fat!

It's definitely more than two hundred catties!

"Mr. Water, you, what do you want to help me?"

Agata looked at Jiang Fan timidly, and in his eyes, there was a trace of anticipation that he didn't even dare to dream of it!

"Agata, do you want to lose weight?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

Agata was stunned!

Lose weight?

What a word she was looking forward to!

She is too fat, and because of this body, although those people dare not say anything in front of them, they are calling her the white bear of Leonid's family secretly!

Even looking in the mirror sometimes, she hates herself, why should she have such an ugly body!

In the past few years, she has not thought of ways to take medicine, injections, and even liposuction, but even if she sees well at the time, she will rebound immediately!

Hearing Jiang Fan's question, her eyes were red!

"...Think, I think!"

"I want to lose weight! I want to have the same figure as my sister!"

"I'm tired of being laughed at every day! The days when I cry alone!"

"I wish I could also wear those beautiful clothes instead of just customized long skirts!"

"I want to be respected by everyone more than just a sentence of fat pig and white bear!"

"I, I...uuuuu..."

Agata squatted on the ground, holding his cheeks tightly with both hands!

Jiang Fan walked to him and suddenly patted her hair gently!

"Good! Starting today, the two words Fatty will completely disappear from your dictionary!"

As Jiang Fan said, a European-style corset suddenly appeared in his hand!

Elizabeth's European style corset: No, no, I'm out of breath!

Remarks: Using this item, any woman will have a perfect body in an instant!

"System! Use corset! Target-Agata!"


A white light suddenly spilled on Agata's body!

At the next moment, her extremely fat figure started to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Moreover, not only her body, but her face gradually began to change!

In less than a minute, before Jiang Fan's eyes, there was already a beautiful girl with a devil figure!

Anyone who sees her can recognize her as Agata!

But she has completely changed!

From a caterpillar to a jade butterfly reborn from its cocoon, with picturesque wings!

Agata looked at herself blankly, with shock and ecstasy in her eyes!

"Water, Mr. Water, this, is this really me?"

"Of course!"

"Oh my god! Me, my figure, oh my god! Me, me, oh oh oh..."

Agata stood up suddenly!


Because her dress was too fat before, and her figure is so good!

So she just stood up, all the clothes before, actually slipped down!


Jiang Fan's nose was hot, and two lines of nosebleeds came out directly!

Fortunately, there is a mask that no one can see!

And Agata has hugged Jiang Fan tightly!

Indulge in crying!

How many years have it been!

She never dreamed that she would be born again from the ashes!

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Agata cried loudly!

At this moment, outside the circle of fire, everyone only heard Agata's cry because of the hunting flames!

Ajelena was shocked, thinking that something was going on inside, she hurriedly evacuated the flame!


As the flame disappeared, everyone was stunned!

An unbelievable look!

I saw that in the former circle of fire, a girl who looked like a natural figure, Yujie and icy, was holding Jiang Fan tightly!

That girl's figure, just let people take a look, can't help but the blood is boiling!

"God, my goodness!"

"It's so charming!"

"Who is this? How could there be such a perfect figure!"

"Just looking at it makes me think the ammunition depot is going to explode!"

The eyes of the crowd are almost dead on Agata!

Hearing the call from the crowd, Jiang Fan and the two realized that the ring of fire had disappeared!

Jiang Fan shook his hand and wanted to take off his jacket!

Agata screamed, then took a step back!

In the next moment, a layer of gorgeous dress made of ice crystals appeared on her body!


Not only did she lose weight, she also awakened, the ice-type supernatural power!

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