God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 650: Who believes in who is a big silly cha

As soon as the door of the car was opened, the two men ran out of the car in a hurry!

One of them turned out to be Dick!

And another handsome young man in his twenties is actually Jiang Fan's disciple and Fernan's heir, Albert!

However, when they saw what the scene looked like, both of them were stunned!

In the Emile Manor, the villa is full of cracks and crumbling!

And on the ground, there are all big craters that seem to have been struck by meteorites!

Farther away, Jiang Fan was squeezing Kold's neck with one hand, looking at them with a smile!


"Jiang Fan?!"

As soon as Albert saw Jiang Fan, his expression was immediately happy!

But Dick was shocked!

Especially when he saw Korod, who had no resistance in Jiang Fan's hands, his heart was cold!

Korod is a full ten-level berserker!

It is the most powerful berserker among all ability systems!

Especially, he is still a berserker after madness!

But now, he is actually pinched by Jiang Fan's neck tightly, and there is no room to resist!

What kind of terrifying power Jiang Fan must be!

Level 11? Level 12?

"Dead! Die!"

At this moment, Korold's eyes are red, and he is still struggling desperately!

A pair of blood pupils stared at Jiang Fan firmly!


"Not honest yet!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were suddenly ruthless!

In the next moment, he actually pinched Kold's neck, directly slammed him to the ground, and slapped him fiercely!


Everyone just felt that the ground under their feet shook violently!

Under Corod, he directly blew up a handful of earth waves more than ten meters high!


Kold suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood!

Even the blood in the eyes gradually began to fade!

However, this is not over yet!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan had already rode directly on Kold!


"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan punched left and right, it was like a machine with no emotions, and the violent beating began!


Kold is spouting blood again!

Even with his mouthful of teeth, Jiang Fan was beaten off by Jiang Fan!

The crowd is watching the hood!

What a hatred this is!

It was fine just now!

Especially, as Jiang Fan fell with a heavy fist, Kold's eyes were gradually full of fear!

Finally, unexpectedly, suddenly wailed!


Everyone gasped!

Too abnormal!

Unexpectedly, the berserker after the berserker has been awakened!

This is so unheard of!


"I'll spare you old wood!"

Jiang Fanhu let out a roar, his attack was even more ruthless!


I made my head bald!

Forgive you, where is so easy!

Everyone was stunned!

"What's the matter? Just now, Mr. Jiang hasn't been so angry yet!"

"I don't know! Since my head is bald, I have suddenly been cruel!"

"This, shouldn't it be because..."

Everyone shut up!

"Mr. Jiang, be merciful!"

Dick finally couldn't help it anymore! Keep going, Korod has to be beaten to death!

However, Jiang Fan was not moved at all!

The beating continued for three minutes, and then he slammed Corrod's stomach with a fierce punch!


Korod was blasted and sat up suddenly, and then his head tilted!

Jiang Fan grabbed his neck and threw it casually. Kold drew a parabola and fell to Dick's feet with a "plop"!


Dick suddenly let out a cry, like a wailing concubine!

People above the tenth level are all geniuses. These people are arrogant and extremely difficult to subdue!

It can be said that every tenth level is the most precious wealth of any big family!

But, Corod actually died like this?

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him, I just fainted!"

"What?! Thanks, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Dick looked intently and finally heaved a sigh of relief!

Although Korod was terrible, he was really just dizzy!

However, he was shocked immediately!

Jiang Fan beat Kold into this virtue like beating his son!

What is his level of strength?

Could it be stronger than this one in the car?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but looked at his car!

"Mr. Dick, long time no see!"

Jiang Fan called to Dick, and then he tore off the damaged jacket, then took out a new one from his backpack and replaced it!

"Space magic?!"

"Does the master still have the magic and martial arts double repair?!"

Curtis' eyes widened suddenly!

This cunning Necromancer was even more afraid of Jiang Fan's strength for a while!

Dick was even more shocked!

at this time!

"Father! Father! Help me!"

Jacques' screams suddenly sounded!

Dick turned his head and looked, his complexion suddenly changed!

At this moment, Jacques, one hand and one leg, all hang down softly!

On the other hand, **** were broken!

The whole face is full of tears and nose!

"Sorry, Mr. Dick, this kid will do something to Miss Su after he comes in!"

"The old Emil knows his identity, but dare not say anything!"

"If it weren't for me to hear the voice and go to rescue, I'm afraid Miss Su..."

"I didn't know that he was your son until I finished the fight. You won't blame me for this, do you?"

Jiang Fan has a sincere apology on his face!

Everyone was stunned!

If you open your eyes and talk nonsense, you have to have a limit, right?

Obviously you beat him before you knew the identity of the other party!

Those words, whoever believes that is a big silly cha!

Jacques was dumbfounded!

Pointing at Jiang Fan and didn't say anything for a long time!

Shouldn't this reverse the black and white words be your own lines?

This bastard, how to make up a story is slippery than yourself!

"Father! He farts! This **** is simply—"

Before Jacques finished speaking, Dick grabbed him by the neck without saying anything, and snatched him back from Lu Bu!



A loud slap hit the hapless child's face!

Jacques was completely dumbfounded!

"You, why are you hitting me?"

"Bastard! You can just play around! Now you dare to run to the Emile Manor to insult Mr. Jiang's friend! If you weren't my son, I would have strangled you!"

As Dick said, he slapped it again!

Jacques rolled his eyes and fainted!

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang, I am not strict in discipline!"

Dick looked apologetic, and then bowed slightly to Su Lingyu!

"Miss Su, you have been wronged, don't worry, I will strictly discipline him in the future!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with shock!

The power of the Fernand family in Europe can be described as a giant!

But Dick actually fainted his son for Jiang Fan!

This can only explain one thing!

Fernan, I can't provoke Jiang Fan!

It's too ridiculous!

How capable is Jiang Fan?

However, there is another possibility!

That is, Dick is a big idiot, really believes Jiang Fan's words!

However, this is so much more outrageous than Fernan who is afraid of Jiang Fan!

For a while, everyone's eyes looked at Jiang Fan, and they were all wrong!

"Mr. Dick is polite!"

Seeing Dick's sincere face, Su Lingyu hurriedly responded!

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Emile, I'm sorry, I'll take this idiot to the hospital first, and then come to apologize later!"

"You please!"

Dick hurried into the car with Jacques and Corod and left the manor soon!

Fortunately, this is also an extended car, otherwise it will not fit these two people!

Only then did Dick look gloomy and looked at the other man in the car!

"Adrian, why didn't you make a move just now?"

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