
Before those hunters appeared, Jiang Fan had already returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 226 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Wu Song's gratitude-three bowls are not enough!"

A jar full of mellow spirits suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Three bowls are not enough: wine is strong and courageous! This wine is really exciting!

Remarks: This is a highly purified altar of "three bowls but not the guard"! Drinking this cup will make the goods become fierce!

There are not many rewards, but it’s nice to be able to see Wu Song!

It's a pity that I couldn't talk about Wu Dalang with him, but in the future, there must be a chance!

After changing a new set of clothes, Jiang Fan immediately returned to the real world!

In the afternoon, I attended a press conference organized by the Vincent family as usual. After Su Lingyu was going to go shopping, Jiang Fan sent Lu Bu to be her bodyguard, and immediately hurried back to the Emir Manor with great interest!

At this moment, a group of Gaul rich men who were instigated by Jiang Fan yesterday have successively sent countless treasures over!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up as soon as he entered the villa!

I saw a dazzling array of treasures in the entire hall of the villa!

There are antique jewels, exotic flowers and plants, and even living creatures!

That thing is like a ball, placed in a cage, dark and invisible!

Jiang Fan leaned over to take a look, and suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched!

Isn't this a big **** guy!

This group of people is really...

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan began to screen these items the same way!

As for Wang Yi, he is like an ancient harem chief, following Jiang Fan with a smile on his face, and keeps recording with pen and paper in his hand!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 20 karma points for selling this item!"

"Take this down! Two contribution points!"

"Go! An ancient book from the Dondel family! Two contribution points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! You can get 27 causality points if you sell this item!"

"This is also recorded, rounded up, and counted as his two contribution points!"

"Ah? Does rounding mean that?"

"Isn't it?"

"Hehe, what Mr. Jiang said, nothing wrong! One enamel vase from Beilun Group! Two contribution points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item..."

This contribution point is something that Jiang Fan invented himself, but if you send it, no matter how much it is on the market, it will only be calculated based on the causal point!

Ten cause and effect points are exchanged for one contribution point, and one contribution point is exchanged for ten days of life!

As for wanting him to donate all his 50-year birthdays, hehe, I want to be beautiful!

Fifty years of life is more than 18,000 days! But can these things be exchanged for 18 thousand causal points?

Of course not!

Anyway, how many lives the guys have won by that time will definitely not be announced everywhere!

Jiang Fan and the two of them are happy, and Curtis, who is doing nothing, stares out!


The owner is really dark!

High strength, brutal means, the key is shameless and black!

With such a master, why can't you make a fortune?

The two of them stayed busy until it was dark, and among them there were a few identifiable items, but Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and sold them all!

The second job transfer is coming soon, now is not the time to bet on luck, all the causal points must be used to improve the strength!

Stretching hard, Jiang Fan finally looked at his space backpack!


Jiang Fan steeply took a step back!

"Mr. Jiang! What's wrong?"

Wang Yi was shocked!

"No, it's okay!"

Jiang Fanqiang held back his excitement!

so much!

There are so many!

Counting the claims made last night, his causal point at the moment has soared to a full 13,000 points!

It's soaring like flying!

Jiang Fan's excited eyes are full of excitement!


That's so cool!

These wealthy chaebols are indeed living pockets!

It seems that the focus of the future should not only be on the underground forces, but also on these people!

However, Gaul can be regarded as his home court after all. In other places, I am afraid it would be difficult to get so much!

"Curtis, see if there is anything you can use, and let Wang Yi write it down for you. As for the contribution points, let's just count them!"

"Great master! I praise you! Your generosity is far greater than the vast Pacific Ocean!"

Curtis's eyes shined with excitement!

He had already matched a few things, but he didn't dare to move without Jiang Fan's words!

"Good flattery, keep working hard! Wang Yi, after Curtis picks up things, he calls those people, and I want to share their lives!"


Jiang Fan stayed busy until late at night, and finally gave up his life!

And only then did Curtis come over!

"Master, Mr. Dick has been waiting for you in the guest room!"

"How long has he been here?"

"Almost an hour!"

"okay, I get it!"

As soon as Jiang Fan took two steps, he saw Curtis also follow!

"I can do it myself!"

"But, master..."

"You are too weak, I'm afraid you will be embarrassed by that great magician!"

Jiang Fan will leave after speaking!

Curtis was stunned!

He is level nine!

And it's a ninth-level necromancer!

If you were in ancient times, you would be equivalent to an army by yourself!

This kind of strength is actually said to be too weak?


In front of the owner, he is indeed too weak!

For the first time, Curtis suddenly had a desire to become stronger!

The main thing is, if you no longer become stronger, I am afraid that these benefits in the future will not be worthy of you at all!

Greed is also the driving force behind the progress of strength!

As soon as Jiang Fan came to the guest room, he saw old Emil sitting on the sofa with Dick drinking a cigar!

Opposite the two, there was a thin old man who was flipping through a yellowed ancient book!

Although the old man didn't have any energy fluctuations all over his body, the gem ring engraved with countless runes on his finger had betrayed his identity!

This old man is definitely an extremely powerful magician!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, old Emilton stood up!

"Jiang, you came just right. There are some things in the family that need to be dealt with. You guys talk slowly!

Seeing the old Emil leave, Dick immediately smiled, took out a card and handed it to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry for what happened in the morning. This is Fernan's kindness. Please accept it!"

Jiang Fan didn't refuse and took the card directly, but when he saw the logo on the card, he was suddenly startled!

This card itself is three times heavier than an ordinary card, and it is engraved with a horse pattern surrounded by roses, and there is a small letter F next to the pattern!

This is the emblem of the Fernan family!

"Mr. Dick, what are you?"

"This card is an enshrinement card in the Fernan family. Each one has its own number and is unique!"

"In the future, if Mr. Jiang has any trouble he doesn't want to deal with, he only needs to click on the icon of the card. The local Fernan belongs to, and he will contact you immediately to help you solve the trouble!

Dick smiled slightly!

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

What a big hand!

The function of this card is almost the same as the Ring of Covenant of Amir!

In other words, as long as you didn't reject this card, it was equivalent to being tightly tied to Fernan!

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