
The car's engine rang, and a car stopped directly beside them!

When the car door opened, Su Lingyu and Yu Rui got out of the car immediately!

Behind them is Lu Bu with various shopping bags in his hands!

"Jiang Fan, I bought you a set of clothes, you can try to fit it!"

Su Lingyu looked excited!

Today’s shopping is super cool!

After being out for a few days, I finally had a go shopping!

Jiang Fan looked at the shopping bag that Su Lingyu handed over, but the scene of the last time he went shopping with Xia Fanxing appeared in his mind!

She went to the capital when she left, and she doesn't know how she is now!

Thinking of Xia Fanxing, he thought of Chen Ling again!

There are more than ten days left, which is what Lin An said at the time of the wedding!

As soon as Chen Ling arrives at Lin's house, she will inevitably be killed by Lin An!

"Jiang Fan?"

Seeing Jiang Fan in a daze, Su Lingyu immediately stretched out his hand and shook it before his eyes!

"Oh, thank you!"

Jiang Fan recovered and looked directly at Albert!

"I will leave Gaul tomorrow morning. I don't know how long I will be when I come again. When I'm away, work hard!"

"Yes! Disciple remembered!"

"Also, to Dick, be honest, no matter how you were before, from now on, treat him like your father! As for Jacques, if this kid is not honest, you will beat me up!"


"Trust me, the more you beat Jacques, the more assured Dick! Just do what I say, and you will understand in the future!"

"Yes! But teacher, you, can't you stay a few more days?"

Albert looked dissatisfied!

"I have a lot more things to do later! Go ahead, starting tomorrow, you are Fernan's real heir!"


Farewell to Albert, Jiang Fan finally returned to the room!

Then, he looked at his causal point with excitement!

Thirteen thousand!


"System! Upgrade the bell jar!"

"Ding! It takes 1500 causal points to upgrade the Golden Bell in the sixth level. Are you sure?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host Golden Bell for reaching the sixth level! There are currently seven remaining doors!"

"Continue to upgrade!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the Golden Bell..."

"carry on!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host Golden Bell for reaching the ninth level! There are currently four remaining doors!"

The golden bell was upgraded to the ninth level, and it cost a total of 10,000 causal points, leaving three thousand!

The tenth level requires 4,500 causal points, but it is not enough!

But this is almost enough, there are only four doors left, it should be no problem to keep opening!

Jiang Fan moved the four hoods to the four positions of the two plantar springs, lower abdomen perineum, and tailbone Changyang. Under normal circumstances, even if someone knows these four positions, it is definitely not easy to succeed!

Unlike the golden bell of the skill card, the golden bell of the skill card generates a shield directly outside the body, while the skill is purely to enhance the physical defense!

In the real world, the practice of the golden bell is extremely hard. Not only does it need to beat the body in real time, but also soak in the potion, and finally it can reach the level that the diamond is not bad!

And Jiang Fan, with such a big deal of effort, is simply better than others who have cultivated for a lifetime!

After washing, Jiang Fan went to bed directly!

But he didn't know, because of tonight's secret shooting and the looting of the underground world of Gaul, his worth has almost skyrocketed ten times!

However, even if he knew it, Jiang Fan would only laugh!

After all, the more people who are greedy, the greater his wealth!

A group of people arrived at the airport early the next morning!

At this moment, the private jet prepared by the Fernand family is ready, but neither Dick nor Albert showed up!

Albert is afraid of sadness. As for Dick, it is purely because of fear!

It was so miserable by Jiang Fan last night, he really didn't want to meet Jiang Fan!

Saying goodbye to everyone, a group of people boarded the plane and went straight to Tsarist Russia!

After five hours of flying, the plane finally landed at Ludu Airport!

However, due to the time difference, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon in the capital of Tsarist Russia at this moment!

It was Victor, the eldest son of the Vasily family, who came to greet the crew, and there were a dozen security guards with him!

Victor is tall and tall. Although he is not yet thirty years old, he has a beard on his face. When he sees Su Lingyu, he suddenly laughs and gives Su Lingyu a big hug!

"Friends! I finally waited for you!"

Su Lingyu smiled and hugged him, then turned to introduce Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, this is Victor, my good friend!"

"Hello! Little man!"

Victor looked at Jiang Fan with a slight scorn in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand directly!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook Victor!


Victor's face changed!

It's so exciting!

Jiang Fan's strength is simply greater than that of a compressor!

"Friend, welcome to Greentown!"

Victor released his hand and compared his thumb directly to Jiang Fan!

Su Lingyu was startled!

Just shaking his hand, Victor actually recognized Jiang Fan as a friend?

Soon, a group of people got into the car through the VIP passage and went straight to the hotel arranged by the Vasily family!

The Aurora Hotel is one of the five-star hotels in Greentown. It is located in the center of the city and is only two blocks away from the famous Greentown Plaza. The Vasily family arranged the crew here. Attention!

The convoy soon arrived downstairs in the hotel, and a group of waiters came out immediately to help arrange the salute!

"Miss Su, Mr. Shui, I will show you the room first!"

Victor smiled at the two and walked toward the hotel first!

But at this moment!

One of the waiters who had been helping with the salute suddenly looked fiercely and grabbed Su Lingyu!

This person obviously wants to be disadvantageous to Su Lingyu!

Yu Rui's face sank and kicked out!

Unexpectedly, this person turned over and took out a pistol backhand and pointed it directly at Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned!

The real purpose of this person is to kill Jiang Fan!

At this moment, the distance between the killer and Jiang Fan was less than five meters!

Suddenly, everyone did not react!


With a gunshot, a bullet suddenly hit Jiang Fan's forehead!

"Jiang Fan!"

Su Lingyu wailed, and for a while, only felt that his heart was broken!

Yu Rui's complexion was even more pale, and her eyes were completely unbelievable!

Victor seems to be thunderous!

The whole person is blinded!

As soon as the crew arrived in Ludu, the Takeaway Star was assassinated, and the reputation of their entire family was ruined!

Curtis screamed even more, and he was ready to lose his soul!

Only Lu Bu sneered while holding his arms!

Jiang Fan's head was suddenly thrown back by the bullet!

But the headshot scene did not appear!

The scene was silent for a full second!

Jiang Fan, who had been leaning back, actually straightened up again little by little!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had a gloomy expression. Except for a red dot on his forehead, he couldn't see the slightest injury!

Everyone was stunned!


"What did I see?"

"Zi, the bullet head is okay?!"

"Is that human being?"

"It's too exaggerated! Is that forehead for steel plate?"

Even the killer was stunned!

With a dumb look!

Could it be that I took a fake gun?

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